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What is Internet of Things (IoT) and Why is it Important?

Introduction to IoT

Imagine you wake up in the morning, and your coffee maker has already begun pouring a cup of hot coffee for you. Or you are returning home from work, and you’re just 5 minutes away when your AC automatically starts up so that it’s already cool and cosy when you arrive. So convenient, isn’t it?

How is this possible? Something must be tracking you – whether you are awake or asleep, where you are, etc. In the first case, it is your smartwatch that detects when you are awake and signals your coffee maker to start up. In the second case, your car’s or your mobile’s GPS knows when you are close to home and signals your AC to turn on.

This connected system of devices, like your smartwatch or mobile or AC, is referred to as Internet of Things or IoT

What is Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things or IoT refers to a network of connected devices that interact and exchange data with each other using sensors or software technologies. Their purpose is to minimize human-to-computer interactions and replace them with computer-to-computer interactions.

IoT devices can vary from smart home devices like smart refrigerators, health monitoring devices, and Alexa to industrial devices like temperature sensors, air quality monitors, and industrial robots.

Why is IoT important

Imagine you are sleeping, it’s 2 o’clock in the night, and you suddenly have a heart attack. Even if you haven’t noticed your hard breathing, the health band on your wrist has already detected a spike in your heart rate. Quickly, it finds the nearest hospital or clinic using GPS and sends them your vitals along with your location. The hospital then dispatches an ambulance to get you, and by the time you arrive, a room is fully prepped with the necessary tools and medications for your treatment.

This is one of the ways IoT systems can save you during critical moments through their fast, automated functioning. Following are some more benefits of IoTs…

Working and Components

An IoT system has the following components…


The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming our world by connecting everyday devices to the internet, making our lives more convenient and efficient. From smart homes to connected cars and industrial automation, IoT is revolutionizing how we live and work. As this technology continues to grow, it opens up endless possibilities for innovation and improvement in various fields. However, with these advancements, it’s important to stay mindful of security and privacy concerns. Embracing IoT responsibly will help us make the most of its benefits while safeguarding our personal data and ensuring a better future for everyone.


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