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Overall Information On 5G Technology

5G Technology Explained: Key Features and Impact

In this article, we will be focusing on how 5G technology evolved from 1G, its key features and concepts, and its impact on various industries.

Introduction to 5G Technology

A few years ago, 4G was the fastest that anyone could use. However, with its launching in 2018, 5G completely revolutionized every sector and corner of the modern world. With its ultra-low latency and 100 times faster speed than 4G, it has significantly improved connectivity across the globe.

But how? How is 5G so fast and powerful?

So before discussing the technologies that make 5G what it is, let’s first get a brief overview of how it all started from the beginning…

From 1G to 5G: The Evolution of Mobile Networks

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The first generation of cellular networks i.e. 1G technology was introduced in the 1980s and used analog signals. Being the first of its kind, it was the slowest and had a speed limit of around 2.4 kbps with which it could only manage voice calls within a limited coverage.

1G was succeeded by the second generation or 2G launched in the early 1990s. It replaced analogue signals with digital signals instead. It had a data speed of 64kbps, thus enabling better-quality voice calls, text (SMS) messaging, and multimedia (MMS) messaging.

The third generation or 3G appeared in the early 2000s with a data transfer speed of 2mbps and a bandwidth of 2100MHz. It improved network coverage and allowed faster data transfer along with video streaming/calling.

Next in the line came the fourth generation or 4G which was first commercially used in Norway near the end of 2009. 4G brought in features like LTE or Long-term Evolution and VoLTE or Voice over LTE. This enabled high-quality video streaming/chatting, online gaming, social media, instant messaging, and faster download speed. 4G is the most widely used cellular network presently, although it may not be so in the coming years.

5G or the fifth generation is the latest and the most powerful in today’s world. It was launched in 2018 in the United Nations. It has surpassed previous generations with its 10-20 Gbps speed, negligible latency, and increased capacity. In short, it’s best in almost every way.

Now let’s see how 5G does so…

5G Network Architecture: Key Concepts & Features

♦ Massive MIMO

In massive multiple-input multiple-output or massive MIMO technology, a large number of antenna elements are present on a single base station (hence, massive). This large number of antennas enables the station to receive multiple signals (multiple input) and send multiple signals (multiple output) simultaneously.

In the evolution of the massive MIMO, the first in the line was SISO or single-input single-output, which used a single antenna for receiving and transmitting signals. Then came single-user MIMO in which multiple antennas served a single device, followed by multi-user MIMO in which multiple users could connect to the same network. Massive MIMO is simply an expanded version of multi-user MIMO where several users can use the same network with much more connectivity.Massive MIMO is what gives 5G its huge network capacity and data transfer speed.

♦ Network slicing

Each user has different connectivity needs at different times – for example, a person streaming HD videos has very different needs from a person simply surfing on the web. The former requires a network with higherbandwidth to reduce buffering while the latter requires a low-latency network for faster site loading speed. Normally in this case, both the users would receive the same connectivity even if one of them is underusing them – which is a waste of resources. Hence, to reduce wastage and provide an optimized network to its users, network slicing is used in 5G.

Network slicing creates several independent virtual networks (or slices) over a common physical network. These virtual networks or slices are different from each other in terms of performance and can be used to serve the specific needs of the user.

♦ Beamforming

Image credits: 5G NR Wireless technology for enhanced user experience

Beamforming technology allows 5G networks to direct signals in specific directions towards a particular user or area instead of sending them in all directions. It is made possible by MIMO technology where an array of antennas concentrate several signals along the same path to improve coverage in a specific area. Beamforming enhances signal quality and reduces interference/noise from neighbouring cells or signals.

5G Service Categories

The enhanced capabilities of 5G technology can be compiled into 3 service categories…

Impact of 5G


The launching of 5G network has transformed every industry and sector – from enhancing personal mobile experiences to empowering space technologies. It has achieved this capability through a combination of supporting technologies and hardware – likemassive MIMO, network slicing and beam forming.However, although 5G is so powerful, making it available in all places will demand significant time and cost. Hence, 5G is expected to work alongside and complement the well-established and widely used 4G network, instead of replacing it completely.

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