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Top 8 technology trends to keep an eye on in 2021

Top Technology Trends for Future

Currently more than 3.8 billion population on the globe use the Internet today, which is 40% of the world’s population. We are being introduced to new gadgets and technologies every day. Now as old technologies continue to work as a base for new ones, let us talk about some of the future technology trends that are going to rule the world for good.

These trends are going to take over the internet by storm in 2021.

This post talks about some of the latest key technology trends in the software industry like Artificial Intelligence, VR ,AR, IoT, and many more. Let us dive into these trends to know about what makes them so special for the future of technology.

1. Cloud Computing

In the simplest words, cloud computing will let you store your data over the internet, instead of your hard drive. The most common example of cloud computing is Google Drive. The data you store in the Google drive is delivered to you via Google cloud. This data is stored in the cloud only.

The majority of companies are now turning towards Cloud Technology certainly because of the great benefits of it. Companies do not need to invest in hardware and servers. Instead, they can rely on Cloud providers and save a huge amount of money and time.

But, there something even more advanced than the Cloud and everyone talking about it. It is Edge computing. Edge computing ,a concept that started from the mobile and telecom sectors has now quickly spread to almost all domains. Edge computing transformed the way data is being handled, processed, and delivered from the devices all over the world.

2. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Everyone has heard of Artificial Intelligence, especially in those Sci-fi movies. So, it is already a well-known term but it is yet to become present everywhere in our everyday life. There is no limit to the potential that Artificial Intelligence can provide us in the future.

Artificial Intelligence is present everywhere if you notice. It is in home appliances, hospitals, smartphones, military, government, and many other sectors. It is at the root of technologies like face recognition and speech recognition.

Machine Learning is an application of AI. It provides the system, the ability to automatically learn and self-improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. So machine learning is basically a part of AI. We are surrounded by Artificial Intelligence daily. That day is not far when we will be relying on AI for most of our needs.

3. Blockchain

Blockchain has its own place in the most important technology trends for the future.Blockchain simply creates a chain of data that cannot be changed. It is data that you can only add to, not take away from or change. The center point of its security is that the data blocks cannot be altered once it is added into the chain.

As Blockchain is highly secure, it is going to be used to stop internet fraud and hacking. By 2021, institutes are developing a blockchain for preventing internet fraud and information leakage at a high scale.

Blockchain is also a good solution for providing security to IoT devices. IoT devices are not good at securing your data at a high level. Blockchain will turn the tables in the future for IoT.

4. Data Science

Data Science helps to manage complicated data that does not make sense otherwise. This includes business data, sales data, customer profiles, server data, and financial figures.

Most of the time, this data belongs to huge data sets that are unstructured. Data Scientists convert these unstructured data sets into structured data sets. So this data can be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. These patterns will work greatly to understand everything about a company. From business performance to customer retention.

Companies are relying more on the use of these unstructured big data to leverage data science technology. Data science technology is cost-efficient, innovative, and quick if used appropriately.

5. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality or AR is one of the top technology trends of 2021. Many times people confuse AR with VR, but both are different from the core. People are more familiar with virtual reality but don’t have much knowledge of what is Augmented Reality(AR).

Augmented Reality enhances real-life views with digital images and effects. AR works with camera lenses. Popular examples of AR applications are Snapchat and Pokemon Go.

Customers are loving AR because of its infinite real-life applications. For ex. provides a feature to upload your image on your website. You can try different glares and glasses and decide which suits you the best. You don’t need to go to the shop and try glasses on your face.

AR is used in many other sectors like an advanced navigation system to show the route on a real-time view of the road. In the military, pilots use AR helmets to see status of their speed and altitude.

6. Virtual Reality

Everyone is well-aware of VR. Virtual Reality has to be one of the top technology trends for 2021. It immerses the user in an virtual environment. It makes them feel as if they are experiencing the simulated environment by stimulating their hearing and vision.

The most popular VR tools are PlayStation VR and Facebook Oculus.VR is also used for educational purposes. For ex. Virtual museums, galleries, discovery centers, and theaters. Some theme parks offer a more engaging experience with the use of VR. Another widespread use of Virtual Reality is training and simulation.

But there are so many things that can be improved in VR technology. In the future, we will have an even better experience in VR.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

Another buzzwrod, Internet of Things is the future. But what exactly is IoT? Well, it means things that are built with WiFi and can be connected to the Internet and with each other. IoT is growing every day and something new is being added to it constantly.

It is assumed by 2021, every person will have at least 4 connected devices, which will increase to 15 devices by 2030. The total market value of the IoT industry is approximately $150 billion.

IoT can be seen in smart lights, smart fridge, etc. It is also a part of our daily life in the form of smart wearables such as smart glass and activity trackers. Many small cities are adopting the Internet of Things for traffic and waste management, urban safety monitoring, and water distribution.

8. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an oldie but it has made a place in one of the trending technology for the future. It never went out of trend. Why? Because as long as there are hackers, there will be a high demand for cybersecurity. Hackers are always trying to perform new malicious activities.

The global market of Cybersecurity is worth $173 billion and it will increase to $270 Billion by 2026. Also, jobs in this industry are growing at a faster rate of 3x.
It is not just about businesses that are at risk. Every individual who connects to the network is at a risk. Also, small businesses are at a higher risk of cyberattacks. As per research, 61% of data crimes are targeted towards companies with less than a thousand employees.

Cybersecurity is emerging day by day. Some advanced features of cybersecurity include blockchain security, homomorphic encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs.


So these are some of the trends which we feel, are going to rule the world of technology in the coming years. That is why there are greater chances of jobs in each of these fields.

Do let us know what is your favorite technology trend so far in the comments section.


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