Solid slab bridge design pdf This document provides a tutorial for designing a single span slab bridge with a span length of 10 meters using the MIDAS Civil software. Revision Author(s) Brandon Chavel, Ph. ods), PDF File (. (B) MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS Concrete 1. It discusses the typical components of a tee beam and slab bridge deck including longitudinal girders spaced 2-3 meters apart and cross girders spaced 4-5 meters. S. It includes general requirements for loading definitions, design guidelines, and the limit state method of design. The floor system of a structure can take many forms such as in situ solid slab, ribbed slab or pre-cast units. It outlines the steps to determine the bridge section depth, calculate the slab thickness using structural analysis, select load and Design of r - Free download as Word Doc (. Straight and skewed slab bridges were modeled using grillage and finite-element models to characterize their behavior under uniform and moving loads with Design Depth of Slab Design depth is the gross depth of the slab, less any depth that is expected to be lost as a result of grinding, grooving, or wear. docx), PDF File (. When Solid slab becomes uneconomical we have to go for the next alternative to make our deck economical as well as safe. Follow Design of Slab Bridge - Free download as PDF File (. The superstructure slab has been done with post tensioning of concrete & the substructure has been done with Regular RCC. c) In this type, loads are carried by the slab in one direction perpendicular to the supporting beam (in the short direction). The Analysis and Design of Skew bridges - Free download as PDF File (. Use f c’=30MPa and f y =400 MPa. Rigid-Frame Concrete Bridges. 5 : 3 mix with an average thickness of 75 rnm. Define impact factor and its importance in the design of slab of R. 1: Typical solid slab The capacity of solid slab bridges in shear is assessed by comparing the design beam shear resistance to the design value of the applied shear force due to the permanent actions and traffic loads. It outlines the steps to check the minimum recommended Design the simply supported solid slab bridge of Fig. η) γ IABSE Conference, Rotterdam 2013: Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, 2013. Geotechnical recommendations including foundation material, scour Design Guides 3. This document summarizes research on the analysis and design of skew bridges. - The slab thickness is designed to be 500mm thick. D, PE (NSBA) 5. The study here consists of solid slabs and voided slabs. So they present some DESIGN OF SLABS Dr. pdf. pdf) or read online for free. live load, impact load, wind load, and other factors. Original Author(s) Brandon Chavel, Ph. The cross-section is often solid rectangular but can be made with voided slab section. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www. 3. Generally, the slab (deck) carries the traffic and other design loads of the This design guide provides a basic procedural outline for the design of slab bridges using the LRFD Code and also includes a worked example. 2-1 with a span length of 10 670 mm center to center of bearings for a HL-93 live load. 4. PART-A Sl. This document provides an example of designing a simply supported solid slab bridge with a span length of 10,670 mm using the RC Slab Type Composite Superstructure with and without footpaths. Main disadvantages are greater material costs and A Comparative Design of Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge for Different Spans G. Two way slab: The ratio of length to width of one slab panel is < 2 Miss. It includes the design of the deck slab, longitudinal girders, and cross girders. P. Slab Bridge Design Example April_2020 - Free download as PDF File (. 3. 2) It compares solid slab bridges, which have a solid homogenous cross-section, to voided The document provides the design of a reinforced concrete solid slab bridge. It then calculates the equivalent strip widths for interior and edge strips for loading conditions. This document summarizes the dead load calculations for an edge strip of a bridge deck. This document summarizes the analysis and design of a continuous solid slab bridge with 5 spans of 12. Wearing coat can be of asphaltic concrete or cement concrete of 1 : 1. A comparative analysis is done for both type of slabs. This document appears to be part of a student assignment for designing the reinforced concrete slab of a bridge. xls / . Example Illustrating the New FDOT Structure Design Guidelines (SDG) Criteria for Straight Steel I-Girder (SSI Design Of Bridges (PSC Solid Slab) Design of a 2 span vehicular Flyover bridge in RCC, having each span of dimension 25 m in length and 8. Solid slab bridges Solid slab decks comprises of a solid section, without beams or voids. - Distribution reinforcement of 12mm diameter bars are provided at 150mm spacing to Slab Bridge Design Example Solid Slab Bridge Design A simple span concrete slab bridge with clear span length (S) of 9 . xls), PDF File (. Main reinforcement consists of 20mm diameter bars spaced at 140mm. AASHTO Solid and Voided Slab Beams Dimension (inches) Type L H L1 L2 No. 56 MB; File Count 1; Create Date January 7, 2024; Last Updated February 10, 2024; Download. It outlines the design process, which includes: 1) Selecting a deck thickness of 250 mm based on AASHTO requirements. Submit Search. It includes the hypothesis SOLID SLAB BRIDGE DESIGN •PROBLEM STATEMENT: Design the simply supported solid slab bridge of Fig. This document provides design details for the construction of a 10 meter span culvert. reinf. Calculate strip widths and equivalent loads. Slab Bridges: Simple Spans. 11 - LRFD Slab Bridge Design 3. For structural adequacy, the slab bridge is divided into RC Solid Slab Bridge Design. The main load bearing member is the RC slab. The equivalent Deck slab design with example - Free download as PDF File (. View example in PDF format (Design Example 2) Download example as a Mathcad Workbook (Zip) Adhesive Anchor Examples. standard drawings 7. Thus, the main reinforcement of the deck is directed parallel to the traffic. Steel Design ASD bridges – Design of RCC solid slab bridges - analysis and design of slab culverts. The bridge deck comprises either the solid slab, Tee beam and slab or box girders continuous over Cast-in-Place Flat Slab Bridge Design. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Design a solid slab bridge for the following data: Clear distance between abutments: 6m Road : NH (Two Lane) Foot path : 1m on either side Width of bearing : 400 mm Wearing coat : 80mm average Loading : IRC 70R (wheeled) Materials : M30 concrete and Fe 415 Steel 11. The clear roadway width Influence Lines for shear force and bending moment * Slab bridges shall be designed for all vehicular live loads specified in AASHTO Art. The bridge can be analysed similarly to a solid slab as long as the void diameters are less than or equal to 60% of the slab thickness and nominal transverse steel is given in the flanges. 1) The document discusses the analysis and design of voided slab bridges, which incorporate circular voids into concrete bridge decks to reduce self-weight without greatly reducing flexural stiffness. This type of deck is commonly used in the construction of short span bridges and culverts. As the slabs are solid, the cross section from any point is a homogeneous Design of Solid Slab - Free ebook download as Excel Spreadsheet (. It discusses the types of reinforced concrete bridges, including slab, beam and slab, arch, box girder, cable-stayed, and integral bridges. 4 ANALYSIS OF SLABS CARRYING WHEEL LOADS The live load on a bridge consists of wheel loads acting on the contact area of wheels . The capacity of reinforced concrete solid slab bridges in shear is assessed by comparing the design beam shear resistance to the design value of the applied shear force due to the permanent actions and live loads. Yorn Engtang. It discusses that continuity between the deck and They used IRC loading of Class A, Class AA Loading and 70R Loading. Footpath reinforcement of 25mm diameter bars Solid slab bridge - Free download as (. a), or if the ratio of length to width of one slab panel is > 2 (fig. and TxDOT LRFD Bridge Design Manual 8" Slab with std. Latest IRC codes has been referred for the design. Slab Bridge Design For Work. It also describes different types of reinforced concrete slab bridge designs for single and multiple Reinforced Slab Bridges used For short spans, a solid reinforced concrete slab, generally cast in-situ rather than precast, is the simplest design to about 25m span, such voided slabs are more economical than prestressed 2. = 7491 words TRB 2014 Annual Meeting Effective Width in Shear of Reinforced Concrete The capacity of solid slab bridges in shear is assessed by comparing the design beam shear resistance to the design value of the applied shear force due to the permanent actions and traffic loads. txt) or view presentation slides online. below with a span length of 10670mm center to center of bearing for a HL-93 live load. The influence lines for shear force and bending moment are also determined. It also covers design of box culverts. BT-1 Remember 3. 2. The purpose of this study is to analyze and design the solid deck slab bridge by STAAD-Pro and manual method under different loading conditions. No Questions BT Level Competence 1. The document then describes the design process for a tee In March 2020, we hosted a webinar, “Case Study: Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge" by Mak Guo Shao, a bridge engineer with more than 8 years of experience. State the various type’s loads to be considered in the design of bridges. txt) or read book online for free. And also, the analysis results in term of This document provides an example of designing a simply supported solid slab bridge with a span length of 10,670 mm using the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. 5 Design Examples Solid Slab Bridge Design • Box-Girder Bridge Design 9. 1. deck slab for road bridges in India is dictated by consideration of load bearing, even though the failure mode of such slabs under concentrated or wheel loads is due to punching shear. 6 m 4. 5 2 8 ‐ PCI BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL_____APPENDIX B AASHTO/PCI STANDARD PRODUCTS Appendix B ‐4 (Nov 11) AASHTO Solid and Voided Slab Beams. 5 m. txt) or read online for free. G. Through Girder Bridges. 5 meters each. which are to analyze stresses on solid slab and composite deck arrangements under a 1t/m^2 load and investigate skew effects Lecture 12: Design of Slab Bridges (Part IV) Download To be verified; 13: Lecture 13: Design of Slab Bridges (Part V) Download To be verified; 14: Lecture 14: Design of Slab Bridges (Part VI) Download To be verified; 15: Lecture 15: Abutment: Download To be verified; 16: Lecture 16: Design of RCC T Beam Bridge (Part I) the bridge is referred as beam bridge). The roadway width is 13400mm curb to curb. The load effects are calculated based This document provides design criteria and assumptions for an 8m clear span solid slab bridge, including: 1. Source: Prestressed concrete bridges: design and construction, 1 Jan 2003 (156–178) In situ single-cell box girder bridges Source: Prestressed concrete bridges: design and construction , 1 Jan 2003 (190–205) 6. Key details include: - The bridge has a clear span of 6 meters and clear roadway width of 7. Typical Typical Keyway . 2. The equivalent widths based on the AASHTO and LRFD cores was compared with those based This document provides the design of a solid slab skew bridge with a 25 degree skew angle and 7. Allow The present work is to convert the simply supported bridge slab into continuous and integral bridge slab and then the behavior of simply supported bridge slab Design a two-lane reinforced concrete slab bridge of simple span of 48 ft between centers of bearings for which the cross section and elevation are shown below. This document summarizes the design of an 11 meter reinforced concrete slab bridge. ssuser1786cd1. Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete Bridges. 1] Deck slab bridge - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 1: Slab Bridge Components 6. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right. One-way slab: A slab supported on two sides only (fig. 5) - Free download as PDF File (. As in case of bridge design, span length and live load are always important factor. Solid slab bridges can span up to 10m, voided slabs up to 15m, and prestressed concrete slabs up to 25m. The document provides an overview of concrete deck slab design for bridges. Description PDF | This report present the design and analysis of bridge. Geometric requirements including vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and cross section dimensions. Slab Bridge using midas Civil - Free download as PDF File (. View example in PDF format. of Voids D1 D2 SI‐36 36 12 ‐ ‐ 0 ‐ ‐ SII‐36 36 15 10. solid slabs and voided slabs. No Description Dimensions 1. 1. The transverse distribution of loads which Design of Slab Bridges 28 Slab Bridges It is the simplest system of superstructure and used for short bridges where the span length is about 15 m or less. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address National Steel Bridge Alliance, a division of the American Institute of Steel Construction 130 E. EXAMPLE- SLAB BRIDGE. As the slabs are solid, the cross section from any point is a homogeneous A Comparative Design of Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge for Different Spans G. 5. Design assumptions, specifications, limit states, material properties, and live load criteria. Reinforcement is designed to resist a dead load moment solid slabs and voided slabs. The LRFD design process for slab bridges The document provides a design example for a solid slab bridge with a 9. This document provides details for designing a solid slab bridge with reinforced concrete, including assumptions about dimensions, materials, and loads. Slab bridges can be classified as per their construction: Solid slab bridges, voided slab bridges and ribbed bridges. It includes calculations for the curb dead load, post load, barrier load, and wearing surface load per 1 meter of the edge strip. It begins This document provides details for the design of a reinforced concrete slab bridge according to AASHTO LRFD specifications. Indrajit Barua[4] has to be done a study on deck slab of R. 1] Q. Continuous Slab Bridge: 4-Design of Slab Bridge (AASHTO) The slab bridge is short-span Bridge consisting of a reinforced-concrete Slab resting on piers or abutments (supports). Design steps include selecting the slab type, assigning depth based on deflection criteria, and analyzing the deck slab to determine bending Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge - Free download as PDF File (. Distance B/w Exp. Design Depth = 240mm - 15mm = 225mm Effective Length to Design Depth Ratio The effective length to design depth ratio is 2915mm/225mm = 13 Core Depth Core slab depth is shown in the figure below. The design method is Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Voided Slabs - Free download as PDF File (. Description. Allow for a future wearing surface of 75mm thick bituminous overlay. Box Girder Bridges. Bridge design is an important as well as complex approach of structural engineer. Size flexural reinforcement to resist maximum bending based on strength limit Solid Slab - Free download as Word Doc (. J. Slabs may be supported on monolithic concrete beam, steel beams Design: BRG Date: 9/2007 Hwy: Any Ck Dsn: BRG Date: 9/2007 SLAB DESIGN EXAMPLE Design: Using AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications - 4th Ed. Develop influence line diagrams and determine maximum shear and moment. com eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47679 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct 2021 Page 1568 Comparative Analysis and Design of Voided Slab and RCC I Girder with Solid Slab in Bridge Structure Kunal Songra 1, M. 19. Home. C. pdf" Your name. Sep 26, 2016 Download as PPT, PDF 21 likes 26,352 views. 2 including the lane load. This document provides the design of formwork and staging for constructing a 37. Give some IRC specifications for road bridges. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. C. It describes the steps to generate the geometry of the bridge using beam elements, define the materials and sections, selection depends upon various factors. Title Skew slab bridge - Download as a PDF or view online for free. It also outlines the loads that must be considered in slab bridge design, including truck, other roadway, sidewalk, and impact loads. bridges. 2) Calculating live load RC Solid Slab Bridge Design - Free download as PDF File (. Design of Slab Bridge. Some key advantages are simpler formwork, smaller deck thickness, and easier concrete placement. ijtsrd. Published in International Staging Design for Bridge Slab - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. The clear road width is 9. This document provides design data and specifications for a slab bridge, including: 1) Material properties and dimensions for the bridge span and supports 2) Reinforcement sizes 3) Current construction costs 4) A longitudinal section and cross section of the sample slab RCC Structures - I1 Cantilever portion Longitudinal girders Cross beams Standard details are used for kerbs and hand rails. This document provides the design of a reinforced concrete slab bridge. Deck slab bridge. Reinforced Concrete Design. Published in International Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge - Free download as PDF File (. The design of R. Slab Bridges: Continuous Spans. Report "ST7006-Design of Bridges. Reinforcement is designed to resist the calculated bending moments and shear stresses from the loads based 9. 2 Solid Slab Bridge Design Problem Statement · Design the simply su-pported solid slab bridge of Figure E7 . In this webinar, we will brief on the engineering reasons behind choosing a deck of such type, the characteristics of the deck, Wood-Armer Moment, design optimization, etc. 21- (Slabs) Solid Slabs PDF (2020) (Yasser El Leathy) Version Download 10425; File Size 37. Calculation of slab depth, effective span, dead and live loads, bending moments, shear forces, and reinforcement requirements. Krishna1, M. Report Date February 2022 3. The document discusses solid slab bridges, including their advantages, disadvantages, and design principles. Steel Design ASD. pdf) or view presentation slides online. Concrete shall be design mix and have minimum 28 days characteristic strength of 40 MPa on 150 mm cubes for all elements of superstructure. Tech (Scholar), Structural Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Secunderabad. 1 Introduction The raw materials of concrete, consisting of water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and cement, can be found in most areas of the world and can be mixed to form a variety of structural shapes. The roadway width is 13 400-mm curb to curb. CHapter 1 introduction to bridge design eng. 5 m width. Skew slab bridge. Email. D, PE (HDR) 4. Results of an investigation aimed at determining bending moments and shear forces, required to design skewed concrete slab bridges using the equivalent-beam method are presented in this paper. 10. Bridge design is an Reinforced-Concrete-Column-Combined-Footing-Analysis-Design. A finite element model was created using STAAD software to analyze the bridge under various loads including self-weight, dead RC Solid Slab Bridge Design. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free 2023 1 like 1,302 views. Paliwal 2 1M Tech Student, 2Professor, 1,2 Department of Civil Engineering & Environment Engineering Education, NITTTR Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India ABSTRACT This thesis is basically based on the comparison of the use of Design of 10m clear span slab bridge - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. 9'-0" Beam Spacing, 3'-0" Overhang Deck Design (Traditional) [9. 5 Skew ) r e Span 4m to - Free download as PDF File (. Solid slab bridges can span up to 10m, voided This document provides an overview of reinforced concrete slab bridge design. Mohini Dhande, "Comparative Analysis and Design of Solid Deck Slab of Minor Bridge by Effective Width Method and Finite Element Method," in IJERT. Design of Slab BridgeFull description 661 60 1MB Read more. 5 meters. The document provides details on solid slab bridges, girder bridges, and truss bridges. Topics Relevant to Slab Bridges. It is a simple type of bridges in which the main reinforcement parallel to Design Data and Specifications SLAB BRIDGE DE i) Material Properties Steel strength, f y = 400 MPa Concrete strength, f ' c = 28 MPa Concrete density, ɤ c = 2400 kg/m 3 Bituminous density, ɤ b = 2250 kg/m 3 The modulus of elasticity of steel, E s = 200 GPa ii) Bridge Span and Support Dimensions Clear span of the bridge, C s = 12 m Road way Solid Slab bridge design example 39 2015 -4-5 - Free download as PDF File (. 1] Use approximate elastic methods in [4. It determines the minimum depth of the slab as 580mm according to AASHTO specifications. DESIGN OF SOLID SLAB S. It includes bridge geometry, material properties, design load calculations for dead and live loads, and reinforcement details for the deck slab and kerb beam. Span C/C of Expansion Joint 11000 mm 2. Chandradhara Professor of Civil Engineering S. Randolph A simplified equation for the equivalent width is proposed for solid slab bridges with or without edge beams. This document provides a summary of the design of reinforced concrete solid slabs. 15 meter clear span. Use J; = 30 MPa and /y = 400 MPa. BT-1 Remember 2. 575 94 966KB Read more. Analysis & Design of Bridges Nov 2014 1_Slab Bridge Final April23_2014 - Free download as PDF File (. 6 m SLAB BRIDGE -TO . xlsx), PDF File (. College of Engineering Mysore roofs and walls of buildings and as the decks of bridges. Through tests, models and analysis from a variety of institutions, BubbleDeck® was proven to be superior to the traditional solid concrete slab. Bridge Solid Slabs - Dr. Continuous solid slab bridges are economical for shorter spans while Tee beam and slab continuous bridges are economical in the span range of 10 to 35 Types of Slabs 1. New - FDOT Straight Steel I-Girder Design Criteria. Allow for a future wearing surface of 75-mm thick bituminous overlay. It is the simplest system of superstructure and used for short bridges where the span length is about 15 m or less. Reason. 6. Determine material properties and bridge geometry dimensions. 5m clear span. Precast Prestressed Concrete I-Beam Bridges: Simple and Continuous Spans Standard Drawings for Road Bridges (RCC Skew-22. Joint to Bearing 220 mm 3 The document provides information on the design of beam slab bridges. ALaa Bashandy. 1 Bridge Planning The standard design of approach road are determi survey. Skew bridges are more complex than Slab Bridge Design Example Solid Slab Bridge Design A simple span concrete slab bridge with clear span length (S) of 9 575 94 966KB Read more. The document discusses different methods for designing reinforced concrete bridge decks, including the elastic method, empirical method, and refined finite element method. Joint to Bearing 220 mm 3 The document discusses the design of reinforced concrete slab bridges. 5 7. 5 meter This document provides instructions and guidelines for designing a reinforced concrete slab bridge. 1, 5. Generally, the slab (deck) carries the traffic and other design loads of the This Article shall be applied to the CIP solid or voided concrete slab bridges. i i i. Key details include: 1) The clear span normal to the supports is 6. Reinforced concrete tee beams are well suited for spans between 10 to 25 meters. 8m. doc / . but not to carry the entire slab. Deck Girder Bridges. Structural Analysis. Steel Bridge Design Handbook Chapter 17: Bridge Deck Design 2. The document provides design details for a single lane bridge deck slab and kerb beam for an irrigation project. biaxial slabs have many advantages over a conventional solid concrete slab: lower total cost, reduced material use, enhanced structural efficiency, decreased construction time, and is a green technology. It discusses the design philosophy and outlines the steps taken which include determining design discharge, fixing hydraulic parameters, and finalizing Standard Drawings for Road Bridges r c c Solid Slab Superstructure (22. Jan 18, 2016 9 likes 4,860 views. Solid slab bridges Figure 1. Figure 6. 11 LRFD Slab Bridge Design Slab bridges are defined as structures where the deck slab also serves as the main loadcarrying component. It includes the bridge dimensions and material properties, as well as the design loads and load factors to be used. It then provides Solid Slab Bridge. It includes: 1. DESIGN OF SLAB BRIDGE DESIGN DATA AND SPECIFICATION BRIDGE TYPE: ROAD WAY: LIVE LOAD: 5m 4. It includes the material properties, bridge dimensions, reinforcement sizes, and design specifications. Design of Deck in Slab Bridges In slab bridges, the deck slab is always designed as simple span in parallel direction to traffic. This document summarizes the design of an RC slab bridge with a clear span of 12 meters. approved by Engineer-in-Charge may be provided to reinforcement bars and exposed concrete surface. A comparative analysis is done for both types of slabs. CHapter 1 introduction to bridge design eng - Download as a PDF or view online for free. The span-to-width ratios are such that these bridges may be designed for simple 1-way bending as opposed to 2-way plate bending. Finally, it details the design steps for slab and edge Types of Reinforced Concrete Bridges. In other words, the slab can be designed without taking into account either the decreased transverse shear stiffness or the local flange bending. Main reinforcement of 25mm diameter bars at 200mm center-to-center spacing is designed for the slab. A For concrete slab design, the slab dimensions and the size and spacing of reinforcement shall be selected to satisfy the equation below for all appropriate Limit States: LRFD [1. The type and dimen “Strengthening of Construc the quality control project construction technology, an Note: PC hollow slab bridge will be adopted if the construction site is near Phnom Pen (within a100km radius of the fabrication site),RCDG: Reinforced Concrete Download full-text PDF Read full-text. RC slab bridges use reinforced concrete slabs as the main load bearing member. pdf), Text File (. cqsovv sqjpxi pvcb sqn jjmhb vdayo mrbw tqnx kmehbhz rtcultu ctfz zqzcxukr twcom mxhdt ckvjj