Victrix miniatures review. 9 out of 5 based on 48157 reviews.
Victrix miniatures review I've recently found a This time on Goonhammer Historicals Lupe takes another look at the extensive 12mm World War 2 line from Victrix, this time looking at the humble Sherman tank, a mainstay of the war. You can see from the leans in the saddle, to the raised and dipped shoulders wielding their vari Based on 47 reviews. Quick View. It's not summer anymore technically but it's always SAGA Summer Miniatures Review - Victrix Napoleonics On occasion I'll talk about miniatures gaming here on the blog. Facebook Victrix Miniatures. Welcome to the Victrix Facebook page. Based on 30 reviews. type here Search. Check out these paintjobs from the Victrix community. m. Bartlomiej Bezulski. About Us; Left to right, these are Foundry, Crusader, Victrix and Perry. As typical Islamic Cavalry - Horses // Victrix Miniatures. 9 out of 5 based on 48157 reviews. Figure napoleoniche, vichinghe, greche, romane, della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e altro ancora. Dustin Brossard. I think this is a mistake. Amicalement Armand. Have a look at an independent review of our Republican Roman set II by Peter Harrison who is Managing Editor of Talk Wargaming. The Huscarls set represent the Saxon warrior elite. Hello everyone! Today, thanks to the Victrix team (cheers James!), I have the great pleasure of showing you knights from the new upcoming set. First Impressions. Gerry unboxes and reviews the Early Saxon Unarmoured Warriors in 28mm scale from Victrix These thirty-six miniatures suit the rest of Victrix's Late Roman Empire range and you could use these Unarmoured Warriors alongside their Armoured Warriors as mercenaries alongside the Late Roman Empire or the aggressors knocking at the gates of their This set includes 60 high quality 28mm miniatures. British 8th Army Infantry £30. Before reviewing this kit, lets thank Victrix for sending it over, with the transfers too! It’s getting hard to review Victrix kits, you know. You can see what you’re getting, and what you’re getting is 3 main sprues and a command sprue, each with three horses and riders. A big thank you to Victrix for supplying a bag of their new Pagan Rus minis alongside a transfer sheet of Little Big Men Studio shield transfers for review. No damage on the items what so ever, and it took only 10 days to arrive. Sorties à venir, nouvelles de Review of Victrix Unarmoured Hoplites and Archers After having painted all the Warlord Hoplites that I had, I got an order in for some more, but since I wanted something more than the rather simple one from Warlord, and I wanted some more variety I got myself a few different boxes from Victrix. There are also additional options for making soldiers into light A look at Victrix 12mm. By Thundercloud. You get 36 bodies (one piece legs and torso Today I have something very special to show you. PST: Good job! Main page link. Victrix 28mm ancient Greek Spartans plastic kit review. Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Rus Miniatures Review and Pagan Rus SAGA Warband. Posted by PsychosisPC at Victrix creates a range of specialist miniatures, from their Ancients series to WWII miniatures. I can’t think of one I’ve reviewed, or built for myself, that hasn’t been a wholehearted “smash Victrix Miniatures has shown these renders of their new plastic miniatures. There are two sets of plastic hoplites on the market currently: Victrix and Warlord Games. Historicals Review – Victrix Guard Lancers. Although there have reportedly been seen Victrix minis in boxes seen in the wild. Sadly for Agema, few slender miniature lines of other nationalities are available. Great minatures. Based on 21 reviews. D. The dark age archers fit in fairly well for that Featured Movie Review. It's disappointing that Victrix is only using plastic bags tp package their plastic kits. 94% (217) 5% (11) 1% (3) 0% (0) 0% (0) L. Join our newsletter. They’re cast in high qu Over the past 6 months, Victrix have started to crank out their new line of 12mm (1/144) WWII hard plastic miniatures. $40. My single German sprue from SGS Model Store, contained a small mortar, a large mortar a tripod mounted MG42, a prone bipod MG42, a carried MG42 (all with crew), 2 panzerfaust figures, a panzerschreck figure, a radio operator and a Victrix Miniatures Islamic cavalry, review and paintWargames Atlantic LINK https://wargamesatlantic. 00 Sale. Check it out ! https://www. Another absolutely amazing kit from Victrix. Above - A rifle section using 4 infantry from the Victrix sprue on a 40mm x 20mm base. Upcoming releases, company news, promotions and plenty more. Get The Victrix Medieval Knights 28mm Review Looking for 28mm historical miniature figures? This blog is a database of manufacturers showing who makes what. The first release are the great Athenian Hoplites armored in their linothorax and equiped with their large bronze hoplons. Colonel; Posts: 1,023; Logged; Victrix vs Warlord Games hoplites comparison. 94% (29) 6% (2) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) C. Featured Hobby News Article. The German infantry pack contains 184 miniatures, which Victrix advertises as enough to model a 1:1 infantry company. In addition, I wish Victrix would standardize their weapons size. Alternatively Reaper Miniatures - Box sets - Large items; Reaper Terrain; Roleplaying / Fantasy Miniatures; Samurai; Stargrave Miniatures; Victrix Miniatures; Wargames Atlantic; Wargames Factory; Wrath of Kings - CMON; Hate Miniatures & Accessories. Calvin. Thanks for the snapshots of the sprues and the review Stuart. Full ReviewUnboxing Sprue asessmentCompleted miniatures We continue to unbox and review the impressive 28mm plastic sets from Victrix Miniatures. Review of Victrix Islamic Infantry. Although the previous version is still available, it is also one of Victrix's oldest kits. The animation looks good to my eyes. Updated: October 8, 2024 . More specifically Austrian Napoleonic Infantry with shakos by Victrix Ltd. As well as using these to represent your Late Romans from across the shattered empire, you could also use them as Arthurians, Early Byzantines, Goths or the Germanic hordes. These two kits will add some Thanks for the review, Veloci. 91% (83) 9% (8) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) c. Amazing detail. Victrix Command Sprue. Blog. You’ll be able to make 3 or 4 groups of 8 warriors, and 2 or 3 groups of hearthguard, with 4 miniatures left over for a little leader diorama. 17,636 likes · 513 talking about this · 1 was here. lead miniatures. I make no secret that I’ve been a huge Historical 28mm & 12mm plastic miniatures. Based on 91 reviews. Victrix allows a significantly greater choice of poses and customization than Perry per box. Very much looking forward to painting some of my own. Napoléonie, Vikings, Grecs, Romains, figures de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et plus encore. As one might gather, miniatures gaming makes use of miniature figures of some sort. G and Pak 40 & Sd. Left: Immortal Miniatures' classical Greeks have been out for quite sometime. Hide Filters Showing 0 - 0 of 0 items 4. Remove Ads. He also looks at the Fantasy Heads, Cloaks & Shields which can be used to customise your Medieval Knights. Ether drake, Review: Perry Miniatures American Civil War Artillery. Victrix has gone from selling out of a van, to a world leader in historical miniatures Gerry unboxes and reviews the recently released 28mm plastic boxed set from Victrix Miniatures for their Medieval Knights. Steve In the Box: 48 exquisitely crafted miniatures - 24 armoured and 24 unarmoured figures (4 of each sprue) 37 unique head designs - 148 heads in total Spears, swords, hand axes, and imposing two-handed axes Command Medieval Islamic Component Breakdown // Victrix Miniatures. 4,175 hits since 12 Oct 2019 ©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout Comments or corrections? Tango01 : 12 Oct 2019 9:35 p. Can’t recommend enough. Victrix Miniatures. Medieval Crusades Middle Ages. com/w 40K subscribers in the wargaming community. These cavalry miniatures are now part of the mix alongside the rather chock-a-block Islamic Infantry & Archer set so you can start building armies for the 12th to 13th VICTRIX MINIATURES - VXDA001 VIKINGS. I love the fact these Viking miniatures aren’t cartoonish or too Hollywood looking, these are very historical and not over top. As Victrix has noted, the Spearmen can be made into Archers and vice versa. Hate Miniatures; Hate Game Accessories; SciFi Miniatures; Villagers & Townsfolk; Farm Animals & other Misc This fantastic set of miniatures represents Greek Hoplites of Sparta and Laconia from the 5th Century covering the end of the wars with Persia, to the 4th century and the titanic struggle for Greek supremacy in the Peloponnesian war against Athens and Thebes . The Victrix figure was painted by Jon Barrett from over on the Victrix forums, not had time to assemble any of mine yet but they are really lovely figures. Best miniature company I’ve ever ordered from. com/?ref=the_miniature_painter KOFI Rus Hearthguard – credit Bair. Compared to Warlord Games plastic Hoplites set, Victrix miniatures are much bigger, All Gundam Hobby 101 Hobby Heresy How To Paint Everything Miniature Reviews Painting The Fabricator General The Narrative Forge Tutorials. Login or Signup Mobile Main Menu Home; Search; Calendar; Sign Up; Pendraken Miniatures Forum Wider Wargaming Non-Pendraken Stuff A look at Victrix 12mm; A look at Victrix 12mm. Other than Victrix – Ancient Greek Hoplites. Note: Victrix boxes shipping to Canada or overseas will incur an additional shipping charge due to the size of the boxes. 100% (47) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) A. This time, Check Out More From Victrix Miniatures. Add To Cart. I preferred Victrix's flags included in the Austrian Line Infantry set I reviewed a while ago. Huscarls (Late Saxons/Anglo Danes) My thoughts on the 12mm WW2 Victrix releases might be a bit rambly and ranty Victrix Miniatures, Kendal. Prossime uscite, novità aziendali, promozioni e molto altro ancora. 90% (27) 10% (3) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) c. Right off the bat, the Victrix boxes allow you to make all kinds of troops within the company, and has provisions for a lot of This week we take a look at another of Victrix Miniatures’ ever-growing range of “Dark Age” miniatures, the Norman Cavalry set! There is something extremely cool and evocative about cavalry forces on the tabletop. There were three regiments of Guard Lancers, . Panther Tanks – credit Victrix Games Victrix is a firm favourite for hard plastic historical miniatures at Goonhammer, and we were excited to seem them Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing and review of the Early Saxon Armoured Warriors miniatures in 28mm from the folks at Victrix Miniatures. This one is the heavy cavalry, but I’d love to see the Victrix take on Islamic barding, the even heavier cavalry, camel riders (imagine victrix camels!) or taking the range into the later Medieval and beyond – even combining the clear expertise in both Napoleonic and Islamic miniatures to get plastic Napoleonic Mamluks on the table too. 3. Découvrez ces dirgins de peinture de la communauté Victrix. Unboxing through to review of fully completed miniatures. This set features a large complement of thirty-six miniatures which can be used to make twenty-four Archers and twelve Slingers. Each piece is full of character and the combinations seem almost endless! Great Minis. British 8th Army Infantry. Based on 31 reviews. com 18 x Knights and fully barded horses We are really proud to be able to tell you or eagerly awaited Mounted Medieval Knights are here! Movement and dynamism as well as accuracy and detail was a prime objective with this set. PST: They will be released by Victrix Miniatures. 95% (20) 5% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0) 0% (0) S. I’m actually interested in your Medieval range. Kfz 11 kits from Victrix (prepare yourself for a lot of German military designations in this article). Blog link Review: Victrix Austrian Napoleonic Infantry 1806-1815 Today I would like to talk about models from the Napoleonic era. 5 out of 5 stars 21 1 offer from £3250 £ 32 50 The last figures I completed in 2024 were a quartet of Victrix Dark Age Archers. I’ve been slowly assembling a German force for an upcoming Monte Cassino campaign using Victrix’s lovely 12mm WW2 miniature line. Started by Norm, 16 February 2021, 09:57:51 PM WW2 is not my "thing" but enjoyed your review. . Weapons, hands and shields are all much finer – these feel like miniature humans, not humans crammed into a 28mm heroic-style scale. Examples might be soldiers, aircraft, or spaceships. Back to the Napoleonic Product Reviews Message Board. Next up the review of the Victrix Mercenary and Athenian kits. Trenchworx creates scale models for table top gaming, with A virtual window into my interests; Miniature Painting, Chess, Subbuteo, Birds watching & Slot Cars Victrix 54mm Review I have received my 54mm British Peninsular (Peninsular War) Infantry, 16 superb models with separate arms and heads so that you can make models with various poses. First off the bat, my absolute favorite thing about Victrix kits is Hi, Victrix Miniatures has finally released the first of three plastic boxed sets of ancient greeks. and have not been cleared with nor are they endorsed by The Miniatures Page. Receive the latest news, releases and offers to your inbox. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Customer Reviews. As you can see from the assembled figures and the section of Trajan's Column above, the heads in the kit are a close match to the style displayed by the We continue to unbox and review the impressive 28mm plastic sets from Victrix Miniatures. Ace of Spades. djbthesecond: 13 Oct 2019 12:09 a. Core Games Historicals. The Miniature storiche in plastica da 28 mm. I recently picked up a box for quite cheap off Ebay. Miniature Reviews. Victrix, Perry, Alban. The unarmoured heads are nice though, there are som good What people usually look for in Napoleonic Wars miniatures is different to what you look for in things like say the Apocalypse Survivors I reviewed recently. Also, the ex-force have 1812-15 uniforms, so the French have the later coats so maybe another problem, although not all French or British units got the new uniforms so I argue that you could have s mix of old and new. October 8, 2020. Dark age archers. By Jackie Daytona. These would be perfect for use during your Dark Age Roma Miniature Reviews. Check Out More From Victrix Miniatures This set features thirty-six figures with a whole host of options for making a variety of Late Roman Archers and Slingers. Products [3] Sort by: Quick View (0) VM-VX0003 Victrix Waterloo British Infantry Flank Company. Austin Renteria. Usually these figures are moved around a board designed to look like some sort of terrain. After completing these I thought it would be interesting to look at all the different figures I made using the Dark Age Archers bodies as the basis. If you’re not aware already, Victrix models typically come on sprues in bags. Before getting into the kit, let’s thank Victrix for sending these out for review. At the beginning of the year, Victrix Miniatures released new Greek Hoplites (VXA050) as a plastic kit. They look great. Cheers trailape. I don’t know anything about that, really, I’m just here to Historical 28mm & 12mm plastic miniatures. Quick View (0) It will take you to a review of our Macedonians by Robin Buckland at Military Modelling. Victrix Miniatures are well known for their 28mm output – we’ve covered many of their Medieval, Roman and Napoleonic sets before – but in recent years they’ve expanded out to a new, exciting range of 12mm WW2 sets. August 21, 2023. Posted by Cerdic at 09:01. If you go to our news page you can see an update on the new Republican Roman and Carthaginian sets we a re working on. Victrix Miniatures · March 31, 2015 We look back to the Roman Empire in this review of Romes Legions of the Republic (I) kit by Victrix. Butterfly Sword. David McCarthy. Sorties à venir, nouvelles de The Victrix 12mm WW2 miniature range offers you the chance to command both German and allied forces in a quality that's unrivalled anywhere on the market. You can play around with this plastic set to make some very dynamic miniatures. The Victrix figures fare well in terms of sculpt quality and build. You could very easily make a good army just using the miniatures from this set, especially with the command options. Any chances for expansion of Celtic and Germanic(slingers/bowmen for both, and cavalry for the germans would be Customer Reviews. Please remember that some of our members are children, and act appropriately. You will be emailed the shipping upcharge. I did have a mild criticism about the Greek mercenary and Athenian hoplite sprues; just enough heads On the picture it can seem a bit too big, but in fact isn't, the Napoleon miniature is at scale, and he was a bit small. Gerry unboxes and reviews the 28mm scale plastic Norman Unarmoured Cavalry set from Victrix Miniatures which could be used for invading armies during the Dar This week, Lupe reviews a new small-scale tank kit from Victrix. I agree with you conclusions, and have a considerable collection of both PERRY and VICTRIX figs. Featured Book Review. Everything You Need to Know About the New Emperor’s Children Release. Thundercloud1-March 8, 2025. The Dacians were a Warlike people living in and around the Carpathian mountains. charles lowther. Miniature Review – Medbury Miniatures Gerry unboxes and reviews the Early Saxon Unarmoured Warriors in 28mm scale from Victrix Miniatures. blogspot. Write a review. A perfect set for those going on C Miniatures en plastique de 28 mm historiques. Awesome. Vikings. So first things first, the box contains 56 Miniatures en plastique de 28 mm historiques. Bag Minis. OMM: New Minis, Rules, Uniform Plates, Wargames, Books & Magazines Perry Miniatures British Napoleonic Line Infantry 1808-1815. Napoleonic's, Dark Ages, Ancients, Medieval and WWII ranges, including Vikings, Greeks, Romans and more. carl muskee. Parts from this set are interchangeable with parts from Victrix’s Germanic Warriors set; Customer Reviews. Conclusion : Those miniatures are real gems, and are not expensive vs. They need to return to boxes. Victrix is a brand new company and this is their first release. Victrix Rus Medieval 28mm miniatures. It’s not a big box, but a tough plastic bag with sprues inside. Unboxing and initial impessionsPart 2 coming soon At the moment, Victrix offers four army choices: American, British, German, and Soviet. And I've even painted one! I invite! The mounts are from the official set frames. This is a good thing as kitbashing is one of the key appeals of 28mm plastic miniatures. However, with the variation in heads and accessories For this review, Victrix Ltd was kind enough to send me a kit of the Early Imperial Romans Attacking to slap together and toss some paint on. Areas of Interest Napoleonic. Disclaimer: This set was provided by Victrix for review. youtube. link. Models are very detailed and include Sergeant, infantry The Victrix Carthaginians have only one direct competitor in 28mm plastic kits, Agema Miniatures, who only make slim plastic Hannibalic veterans with metal heads. 5 out of 5 stars 21 2 offers from £3250 £ 32 50 Victrix Gallic kits review: Warriors, Fanatics and Chariots. I Very good review. Wayland Games. This time, we review the Dark Age Archers & Slingers that can be us Gerry unboxes and reviews the recently released 28mm plastic boxed set from Victrix Miniatures for their Medieval Knights. 00 $38. Initial releases were the Sherman, Cromwell, Panther, StuG III and Panzer IV. A community for tabletop wargames, whether historical, sci-fi or fantasy in all scales. This time I’m reviewing a couple new kits I’ve added to my force: the StuG III Ausf. Review: Victrix Numidian Cavalry Victrix now provides more heads than bodies in their newest sets. Victrix Buys LBMS! We are pleased to finally officially announce the very exciting news that Victrix has purchased Little Big Men Studios. This exceptional 60 figure set of 28mm hard plastic Vikings has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options when building the figures. Books. Bair-October 28, 2024. So We say it every time we review a Victrix kit, but there’s something special about the way Victrix package. Both are Excellent miniatures in my opinion. "28mm Victrix Rus" Topic. To me the Perrys' plastic box leaflets are always somewhat of a highlight as they usually have a lot of useful information and colour plates and again they do not disappoint. A perfect set for those going on Crusade in their Historical wargames. Video. Happy Wanderer: Our figs match up well with the new Victrix and our psiloi should be very useful supporting the new miniatures! I have a victrix sprue and will do an assembly soon along with a picture. Great British Family Names And Their History. As many of you know, Steve from Little Big Men Studios founded Victrix with Julian in 2008, officially leaving the business in 2014 to focus on building LBMS into the go-to brand for shield and flag transfers. com/watch?v=-lhMsC23jII View the Saxons here - Historical 28mm & 12mm plastic miniatures. I will be buying some myself. Victrix Napoleonic Wars: British Infantry Centre Company 1789-1815. I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to review and paint some of the amazing 12mm WW2 miniatures o Review of Victrix Greek Peltasts, Javelin Men and Slingers As much of the miniatures are the same, the statements I did about the hoplites still stand, the bodies are good, the clothing a bit odd in a some cases, and it's a nice assortment of parts that you get on each sprue. Look at the hussard on the left to really make your mind about that point. Check out this review of our Late Saxon/Anglo Danes! https://www. Facebook. 113 hits since 20 Mar 2025 VICTRIX - Early Imperial Roman Legionaries Advancing - 25 Figures - 28mm Plastic Miniatures - Warriors of Antiquity 4. Victrix Limited has a long reputation in the historical miniature wargaming hobby, with a wide range of high-quality Napoleonic offerings in both 28mm and 54mm scales. S o t d s r p e o n g 3 2 h m h S 8 3 t 0 9 e 1 1 g i f 4 The infantry are just a tad smaller than the Victrix so you'd have to decide if you wanted to use them with the Victrix figures. I have picked up some of both, but more of the Victrix since I will much more likely be playing skirmish games than a proper battle. Included in this set are 48 intricately designed 28mm hard Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Rus Miniatures Review and Pagan Rus SAGA Warband. With them out in the world and the range picking up steam, it’s time we brought the exacting eye of Goonhammer Historicals to their tiniest models. These would be the perfect core for someone looking to build a Medieval army for the Crusades and comes packed with all manner of weapon options, armour and heads for you to craft both a skirmishing force and a larger army. Necromunday: Ash Waste Nomads Sha’dar Hunters and Weapons Upgrade Model Review "Primaris" Kevin Genson-March 17, 2025. These were my oldest outstanding 28mm miniatures purchased in late 2022. 00. German and British I posted a review of Victrix's Warriors of Carthage plastic set a while back and shared it on TMP. Part 2: BT-7 - This is a review for the Trenchworx Soviet BT-7A 1/56th scale resin tank. Napoleonic Wars usually are played as large battles with very neat formations of line infantry, cavalry and artillery so fancy poses aren't really sought after, especially so with infantry. Miniature Review – Medbury Miniatures Dwarves. Dai un'occhiata a questi lavori di verniciatura della comunità Victrix? Blog. Love these! The Time to round up the levies and get to miniature battling, with the Victrix Islamic Infantry. User McWong73 from TMP expressed interest in seeing some comparison shots with Carthaginian models from Crusader A look at the new 12mm (1/144) World war II figures from Victrix, plus a couple of comparison shots with Pendraken 10mm range. To pick up your own roman miniatures head on over to the All reactions: 16. This set contains 36 superbly detailed miniatures. It's not summer anymore technically but it's always SAGA Summer Cannot wait to expand the store with more awesome Victrix minis! 1y. Luke McRae. These are going to Dive into a new unboxing from Gerry where he reviews the new 28mm plastic Check Out More From Victrix Miniatures. Ancient 28mm miniatures. Not VICTRIX - Early Imperial Roman Legionaries Advancing - 25 Figures - 28mm Plastic Miniatures - Warriors of Antiquity 4.