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Top DevOps Trends Of 2024

5 Popular Trends In DevOps In 2024

DevOps Trends Of 2024 .We have already talked about top 2024 trends in DevOps in our article –

Today we will be listing the most popular and revolutionizing DevOps trends till date.

1. Microservices

Traditional software used a monolithic architecture that had a single codebase operating all its services such as UI, payment processing, customer support, etc. However, because of having a single unified codebase, updating a single service meant accessing the whole codebase. Also, if one of the components was facing an error, it could affect other components or services as well.

This made the development process cumbersome and complex.

Microservice architecture overcomes this drawback by isolating these services so they no longer affect each other. Making individual updates to a service no longer requires releasing a new version of the entire software.

Overall, the microservice architecture is highly reliable and risk-free and helps to improve productivity and save time.

2. Serverless Computing

What does a server do?

A server stores all the data for a particular website or web application and sends this data when requested by the client’s system. Usually, businesses buy physical hardware that acts as their server. But there are some problems with a physical server:

However, with Serverless computing, businesses need not worry about buying any servers at all. That said, ‘Serverless’ does not mean ‘no servers’ but ‘not buying any servers’.

Overall, it helps save costs for newer and growing businesses while helping with efficiency and scalability.

3. DevSecOps (Development Security Operations)

In the DevOps approach, the software is tested for security only once the entire development process is completed. But in DevSecOps, every step of the development process is accompanied by security testing. Shift Left and Shift Right are a few more terms related to DevSecOps. Shift Left is the process of checking for security issues in the early developmental stages. Shift Right refers to checking for vulnerabilities once the software is launched as some of them might have bypassed the earlier security checks.

Tools like Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing tools automate the security scanning process to keep the development process going and not stuck.

4. AIOps

AIOps, short for artificial intelligence for IT operations, refers to the use of AI and machine learning (ML) to automate IT operations. It is also known as IT operations analytics (ITOA) or Cognitive Operations.

AI is used for various purposes in the software development and deployment sector:

AIOps saves time and expenses by automating several processes. This allows businesses to focus their workforce on more important and less manual tasks. It also lowers the risk of human error. Lastly, it helps with making strategic and data-driven decisions.

5. GitOps

GitOps is a modern approach to software development and deployment that depends on Git repositories and automation. It is defined as “…a set of practices and tools that rely on Git as the central source of truth for managing software applications and infrastructure.” as per a Medium article by Mistazidane. GitOps uses the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concept which means storing all the infrastructure configurations as code in the Git repository. The Git repository is where all the codes regarding the infrastructure and a history of all the changes are stored.

The GitOps workflow is as follows:

  1. A developer raises a ‘pull request’ in the Git repository to change the infrastructure.
  2. The other developers or team members can see this request. They can accept this request as it is, add their contributions, or reject it altogether.
  3. Once the request is finalized, it can be automatically deployed through an automated process that removes any inconsistencies or human errors.

GitOps helps improve collaboration among the team and smoothens the development and deployment process. It is also highly reliable as it allows you to ‘roll back’ to the last best version if the new version doesn’t perform as expected.


As we move further into 2024, the landscape of DevOps continues to evolve, driven by emerging technologies and changing business needs. From the rise of AI and machine learning in automating workflows to the increased focus on security and compliance, these trends are reshaping how we approach software development and IT operations. Embracing these trends can lead to more efficient, scalable, and secure practices, ultimately enhancing your organization’s ability to innovate and respond to market demands. Staying informed and adaptable is key to leveraging the full potential of DevOps in this dynamic environment.

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