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Common Popular Serverless Tools

Best 10 Serverless Tools


Popular Serverless Tools product means “NO server, no worries.” You can only concentrate on your application. By using serverless, you can capture numerous files without have to worry about hard drives or thinking of where to store these files or data. Many companies already had used Serverless in production and these companies are AOL, Netflix & Reuters etc. Serverless is best for applications with variable workloads, where resources are only required occasionally or in response to some specific event. Now, we will discuss best 10 Serverless tool that are as follow:

1. OpenFaas

Alex Ellis launched this project and characterized Kubernetes and Docker as their framework with the help of metrics. OpenFaas is one of the popular Serverless frameworks which is very simple and easy to use.

Alex Ellis is doing a job in VMware as a Senior Engineer and after that he is working on this project. It has full support for metrics and can write functions in any language based on technology that operates on existing hardware or any cloud (Public/Private) like Kubernetes. The architecture of OpenFaas includes API gateway, Watchdog and Queue Worker. By utilizing faas-cli OpenFaas can handle and which can be installed on OSX us innating Brew.

2. OpenWhisk

OpenWhisk is a project of Apache which is endorsed by Adobe and IBM. It is utilized in IBM Cloud Functions and it also inaugurates some of the theories such as Triggers, Alarms, Actions, Feeds etc. Which we can understand this concept below:

Triggers:  It implies an association of events.

Alarms: It is utilized to develop time-based triggers and periodic.

Actions: This function consists of application code of different languages.

OpenWhisk assistance deployment on OpenShift, Mesos, Kubernetes. By using the Helm chart you can easily install this project but it needs few manual interventions.  It has the possibility where you can operate or expand a hosted version by utilizing IBM Bluemix itself.

3. Kubeless

It operates by putting the notion of a process in Kubernetes as (CRD) custom resource definition. It has elevated integrity documentation and an active community. It also has three Custom Resource Definition, on deployment known as httptriggers, functions and the last one is cronjobtriggers.  For the requirement, it is very easy and it does not require a database but it utilizes CRD to stop serving the state.

4. Fission

It is created and maintained by Platform 9 for the high performance and the productivity of developers and also it is created for operating atop of Kubernetes. This tool Fission is written in the language Golang. Like the OpenFass, it also describes three theories: Environment, Trigger and last one is function. It has the option of executors that permits for zero scales and also has Prometheus integration. It furnishes CLI which is known as fission that is utilized to the fission platform and allocated as a binary.

5. Knative

For the support of creating source code into the containers, native gives tools and this framework was formulated with IBM and Red Hat by Google and Pivotal. It endeavors with the events that are consuming and producing. It included a huge amount of open-source tools that contain Fluentd, Elasticsearch,  Zipkin. For operated Serverless service that is founded on Knative Google published Cloud Run.

6. Fn

It is launched as Iron Function and a serverless platform which helps any type of programming language and has the potential to operate on any premise or cloud. This tool is easy to use for the developers one of the reasons is it is written in the Go language.

7. Stackery

Stackery is focused to facilitate Serverless application development as well as the infrastructure of the management area that permits all the companies to build and operate infrastructure that is utilized for creating Serverless architectures. It is as similar as Sigma and that permits Cloud formation to pertain to the configuration to the account of the provider. It also delivers (CLI) Command- Line interface that is utilized rather than UI application which is web-based.

8. AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a Cloud Line Interface (CLI) that proposes event driven, serverless architecture, a better office arrangement, automation, provides useful techniques etc. It is deployed in the cloud and reprieve a user or developer to the database. Here we can use several things in a code but we can only use it for any reason.

9. Nuclio

It is one of the best and an elevated performance server-less framework. Nowadays many organizations as well as start up companies are using this framework as it started in 2017 which focus rates on the workload, data and I/O. A developer and a user can utilize it as a whole operated application service and which is totally free, you don’t have to pay for it. This tool Nuclio is very fast and it is safe as well. It can process a huge number of HTTP requests and record the data within a second.

10. Google Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Function is very simple and easy, you have to write your code only, the other work Google automatically does is like its operational infrastructure. It can operate a small code and you only have to pay what you are using.

Some of the cloud function are as follow:


The landscape of serverless computing is rapidly expanding, offering developers and organizations a plethora of tools to build, deploy, and manage applications without the need for traditional server management. The common popular serverless tools highlighted in this article demonstrate the diverse capabilities and advantages of going serverless, from simplified development processes to cost-efficient scaling and maintenance.

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