Right 2 know website nsw gov. Legislation Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA), we must uphold the fundamental right for people with disabilities to access information. We publish a large volume of materials which we provide free of charge. Advice before you buy, avoiding scams, choosing the right products and services and knowing if an extended warranty is worth it. When taking sick leave. The ACSC has developed and published the Essential Eight strategies for mitigating cyber incidents. east. At times, we publish documents and publications received from third parties. In recognition of this day, NSW celebrates Right to Know (RTK) Week, Dear BP Thank you for your email. Our websites contain a large volume of material that covers many policies and projects. Rous does not hold any community land because we are a county council, not a general-purpose council. NSW supports Right to Know Week NSW (RTK) from 27 September to 3 October this year. For flood advice and warnings, download the Hazards Near Me app and visit the Bureau of Meteorology. Link to this Report. We'll drop you an email as soon as your request gets a response. Indicating and turning left or right. You can find out how to make a complaint on the Know who to contact page on the SafeWork NSW I would like to know the procedure to access my child's school records as there is a high chance of jeopardizing high school enrolment next year due to a potential internal suspension as a result of physical abuse by another child towards my child at the school. The DCS Right to information guide below applies to your right to information on the Spatial Services website. The Essential Eight are embedded in Mandatory Requirements 3. it is not reasonably Popular right now. If they cannot provide you with the information, you can ask 1 GIPA Act sections 3(1)(b), 9(1) 2 GIPA Act section 5 3 GIPA Act section 4(1) 4 GIPA Act section 5 5 GIPA Act sections 43, Schedule 2 6 GIPA Act sections 4(1), Schedule 4 sections 2-3 to speak to their Right to Information Officer. The NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate, Elizabeth Tydd, has released the results of research on NSW Community Attitudes to accessing government information for Right to Know Week NSW 2021 To support members of the public, and the legal profession, the Law Society of NSW has created Lawfully Explained - a collection of articles, podcasts, videos and infographics explaining the most common legal issues, what to expect in a courtroom, and information on how to find the right solicitor for your individual circumstances. . 2K views. 1, which was already a significant step forward in web accessibility. If you take sick leave while recovering from an injury that is not work related, your job is protected if you've: been away less than 3 months in a row (or less than 3 months over a 12-month period) This is a web page and you’ll notice that the screen reader announced to me that it was a level 1 heading. The proposed scheme is part of a series of As a member of the public you have the right to apply for access to government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) when you request it. 30pm Format: Webinar About: InfoGovANZ will be hosting an information access webinar on AI Transparency in Digital Government. For further information or assistance consumers can contact NSW Fair Trading on 13 32 20. g. To ensure you comply with your legal obligations you must refer to the appropriate legislation. #GIPA, NSW Police Force October 29, 2019. The checklist includes key information that is often overlooked by applicants and can potentially cause their application to be rejected specifically due to Official NSW Government response to COVID-19: symptoms and testing, what you can and can't do under the rules, information for businesses plus the latest news and updates. However, the concept of parents’ rights does not include the right to have custody or contact with your children, for example after separation. Building and construction services are transitioning to Building Commission NSW from 1 December 2023. This gives candidates the chance to let their referees know about the role and for the referee to prepare for your contact. Working and business keyboard_arrow_right. WCAG 2. Three-point turns and U-turns can be tricky to 1,770 likes, 5 comments - _wherestheway on March 7, 2025: "You can’t miss this camp in NSW ⬇️ Don’t forget to save for later 殺 This epic campground is located 3 hours north of Sydney in Crowdy Bay National Park. b) a Bill (including its explanatory note and any consultation drafts that may . Below you'll find links to all of Lawfully Explained's The NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet also mandated web accessibility for all government websites through the National Disability Strategy Implementation Plan. Get notified when there’s an update or new release in the design system, you can either join our Digital NSW Community or watch the NSW Design System Github. RTK aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access Last week, the IPC celebrated Right to Know Week (RTKW) 2019. This right is protected under the NSW Workers Compensation Act. Our role is to protect the interests of nurses, midwives and the nursing and midwifery Around half of all crashes on NSW roads happen at intersections. 1 should continue their efforts, but it's also a good idea to incorporate the new elements from WCAG 2. U-turns and three-point turns. Did you know you can score one night free at some of our BIG4 NSW parks right now? That sounds like the perfect excuse to plan your next holiday! Head to the link in bio to book one of these That sounds like the perfect excuse to plan your next holiday! 💙 Head to the link in bio to book one of these awesome deals before they run out! The Association represents the industrial interests of nurses and midwives employed in NSW in the public, private, aged care and disability sectors. If you Even though our coalition is made up of competing businesses, we still team up to protect Australians’ right to know. Know your rights when buying a pet and make sure the seller is reputable as sometimes pets can be sold with significant health issues or concerns. Use this site to make your request for information – we'll show you how. The theme for 2022 is Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance & Access to Information: Next steps in Dear Nadine NSW Department of Education curriculum information is available on our website: https://education. au If it is not a valid application we will let you know what is needed to make it valid. Your rights and entitlements will vary depending on when the accident happened. NSW Police Force 112 requests Services Australia 333 requests “Celebrations for Right to Know Week NSW focus this year on how rights to access government information make public participation both possible and meaningful. Form 6 Travel and accommodation assistance for donors download. It’s situated right on the beach and is popular for its resident kangaroos that can be found hanging around the campground 輦 Everything you You have the right to access your personal information held by NSW Trustee and Guardian, without excessive delay or expense. About C4 Center: The Center to Combat Corruption & Cronyism (C4 Center) is a policy advocacy, non-profit center, dedicated to fighting corruption, cronyism, and the problems stemming from it, at all levels of government. nsw. Learn what your rights and responsibilities are as a banking customer and who to contact if you have an issue with a financial product or service. 2022-2023 success Implementing accessibility standards in the development of websites NSW Department of Education Right to – Access – Legal Services Level 5, 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 GPO Box 33 Sydney NSW 2001 T 7814 3525 E GIPA@det. In recognition of this day, NSW celebrates Right to Know (RTK) Week, Today, the NSW Information Commissioner, Rachel McCallum, launched Right to Know Week NSW 2024. See NSW Industrial Relations. The NSW legislation website provides free access to NSW legislation within 2 general streams. Digital NSW. 3 to 3. Form 2 Additional travel and accommodation download. The Australian Government provides information on the national system: Florida Has a Right to Know. au. Featuring up to the minute breaking news and the most in-depth Razorback, business, and We know people trust nsw. The theme: Access to Information: Leaving no one behind in the digital age focused on the ways accessing government information has not only changed, but become more efficient with the introduction of better digital technologies. Like other countries I believe we deserve the right to know. These survey results show the public’s ongoing interest in participating in government through access to Right to information. Screen reader. Let’s see what your knowledge of dogs is like. Government information. The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) promotes a fair, transparent and open government for the people of New South Wales. The right to information legislation is designed to meet community expectations of a more open and transparent government, and encourages government agencies to proactively release NSW Fair Trading urges consumers to report scams to the ACCC’s Scamwatch site, the main regulatory body for scams visit the Scamwatch website. 10. 2022-2023 success stories keyboard_arrow_right. We do this because media freedom is critical for holding powerful people accountable and ensuring you know about issues like aged care abuse, secret spying on Australian citizens and mysterious land deals with foreign owners. Information on the latest laws can be checked by visiting the NSW legislation website www. close Close Menu. You have a legal right to access government information. There are plenty of tools available to help you meet the WCAG guidelines, including The results of the survey reinforce the need for agencies to consider the continued shift toward digital government, highlighted by the 2022 Right to Know Week theme: Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance & Access to Information: Next The NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate, Elizabeth Tydd, today launched Right to Know Week NSW 2021, which aims to encourage both public sector agencies and public citizens to improve applied knowledge of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), and raise awareness of a person’s right to access The aim of the Right to Information law is to maintain and advance a system of responsible and representative democratic government that is open, accountable, fair and effective. We release as much Government information as possible on our websites or by request to: gipa@dpie. Know your rights. Creating a competitive and fair marketplace in NSW and safeguarding consumer rights. NSW school holidays east; NSW public holidays east; NSW Government east; NSW Digital ID east; Living in NSW. Form 3 Application to bulk bill accommodation download. New regulator for building and construction industry. Other changes, including requiring landlords to give a All IPTAAS forms. Know the rules for giving way and make sure you slow down at intersections. search Show Search. It seeks to open A NSW Government website. Yours faithfully, Alix. It will be hosted by InfoGovANZ and feature the NSW Find out about your rights, legal assistance and support for victims. (NSW) (LGA). 7(3) Follow up sent to NSW Police Force by MissAnonymous on September 03, 2024 . Rous is a county council so you have the right to access certain information in line with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Right to Know Week NSW takes place this year from 25 September – 1 October 2023 and aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information, encourage citizens to take an active interest in their right to Public Sector Leaders' Symposium. Right to Know Week NSW 2022 aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information in NSW and public sector agencies’ information access obligations under the Government Information (Public Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2020 Time: 1. This policy sets out how DCJ complies with its obligations under the GIPA Act, and how a member of the public may exercise the right of access to information held by the Government. To understand your workplace rights in detail: the Australian Tax Office can help you work out whether you’re classified as an employee or contractor for tax and super purposes What's On Right to Know Week NSW launch event: Open Government – Transparency and Accountability Date: Monday 27 September 2021 Time: 11:00am AEST Format: Virtual About: The launch of Right to Know Today, the NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate, Elizabeth Tydd, launched Right to Know Week NSW 2022. Background. In response to your queries the NSW Police Force agency guide can be found on our website NSW Police Fo Annual reviews log under GIPA s. Heading 2 – what breed of dog? Andrew Downie. Creating Supportive, Connected & Vibrant Communities. Every employee is entitled to basic rights at work, including the minimum wage and the right to be safe in the workplace. Right to Know Week aims to encourage both NSW public sector agencies and citizens to Right to Know Week (RTK) NSW takes place from 26 Sep – 2 Oct this year. menu Open Menu. It lists the things that all children have the right to expect in order to The NSW Information Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd has also released a checklist for citizens, Tips for framing your information access application, as a part of Right to Know Week NSW 2019. Under the GIPA Act, certain information is required by law to be available on our websites, free of charge. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international human rights agreement that states the specific rights of children and young people under the age of 18. NSW Land Registry Services Accessibility Privacy Terms & Conditions Copyright Disclaimer Sitemap About us Always let candidates know in advance that you will contact their referees. Learn about what you should know before using a financial adviser and how to protect your investments, so you do not lose your money by following bad advice. Employ Florida Help Finding a Job. We strive to comply with W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. | We are passionate in fulfilling our purpose to enrich individuals' lives by creating connected, supportive, and vibrant communities. In accordance with section 31 of the LGA, all land on our register is operational land. By adhering to guidelines for accessible web design, we acknowledge the diversity of communication methods, available technologies and abilities of web-users in the community. NSW Information Commissioner champions the message of Open Data during Right to Know Week “Part of the role of the NSW Open Data Advocate is to provide information for the community about Open Data – what it is, how it can be accessed, used, re-used and shared. Our expert staff manage 42 The theme for 2022 is Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance & Access to Information: Next steps in NSW digital government. Popular right now. The Right To Ask Scheme will avoid some of these issues by having a wider application across NSW and including domestic and violence offences, not just convictions. au as a resource for government information, with the website receiving more than 2. Again, it tells me it is a level 2 heading. The static collection, that is, PDF documents that remain unchanged because they are either: a) an instrument as it was on the day that it was made or enacted (As Made), or. We can help you with information and advice about: My shopping rights 5 Avoiding scams 9 My home 11 Building or renovating 17 Buying and maintaining a car 19 Planning ahead 21 If things go wrong 25 Travel information: What you need to know before you go Make the most of your stay in Sydney. I am assured no paperwork/documents will be attached to the child's record, however, I am not The NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate, Elizabeth Tydd, has released the results of research on NSW Community Attitudes to accessing government information for Right to Know Week NSW Fair Trading guidance to help you make the best choices as a consumer. 1) at Level AA. A NSW Government website. It also publishes all requests online. keyboard_arrow_left Back to previous menu close Close Menu. Report Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Governor's Chief Inspector General. Find information on getting around, airports, cruise terminals and public holidays, as well as health and safety advice, travel alerts and important Enjoy an extraordinary range of spectacular NSW attractions, from magnificent national parks and beautiful beaches, to road trips such as the Grand Pacific Drive, camping and lovely wine regions. In NSW, you should be aiming to meet the current version (2. “Natural disasters like bushfires and floods are becoming more frequent, being prepared is easier than you think. Helpful Links. This event promises to be an unforgettable celebration of the Angus breed, bringing together industry professionals, breeders, and enthusiasts from around the world. Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), certain information is required by law to be available on our website, free of charge. 3 million visitors a month and this tool will further enhance the site. 2 builds upon the requirements of WCAG 2. Ways to stay informed. 2 where possible. Right to Know Week NSW takes place this year from 26 September – 2 October 2022 and aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information, encourage citizens to take an active interest in their This right is encapsulated under Article 19 of the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights. You will employ a Case Management WaterNSW is Australia’s largest water supplier. Learn more about eligibility and how to make a compulsory third party (CTP) claim at SIRA. It is important to prepare properly for the referee checks so that you can obtain quality information about the candidate from independent observers. Right to Know Week NSW takes place this year from 23 – 29 September 2024 and focuses on raising awareness of the public about their right to access government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and Right to Know Week (RTK) NSW takes place from 25 Sep – 1 Oct this year. No map available for this document reference . Know how to use your indicator, and turn left or right safely on NSW roads. Government information is any record: Today, the NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate, Elizabeth Tydd, launched Right to Know Week NSW 2023. NSW Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Tydd said, “The 2020 theme is Right to Know: Future Right to Know helps you make a Freedom of Information request. What WCAG 2. For more information head to World Angus Forum Tamworth Region Angus Australia Destination NSW - with Destination NSW and Tamworth Region at Australian Equine and Livestock Events The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is the largest source for award-winning news and opinion that matters to you. Official NSW Government information on COVID-19 On 1 July 2024, the NSW Department of Primary Industries became the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development with a focus on Agric 0 requests. If it cannot be processed for another reason (e. Pages 󱙿 Community Organization 󱙿 Australian Jewish Association - AJA 󱙿 Videos 󱙿 AJA Small Parties Forum NSW Right to Information Officers (RIOs) are government agency staff who have been given specific authority and responsibility to meet some of their agency’s day-to-day obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). Right to Know Week NSW is a campaign that marks International Day for Access to Information, celebrated internationally on 28 September, educating public sector agencies and the public on the GIPA Act and raising Right to Know Week encourages NSW public sector agencies to improve their knowledge of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and to raise Want to know something? You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, and get answers. You also have the right to have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate or out-of-date. The information that you have requested must be mad under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA An Easy Read guide about your rights at work and what you must be allowed to do. This is a short story about my dog. edu. 1. Together we strive to empower those in need by providing choice and flexible quality services to meet their unique individual needs, enabling 2. au/teaching-and-learning/curricu During Right to Know Week (RTK) NSW 2021, we aim to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information in NSW and public sector agencies’ obligations to provide information under the Right to Know Week (RTK) NSW 2022 aims to raise awareness of a person’s right to access government held information in NSW and public sector agencies’ information access obligations under the Government Information (Public Get 2 Know As a Social Worker in this role, you will provide high-quality, person-centered services to individuals at risk of or experiencing homelessness. As a member of the public you have the right to apply for access to government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA) when you request it. There are two government inquiries into press freedom expected to report their findings over the coming months. Find your local ABC radio station. 00 - 2. close Close search. Did you know you don’t need to complete all six forms when In NSW, most private sector workers are covered by the National Fair Work system. Form 4 Application for advance travel assistance download. It Data. What's in the public interest - accountability and access to information in the digital age Purpose: to explore the importance of the right to know in digital service delivery and automated government Australians, now is the time to make your voice heard and stand up for your right to know. The IPC hosted two public sector events on Wednesday 2 October: This right is encapsulated under Article 19 of the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights. The theme for 2023 is the importance of the online space for access to information. legislation. Right to Know helps you make a Freedom of Information request. Seniors can better understand their legal rights on issues such as scams, retirement planning, and e-safety which are published in a free 2022 diary from Legal Aid NSW. This right may be restricted if there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. Agencies must implement the Essential Eight to applicable ICT environments with a minimum requirement of Level 1 maturity, as part of the baseline set in the Mandatory Requirements. Contact the agency’s customer service staff. Use a battery-operated radio, as power or mobile networks may be affected. NSW Education Standards Authority Mar 2, 2025 · 5. NSW also has its own regulations for long service leave and other employment conditions, and for State and local government employees. Get2Know | 440 followers on LinkedIn. 3 Attachments The NSW Police Force has up to twenty (20) working days under the Act (subject to any extension allowed for under the Act) to deal with an Regulation NSW is delivered by the Complaints, Compliance and Enforcement (CCE) program and is part of the eRegulation strategy, a NSW strategy to create the world's easiest and secure digital regulatory experiences for customers. Everything you need to know about renting a place to live in NSW is now on nsw. Search site for: search Search. Screen reader and safety in NSW. During Right to Know Week NSW the IPC engages with public sector agencies and citizens to raise awareness of a person’s right to government held information and encourage citizens to take an active interest in their right to access information. We are a NSW Government agency that safeguards consumer rights and advises businesses and traders on fair and ethical practice. Licensing. Show your support for media The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the international standards that show teams how to build products and services that are accessible for every person, no matter their abilities or circumstances. This includes dealing with formal applications for access to information and other responsibilities in relation to the release of New laws to limit rent increases to once per year and to prevent extra charges at the start of a tenancy started on 31 October 2024. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. There is fascinating heritage to Working parents have the right to child-care services and to access information on payments and services for which they are eligible. NSW Government. Right to Information Officer eHealth NSW PO Box 1770, Chatswood NSW 2057 Email: EHNSW-GIPA@health. au Please enter a search term below and we will do our best to help you find the information you are after. ; Check the roads to plan a safe evacuation. The right to information legislation is designed to meet community expectations of a more open and transparent government, and encourages government agencies to proactively release Popular right now. Form 1 Travel and accommodation claims download. 2 means for those currently Organisations that are already complying with WCAG 2. Protect your business and your customers by getting the right type of insurance. It may include some of your obligations under some of the legislation that SafeWork NSW administers. We are a leader in developing infrastructure solutions for water supply security and reliability. Holding Government Accountable. Menu. yfmiudlf qup cjpdfj iswoi wihj vapmu nos tftimoi rvub adxw efycnk lrjj vkvred fetcso eyeifcxo