8 Best Programming Language In 2023
What is a Programming Language?
A programming language is a way for the Developers or Programmer to communicate with computers and other devices(IOT) using machine understandable code.
There are many programming language available across the world, each language is created for specific features and when the language is written it is required to be translated into bytecode and machine code which the computer can then perform.
As per a data there are over 700 different kinds of programming languages which are available that can be utilised to talk to machines.
By picking and learning the right programming language and expanding your knowledge of the languages you already understand, you can improve your resume and also stand out from other candidates.
Today we have tried picking up 8 Programming Language which we feel are very popular and learning them can definitely give you an extra mileage in your career in 2023.
Python can be used effectively to create any kind of program that does not need direct access to the computer hardware. It is a general-purpose programming language based on the ABC language. It is high-level programming with an open-source that was formulated in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. This language is presented by (PSF) Python Software Foundation).
Google App Engine, Maya, Youtube, Google search, iRobot machines etc are the application and companies that assigned Python at the time of Python development. In the comparison of other languages like C, C++ this program gets slower although its development time is quick.
Features of Python
- It has a pre-compiled code and it is comprehended, incorporated and directly executed language that means before executing your program or system you don’t have to assemble it.
- As in comparison with other programing language like Java, C, C++ etc. it is easy and simple.
- It has a huge standard Library and having an open source nature.
- This program is object-oriented that is easy to learn with less amount of keyword as simple as the other language learning English .
- It has garbage collection and support Graphical User interface (GUI)
Go language was developed in 2007 but launched in 2009 at Google by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer. They have generated this as an open source programming language. Among all the developers Golang is one of the most trending languages. Here on Golang, we can find the garbage collection, accepted library and the standard typing proficiency. This language is termed as Golang due to its domain name golang.org. Golang is preferred for system programming.
If you want to use Go programs without installing it, you can go through some online IDE’s like repl.it, The Go playground etc.
Features of Golang
- Enormous Library writing code on Golang is very simple due to its large standard library. As compared with other languages like Java and Python, the library of Golang is not big but it has all the important things for coding.
- Easy and Readable Golang doesn’t add extra unuseful things and has only those characteristics which are applicable. This program is easy and very simple to use. The way this is formulated by which its code is easy to understand, and readable for any programmer.
- Quickness is far better The performance and quickness of compilation are far better than other languages like Python, Java.
This open-source programming language was developed in 2014 by Chris Lattner Apple Inc. and designed by Joe Groff, Ted Kremenek, Doug Gregor, Apple Inc and John McCall. For many applications this language is all new as for macOs application, TvOs application, watchOS application, iOS application. Swift replace objective C and become popular all around the Apple society of developers and with the process going it became in the list of top 5 programming languages.
Any software that operates code and writes, it’s the characteristic of Swift. Some of the software are desktops, phones etc. The data of Swift is organized automatically. Among all the programming languages of 2018 Swift rated 14th and it is in a good demand and it is more faster than the other programming language such as Python and Objective -C.
An object-oriented, open-source language inaugurated in 2011 by JetBrains had performed on several platforms like Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android, JavaScript, watchOS etc. And it is completely interoperable with the Java code but in comparison with Java, kotlin is a better language. It gives the best support on Android. It is statically typed, free and provides you with safety. This language is formulated for Java Virtual Machine ( JVM) and Andriod. It is very useful and has many techniques likes lazy evaluation, operated overloading, lambda expression, higher-order functions etc. It can create automatically of boilerplate like hasCode, toString etc. One of the main characteristics is Kotlin has Statically typed that means for the declaration it is not important to restrict every variable. Some of the companies name who is using this programming language is Pinterest, Google, Uber ,Kickstater. Etc
JavaScript is designed by Brendan Eich and Netscape and was first released on 4 December 1995 which is stable released by ECMAScript in 2020. A programming language that is used for many things like web development, application, web applications, web browsers etc. With the comparison of another language as common as HTML and CSS, Javascript has more characteristics on web pages. For connecting with a user JavaScript provides some elements that interactive web pages. On Amazon, we use Javascript that contains a search box. It’s a scripting language that helps functional programming styles and a useful programming language for a web page. You can easily play audio music and a video and have an appearance of animation as well. In this language, a programmer can find all calculations related to maths and permits you to add HTML data to the DOM.
It manages prototypes that emulate the most important characteristic. For functioning with data structure, text, (DOM) Document Object Model JavaScript has an important application that is (APIs) application programming interfaces. It is very popular in some theaters such as Titanium, Apache, PhoneGap, NativeScript etc.
Node.js is formulated by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and its form on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine.
It is commonly used in those applications where a lot of traffic is obtained daily routine such applications are Book My Show, Netflix, Uber, Ola etc. It’s an open-source program that is composed in JavaScript and it performs under Node.js runtime on Linux and Microsoft Windows. For the user working in Node.js is of huge importance and it facilitates the growth of web applications because of having a standard library.
It’s a platform where the programmer finds the network application an easy and quick facility. One of the simplest definitions of Node.js is an open-source platform where you find the Javascript library with the Runtime Environment. It can easily handle the error.
The main features of Node.js are you will not find any kind of buffering, no data will buffer and its library is very quick that a code can be performed easily.
An open-source scripting language which is facilitated by the server-side and this PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. RasmusLerdorf formulated this in the year 1994. This PHP programming language is used for the formation of robotic buzz management and graphical apps. You can easily install and use this programming language for free. The most famous application of social networking is Facebook. It has an extension that includes PHP code, CSS, HTML, and last but not least JavaScript. PHP flows on a flat browser named HTML and is performed on a server.
For the user, this language is simple and catches quickly due to the flow on a server-side. Unix, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows etc are the platforms where this PHP operates. One of the main features of the version is having decent error handling.
PHP’s main mark is text and has many auxiliary tools that will provide the development process. It has improved the characteristics of flash with the processing of images.
Advantage of PHP
Some of the advantages of PHP are given below:
- It is an open-source independent platform that is used in many platforms like Linux, Os, Windows and UNIX etc.
- This language is simple and easy to regulate and learn for a beginner programmer.
- You can use it for free and many tools function on WordPress.
- One of the reasonable advantages is the PHP program is best for websites because its code flows sooner than the other program like ASP.
- For the better version for data indication, it has the standard library.
- Quickly, that saves your time.
- Because of its flexibility and versatility, it will give you a programmer a fair experience.
- It’s object-oriented that favours a good amount of data.
One of the well know programming language which is used for game development, system programming, high performance application and so on. C++ is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup and it has updated 4 main updated in a year 2011, 2014, 2017 and last in 2022. You can find this language in graphical user interfaces, embedded system and in operating system. This language is easy to learn and quite similar to java, C & C#.
While there are various programming languages that have gained popularity in the last few years, these languages have become the first choice for developers and programmers and are widely recognized in the market. Python, in particular, is a language that wasn’t very popular in the past, but it has recently become crucial for new developers to learn due to its extensive use in many organizations.