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What are Legacy Systems: Types, Risks, and Why They’re Still in Use

Introduction to legacy systems

In the modern world, businesses are ever-ready to adopt the latest technologies to gain an edge in these competitive market. However, there are instances when companies rely on traditional systems despite the availability of newer systems.

These traditional systems are known as legacy systems and can be defined as – outdated software or hardware systems that are still in use despite the availability of newer technologies. Legacy systems can include software applications, computer hardware, databases, data formats, custom codes, etc.

However, though outdated, they are still used by companies for the following reasons…

Why are legacy systems still used?

Types of legacy applications

Risks of using legacy systems



Switching to newer technologies is an easy way for companies to gain the upper hand against their competitors. However, adopting these modern systems spontaneously i.e. as soon as they come out, still might not be the best option. The business’s budget, the functionality of older systems, the expected amount of downtime, etc. are factors that need to be considered before making a switch. That said, unlike popular belief, relying on conventional systems can prove to be a much better option at least for that particular timespan.

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