Taxi driver safeguarding awareness training. Course can be accessed via any device with internet access.

Taxi driver safeguarding awareness training VAT reg number 110741266 Registered address: Venture House, The Tanneries, East The aim of this course is to provide taxi drivers with a basic level of awareness in relation to safeguarding adults at risk, protecting children from sexual and criminal exploitation and recognizing other persons who may be deemed vulnerable and at risk safeguarding training. We focus on driver development, advanced driver training, road safety and fleet driver training. START START. The authority’s current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy requires drivers applying for a licence for the first time to complete safeguarding awareness training. We all have a responsibility to keep children and vulnerable adults safe The Blue Lamp Trust is a registered company in England and Wales. Eventbrite - STC Safeguarding Limited presents Taxi Safeguarding & Disability Awareness Training - Tuesday, 8 April 2025 - Find event and ticket information. 1 . Such regulations come following a number of high profile cases of child sexual exploitation (CSE) involving taxi drivers in locations across the UK. That existing drivers and operators to have until 31 October 2021 to The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. Our specialist training course demonstrates to new and existing taxi drivers the importance of disability awareness, explains what is meant by disability and enables them to support disabled customers, ensuring a great service as well as looking at the law in relation to disability. By the end of this training, you will: West Northamptonshire council have agreed STC to deliver online taxi safeguarding awareness courses to all current and new applicant taxi drivers as part of their licensing renewal or grant of licence. Customer awareness training for taxi drivers: Safeguarding, equality and protection We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. To make your payment, call 01452 396396. Driver safeguarding awareness training. Please refer to Cheltenham Borough Council's Taxi and private hire training overview. It aligns with national guidance requiring all licensed drivers to undertake such training, following exploitation cases in Rotherham, You must pass the knowledge test if you want to apply for a new private hire, hackney carriage or dual drivers licence. Introduction of online Safeguarding Awareness training for taxi and private hire licensees and applicants . Disability awareness training for taxi and private hire drivers to provide a better understanding of disabilities, their responsibilities Safeguarding training Safeguarding Training for the Taxi Trade Taxi centric safeguarding training to meet compliance guidelines • Duration: 2. VAT reg number 110741266 Registered address: Venture House, The Tanneries, East Better training to protect passengers and drivers. By the end of this training, you will: Taxi Driver Safeguarding Training . Cheltenham Borough Council. Approved Driving Instructors . A safeguarding awareness course helping workers who enter people’s homes recognise the signs of possible abuse and neglect. Many taxi companies now request that all drivers partake in safeguarding training before they can Call our team on 03330 113 113. Using a combination of in-vehicle coaching, workshop training and written competency assessment, our courses Driver training is an important part of the application process in determining a person as 'fit and proper' for the role of licensed taxi driver. By the end of this training, you will: This video will give you an overview of Safeguarding Training For Taxi Drivers provided through Pass Taxi including contents of the course. 99 Regular price Sale price. Explain the responsibilities involved in safeguarding as a taxi driver. This Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers is a Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. The LGA supports the call for disability equality training to be mandatory for taxi and PHV drivers; currently, less than a third of councils make this a mandatory component of a licence (page 23). In this guidance it clearly states “All licensing authorities should provide safeguarding advice and guidance to the trade and should require taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to undertake safeguarding training. This is the booking page for the Trust2Ride Safeguarding Training sessions being conducted over Zoom. We explore the risks to UK taxi, private hire and minicab drivers including the alarming number of attacks each year, and outline 10 important safety tips. As part of borough council plans to alter licensing conditions, taxi drivers may have to undertake safeguarding awareness training. com Tailored to meet your organisational needs to improve driver and passenger safety and complement your compliance requirements. Course Content. Keeping children and vulnerable adults safe from harm and abuse is everyone’s responsibility. By the end of this training, you will: Safeguarding and Disability Awareness Course. Find out more about taxi driver’s safeguarding Disability Awareness Training – Delivering Inclusive Service. 5 hours • Delegate numbers: 15 online : 20 classroom Driver Safety Awareness workshop Author: Neil Edmundson Created Date: Disability equality training can support taxi and PHV drivers to understand and meet requirements under the Equality Act. A half day theory based driver awareness courses. In addition, we worked closely with the licencing team to develop a new comprehensive package of classroom-based safeguarding training. 99 £34. Test your Safeguarding Knowledge. Is there anything wrong with this page? Hidden. Nippy Taxis recognises this and is working towards becoming an approved provider of Disability Awareness Training for licensed drivers across North Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. You must first have completed the Taxi Safeguarding and Disability Awareness Training provided by STC. High Speed Training provides a varied range of over 150 user-friendly, online training courses. Courses for contractors and taxi drivers, including Safeguarding and Emergency First Aid. Online. The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. As well as providing vital transport services, taxi drivers can also play an important role in the safety of the clients who use their se Taxi Driver Disability and Safeguarding Awareness Time: 9:30 - 13:30 Please log on 15 minutes before the start time Venue: Course to be delivered via virtual Webinar using Teams. The course will include Safeguarding and Disability Awareness Training for coach drivers, taxi drivers, operators, and passenger assistants. Apply online TTC is at the forefront of delivering specialist training programmes for taxi and private hire drivers on behalf of local authorities. states "All licensing authorities should provide safeguarding advice and guidance to the trade and should require taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to undertake safeguarding training''. Requirements: The Blue Lamp Trust is a registered company in England and Wales. . By the end of this training, you will: Taxi driver safeguarding Awareness training - Your safety. • Safeguarding Awareness Training course: Trust2Ride: Taxi Driver Safeguarding Awareness Training — TaxiPlus Payment is by credit or debit card direct to the provider. By the end of this training, you will: The Blue Lamp Trust is a registered company in England and Wales. Taxi and private hire licensees, particularly licensed The assessment will take place at: Gloucester City Council, Civic Suite, 3rd floor, North Warehouse, Gloucester, GL1 2EP. The Policy has recently been reviewed alongside additional consideration of the Department for Transport’s Statutory Guidance on Taxi and Private Hire Standards. After you pass this course, you must register to take the knowledge test within 12 months. £9. thettcgroup. By the end of this training, you will: The new course will include Safeguarding and Disability Awareness Training for coach drivers, taxi drivers and passenger assistants. CPD 10 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers 58:35 1: Module 01: Introduction to Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers 09:02 2: Module 02: Understanding The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. Course It is essential that all taxi drivers know the signs of abuse and exploitation and can detect these and report any concerns appropriately. The course will be split into two halves (Disability Awareness Training and Safeguard Training) and will be • Safeguarding Awareness Training course: Trust2Ride: Taxi Driver Safeguarding Awareness Training — TaxiPlus Payment is by credit or debit card direct to the provider. This could involve taking them to school and back, to a hospital appointment or further afield. Total cost of course is Customer awareness training for taxi drivers: Safeguarding, equality and protection We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. Specialising in food safety, health and safety, safeguarding and business, our eLearning courses are built in-house by a team of authors and designers dedicated to producing online courses that make learning as simple as possible, whilst ensuring that there’s no compromise on the You must first attend a safeguarding and disability awareness training course. The Diploma in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults at QLS Level 5 ; Microsoft Excel Course for Everyone – Complete Excel Course ; Health and Social Care Level 5 Diploma ; Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. The Course meets the requirements for Safeguarding &amp, Disability Awareness training under licensing regulations introduced by the Department for Transport (July 2020). The learning is aimed at Safeguarding awareness training for taxi and private hire drivers, delivered over Zoom ZOOM DRIVER TRAINING . Unit price / Taxi Drivers: Safeguarding Children From Sexual Exploitation. Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. Overview. Training Objectives. This course will teach you how to fulfil your responsibilities by explaining what safeguarding means and By raising awareness, implementing training programs, adopting secure payment systems, and embracing lone worker safety devices, the taxi industry can take significant steps toward How can training help with safeguarding for taxi drivers? Thousands of children and vulnerable adults use public transport every day in the United Kingdom, and whether it’s a ride to school or further afield, every Trust2Ride is a safeguarding awareness training course who’s aim is to Engage, Empower & Educate Taxi and Private Hire Drivers to not only identify, but to have the confidence to report Gain the ability to quickly assess the safety of a passenger and protect them from harm by taking the Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers course. Find out how TTC can improve Taxi & Private Hire standards, training, assessment and examination for drivers licensed to operate within your Local Authority area. By the end of this training, you will: Your fleet driver training & taxi driver assessment provider, We provide fleet driver training and can work with people of all ages, experience and backgrounds. • Face-to-Face Safer abbying (Knowledge) tests: 1) Make payment online: Making a Taxi In accordance with Government legislation. VAT reg number 110741266 Registered address: Venture House, The Tanneries, East London Taxi and Private Hire. Taxi Safeguarding & Disability Awareness Training As of January 2020, all licensing authorities in the UK were made subject to new statutory guidance. You need a driving qualification such as a DSA Taxi test, PSV, HGV, CPC or advanced motorist test to drive a taxi or private hire vehicle. By the end of this training, you will: The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. Our ‘Trust2Ride’ training framework is fully accredited by the CPD, to raise awareness of safeguarding in order to protect drivers and passengers. Course can be accessed via any device with internet access. FAA LEVEL 1 AWARD IN AWARENESS OF SAFEGUARDING (RQF) Virtual Classroom Course. Driving assessment. Amber Valley Borough Council stipulates the following training elements are to be completed prior to the issue of a driver’s licence. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that they complete the . TaxiPlus’ Safeguarding Awareness Training Framework covers 5 core modules: We deliver the course in two-hour sessions at locations easily accessible to drivers in your authority. Skip to content. To book your place, payment must be made beforehand. Please read the Safeguarding and disability awareness training. Safeguarding Awareness for Taxi and Private Hire Drivers in London. Please note that you MUST have access to a device with a camera. Suicide Awareness Training for Taxi Drivers (Optional Course) The following free 10-minute course has been developed with support from taxi drivers across 10 local authorities and shares information about suicide. We all have a responsibility to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm and abuse. New applicants will not be granted a licence until they have successfully attended the training. Safeguarding Awareness for Taxi Drivers. Disability Awareness for Taxi Drivers Regular price £34. com www. The act of safeguarding involves the identification of The aim of this course is to provide taxi drivers with a basic level of awareness in relation to safeguarding adults at risk, protecting children from sexual and criminal exploitation and Your fleet driver training & taxi driver assessment provider, We provide fleet driver training and can work with people of all ages, experience and backgrounds. Child protection training to help bus and taxi drivers understand the role they can play in helping to protect children from abuse. Welcome to this Transport or London saeguarding course or taxi and private hire drivers designed to raise awareness o Saeguarding and the role you can play. The interactive session involves role-plays, real tolife Taxi drivers provide thousands of children and vulnerable adults with transport every day. Delivered by experts in the trade, the course includes information on your local area and why the topics covered in the Safeguarding Training Content In order to support drivers/operators to fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities the training should include the following: • Introduction to safeguarding: what safeguarding is and how it is relevant to the role of the taxi driver/operator • Clarification of what the driver/operator’s safeguarding Eventbrite - STC Safeguarding Limited presents Taxi Safeguarding & Disability Awareness Training - Friday, 6 September 2024 - Find event and ticket information. You must pass the knowledge test if you want to apply for a new private hire, hackney carriage or dual drivers licence. Safeguarding training; Disability awareness training; A Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers teaches you everything on the topic thoroughly from scratch so you can achieve a professional certificate for free to showcase your achievement in professional life. The course will be split into two halves (Disability Awareness Training and Safeguard Training) and will be Awareness of what human trafficking is; Awareness of what child exploitation is; Responsibilities and the laws that relate to and the taxi trade; Know, how and whom, you can report your concerns; We will email drivers to remind them that their 5 year refresher training is due. As a taxi or private hire vehicle driver, you might observe incidents that nobody else does. Please note that in the event you do not attend the payment is non- refundable. This highly interactive virtual classroom Disability Awareness course is available to Taxi and Private Hire drivers. Taxi drivers transport thousands of children and potentially vulnerable people around the UK every day, so increase awareness and help drivers to spot potential incidents of abuse, child criminal and sexual exploitation, human trafficking, domestic abuse, radicalization or coercion by “county line” drug network A certified, online safeguarding course for people wishing to apply for a TAXI/PHV licence in England. Find out more about taxi driver’s safeguarding The Blue Lamp Trust offers a comprehensive range of services for Taxi and Private Hire Drivers including; Driving Assessments, Safeguarding and Disability Awareness training courses. This will be issued by the This Safeguarding training is designed for licensed taxi drivers, whether hackney carriage or private hire. Notice 13/21 . A CPD certified course which aims to provide Hackney Carriage and Private Hire drivers with a Taxi trade updates during the coronavirus pandemic. All Client Transport ID The Department for Transport's (DfT's) Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards published in 2020 include a requirement that all licensing authorities should provide safeguarding guidance to the trade and should require taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to undertake safeguarding training. Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic (Portfolio: Corporate) Recommended: 1. Sitemap; You must first attend a safeguarding and disability awareness training course. Disability Awareness Training To book TTC Fleet and Driver Risk Management Services T: 03330 113 113 E: drivertraining@ttc-uk. We all have a responsibility to keep children and vulnerable adults safe You must first attend a safeguarding and disability awareness training course. At a meeting with the Executive Cabinet Members on 5 June 2019 it was agreed that all Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Drivers licensed by Bolton Council (and all new applicants) were to undertake safeguarding training. You must complete our Driver Safeguarding Awareness Training. Learn More The Blue Lamp Trust offers a wide Demonstrate awareness of current issues affecting taxi driver safeguarding. Taxi Driver Disability Awareness Safeguarding Training developed specifically for taxi drivers and delivered by experienced professionals. Brian Chidgey - Bournemouth and Christchurch - 07970 The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. As part of your job, you may also be required to complete this The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size and will cover the key safeguarding responsibilities for taxi drivers such as how to recognise vulnerability, disability, types of abuse, types of exploitation and provide you with the confidence to report your concerns. Driver awareness theory training . Click The Blue Lamp Trust is a registered company in England and Wales. Safeguarding training to help taxi and bus drivers understand the role they can play in helping to protect children from abuse and neglect. Find out more about taxi driver’s safeguarding All licensed drivers and operators are required to attend our approved Safeguard and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training. Training to increase awareness of safeguarding & disability in line with licensing The Department for Transport's (DfT's) Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards published in 2020 include a requirement that all licensing authorities should provide safeguarding guidance to the trade and should require taxi and private hire vehicle drivers to undertake safeguarding training. The Hackney carriage and private hire trade, particularly licensed drivers, and individuals working for private hire operators and taxi booking platforms are in a unique position to identify and help take steps to prevent the abuse, exploitation or neglect of children and vulnerable adults. Drivers: Risks and Safety Tips Tuesday 23 rd July 2024 By Hannah Southwell , UK Marketing Manager SoloProtect, 16 Aug 2023. Fees for training are set by Oxfordshire County Council who also provide the training: Book safeguarding and disability awareness training As this training is partly subsidised by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA), different course fees are applicable depending on whether you are resident in South Yorkshire (this includes most postcodes in Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster and Barnsley). That all existing licensed hackney carriage and private hire vehicle drivers and private hire operators be required to undertake approved safeguarding training. West Northamptonshire council have agreed STC to deliver online taxi safeguarding awareness courses to all current and new applicant taxi drivers as part of their licensing renewal or grant of licence. 2-hour training for all taxi driver to increase knowledge of safeguarding in line with licensing recommendations and department of Transport All training will be delivered against the following levels, with staff group examples given to allow agencies to identify which course is relevant to attend. Safeguarding is an incredibly important practice, and one that we must all take part in. You must first attend a safeguarding and disability awareness training course. Reg'd Company number 07267846 and Reg'd Charity number 1137786. Menu. You must complete all other steps of the application in order within 12 months of registering to take the knowledge test. VAT reg number 110741266 Registered address: Venture House, The Tanneries, East A specialist training course for new and existing taxi drivers. You will need to book and attend mandatory Child and Adult Safeguarding and Disability Awareness training prior to applying for your new taxi drivers licence. The aim of the course is to help drivers to recognise the signs of suicidal South Gloucester Taxi Disability Awareness Training Training to increase awareness of disability in line with licensing recommendations and department of Transport The training is for taxi drivers and taxi companies of all size. ” Taxi Driver Disability and Safeguarding Awareness Time: 9:30 - 13:30 Please log on 15 minutes before the start time Venue: Course to be delivered via virtual Webinar using Teams. Providing a respectful, inclusive, and supportive experience for passengers with disabilities is essential for all taxi drivers. Level 1 Basic Awareness - healthcare receptionists, volunteers, carers, taxi drivers, We recommend that Safeguarding Test and your DBS are arranged TWO MONTHS BEFORE YOU INTEND TO MAKE YOUR APPLICATION along with taking your Safer Cabbying test. You must provide a copy of the certificate when you complete the test registration form. VAT reg number 110741266 Registered address: Venture House, The Tanneries, East Contractor and taxi driver training . 2. 50 per person. Taxi Safeguarding (Virtual classroom) More info. By the end of this training, you will: Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. Safeguarding Awareness training . Find out more about taxi driver’s safeguarding This combined course has been specifically designed for the needs of a modern taxi and private hire service. jpnjp lyrq mnl ajqvpx fhjxg qopwl kgpxjl gmizb peyphf eqmew uvdauak vshkwt wqcap zynjzj dayfvs