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Python VS Golang

To be differentiate these two language, we has to understand them separately. So let’s discuss these two language one by one.

Define Python ?

Python can be used effectively to create any kind of program that does not need direct access to the computer hardware. It is a general-purpose programming language based on the ABC language. It is high-level programming with an open-source that was formulated in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. This language is presented by (PSF) Python Software Foundation.

Google App Engine, Maya, YouTube, Google search, iRobot machines etc. are the application and companies that assigned Python at the time of Python development. In the comparison of other languages like C, C++ this program gets slower although its development time is quick.

Features of Python 

Benefits of Python

Definition of Golang 

Go language was developed in 2007 but launched in 2009 at Google by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer. They have generated this as an open source programming language. Among all the developers Golang is one of the most trending languages. Here on Golang, we can find the garbage collection, accepted library and the standard typing proficiency.  This language is termed as Golang due to its domain name Golang is preferred for system programming.

If you want to use Go programs without installing it, you can go through some online IDE’s like, The Go playground etc.

Features of Golang

Advantage of Golang

Common Python Frameworks 

For the development of any project you need a platform where you can do the process. Same thing applies with the development of python,  programmers need a framework to code. The python framework is of two types Full Stack & Non- Full Stack .

 Django: Django is a full-stack framework that is formulated by Django Software Foundation and published in 2005.  A huge source of libraries is found in Django that is written in Python language.  Programmers can use it for free and it is open-source. As in a comparison with another framework, it is easy and takes less time for developers to develop a code.

Web2PY: Web2PY is also a full-stack framework that is formulated by Massimo De Pierro and published in September 2007. It is open-source and free for programmers to use this framework. It permits programmers to implant UI effects and jQuery for Ajax. It has the potential to read many strategies. In Web2PY you don’t need any extra configuration and installation.

TurboGears: Mark Ramm & Kevin Dangoor formulated this full-stack framework. In comparison with another framework for quick response and more database connectivity, you can develop an application effortlessly with the support of Genshi, WebOb, Repoze etc. Components. It has unlimited libraries which help the multiple databases and an open-source, free application that follows MVC pattern.

CubicWeb: Logilab is formulated as this full-stack framework application that is open-source and free to use. Some of the characteristics are CubicWeb help for (RDF) Resources Description Framework and (OWL) Ontology Web Language.

Pylon: Pylon is a full-stack framework that was manufactured in December 2011. For the development of the web, it gives the highest flexible structure. Some of the concepts taken from Perl, Python and Ruby, This Pylon framework is manufactured.

Bottle: Marcel Hellkemp formulated a Bottle that has no reliance and created an HTTP server. It has URL- parameter support.

Dash: You can use this dash app on mobile and deploy it to servers. It has plugin assistance with a high- degree of customization. It can easily deduct errors.

Common Golang Frameworks

Gin: This is good for small applications because it develops large back end applications.  To create the high performance Rest APIs which is a suitable  for Golang framework with standard libraries?

Beego: It is as common as Django . It is known as the Bee Tool because it helps with finding the code change and has its own libraries . No need to install  it . For the fast development of web application, Rest APIs and backend service  infilling this Beego application is used.

Fasthttp: It will give a quick response to client API and HTTP server . It is easy to regulate and provide easy connection upgrade support.

Mango: Mango is a popular application of the Golang framework. It requires a minimalistic framework which allows programmers to add components .

Revel: In comparison with Golang, other framework revel is the best Golang framework . It is easy to use , a simple application .

Buffalo: It is simple, easy to regulate and has fast speed which supports data migration. It is one of the best frameworks for the Golang language.

Difference Between Python and Golang 

Conclusion: Python and Golang are the two important programming language and these two are very famous  in there own corresponding. Python can be used effectively to create any kind of program that does not need direct access to the computer hardware. It is a general-purpose programming language based on the ABC language.

On the other hand Golang language was developed in 2007 but launched in 2009 at Google by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer. They have generated this as an open source programming language. Among all the developers Golang is one of the most trending languages.

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