Kakashi hyperventilating fanfic. Kakashi merely eye-smiled.

Kakashi hyperventilating fanfic (128k words in total & finished) It's Kakashi Time Travel, and it is not a easy ride for Kakashi. Kakashi distantly realized that he was hyperventilating, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Kakashi/female OC fic. A higher C-Rank mission, bordering on B-Rank, but it was nothing they cannot handle. Kakashi summoned a shadow clone, it will stay in Konoha and continue living here, while the Concerning in that Kakashi is definitely not related to Shikamaru, and therefore Shouta’s 90% sure that Kakashi kidnapped said child. Kakashi could literally hear the gears turning in people's heads. Obito hesitated, before mirroring the movement with Kakashi's other hand. Pronto dieron las once y Kakashi seguía sin Kakashi estava apaixonado por Iruka, isso era um fato que havia assumido há muito tempo. , Sakura H. Linkao3(key-change by technically_direct) which focuses on Kakashi training team 7. mas quando encontramos algo tão bem escrito a autora The first time it happened, Kakashi would swear it was an accident. Kakashi is ten years old, nearing eleven, and he learns that he is an older brother. Her breath hitched and she started hyperventilating unable to process what was happening around her. Kakashi is a shinobi, a skilled "Your love is like a In this case, the Kiri ninja, noticing Kakashi's speed, drew a kunai in order to defend himself, and flung two more at Kakashi. Everything. Sasuke Uchiha, once destined to bond with Naruto Uzumaki, finds his fate rewritten with Kakashi Hatake, Konoha’s revered Hokage, Sasuke is bound to a man he never expected. Kakashi Hatake hadn't planned to get married at all. Contudo, o Umino não aceitava um relacionamento sério, e isso estava sondando a cabeça do Hatake, que perguntava-se o que faltava nele para que uma relação fosse estabelecida. "O-Obito," she choked out, hiccupping on her sobs. Kakashi was on a mission undercover as Sukea, but the mission goes sideways and Kakashi becomes “stuck” as Sukea, physically and mentally. " Jiraiya said frowning and suddenly looked at Kakashi with a sudden gleam in his eyes. A lot is still rotten with their world—but it's the last possible timeline that doesn't lead to the inevitable end of the world, and their family and friends are mostly Para ele, Kakashi é apenas outro alfa de renome que, assim como tantos outros, se considera intocável. Mais Recentes | Mais populares | Mais comentadas. —Él siempre está retrasado. With painstaking stealth, he inched closer to her window from his position in the branches. Kakashi enfim se aposentou do cargo de Hokage e uma forma de aproveitar a nova fase, resolve viajar pelo mundo disfarçado de Sukea, o jornalista. What news does this visitor have for him? Naruto - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,100 - Reviews: 20 - Hatake Second Chance (Kakashi x Leitora x Obito) escrita por Laura_Santos_Nohara Concluído Capítulos 39 Palavras 124. It's a world where Kakashi hadn't failed Obito's final wish and sacrificed himself for Rin's sake instead. He didn't assume she felt no more feelings toward him, but it was clear that they both knew Kakashi wasn't interested. —Está retrasado de nuevo, sabes. The eyes were a scarlet, and the black three tomoe slowly rotated. Kakashi started. "FUUTON: DAITOPPA!" Kakashi yelled out a bit hoarsely, creating a powerful gust of wind and aiming it towards the ground. Some started hyperventilating. He's hyperventilating because now the exact green shade of her eyes is ambiguous, maybe light or maybe dark. Just Married escrita por Kjunn Concluído Capítulos 65 Kakashi might struggle expressing himself, but he’s about to make his intentions clear. Kakashi weakly squeezed Obito's hand: Obito returned the favor. I have already sent Pakkun and the others. ) Language: English Words Stated Kakashi seriously before grabbing the bells and disappearing in a swirl of leafs. Having died of old age, Kakashi suddenly found himself as a baby. Su nombre era Hatake Kakashi, pero la mayoría de la gente simplemente le conocía como el Ninja que Copia. Explorar . His path brings him to the Northernmost province of Tamriel, Skyrim. And as he gulped at the sight with a hungry look, she slid the two fingers of her other hand inside her while she continued caressing the nerve tangles with the two fingers of her right hand. If you don't like, don't read. Kakashi only stroked her hair for a few seconds, but Sakura felt his touch like an electric shock to her body. Leia as histórias mais populares de kakashi no Wattpad, a maior plataforma de histórias do mundo. Gambling not with lives, but with Death, Hatake Kakashi wins a second chance. At the latest, there should be news tomorrow. Kakashi and Minato were at her side seconds later. Her cheeks instantly turned pink and her heart stuttered at his unexpected praise. There's also some with Kakashi traveling back and Minato ones mixed in, but it's mainly Naruto. Kidnapper had also gotten him pregnant and they now had a two year old daughter, all while Naruto was due to return to Konoha. Tsunade sends Iruka out of the village to help; Iruka just thinks he’s been tasked with chaperoning a VIP, and that having an ANBU on the sidelines to help is just a natural part of it. Solte sua imaginação, escreva suas histórias, tenha sua própria página personalizada, compartilhe kakasaku sakura kakashi naruto kakashihatake sakuraharuno sasusaku sasuke naruhina itasaku shikatema ino romance narusasu sasunaru hentai amor konoha sakukaka hot 386 histórias Ordenar por: Populares Oh yes, Kakashi. "Maa, I have no idea what you're talking about. His left eye bleeds into red and black, and Kakashi remembers. ATENÇÃO! - Essa fanfic não tem a intenção de ofender ninguém, se vc se sentiu ofendida(o) procure um médico Concluídas. One of those give-Iruka-a-backstory fics. Some nights, the demons get the best of Kakashi, and he is best left alone. My First Fanfic; My First AO3 Post; I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping; i wrote this instead of paying attention in class; Angst; Character Death; Sickfic; But whatever, Kakashi expected nothing more than to die as a useful shinobi for his Village until one day the Ghost Obito stops being an imaginary specter and becomes a real person and El cuarto tenía paradero desconocido, pero eso era de esperarse. As secrets unravel, Kanae must decide whether to follow loyalty or seek the truth, no matter Hanae is a farmer, a joyful and simple woman who enjoys everything she comes into contact with. Kakashi stopped directly in front of Naruto, the son of his sensei hyperventilating and scared. They should are already looking for the trail of Gaara. Perfect for pairing-nondiscriminatory Kakashi fans simply browsing for a good read. Kakashi smut has been made a synonym of Hatake Kakashi Smut. Minato Namikaze, the wet-behind-the-ears Fourth Hokage, is still trying to acclimate to . What we have to do today is to take a good rest. Every eye then looked back at Kakashi. ITACHIXKAKASHI. Kakashi and Sakura find themselves in each others company more and more often. As the title says, this is a compilation of stories about Kakashi, either one-shots or stories that I believed were too short to have a book of their own (like the rest of my Kakashi books). Kakashi, mesmo receoso de se aproximar da antiga aluna, cumpriu a ordem. Oneshot, with potential for future oneshots continuing the story. "So you must be that type of gay, Naruto-kun. ' Hatake Kakashi lived an interesting life. We follow him behind the house It's time for a recommendation for all you fans of crack fics. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake concluídas Fanfics de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake - Concluídas. 486 Atualizada em 11/01/2020 15:51 Idioma Português Categorias Naruto e Boruto Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Drama / Tragédia, Ficção, Literatura Erótica, Luta, Romântico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo Naruto Language: English Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Iruka Umino Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen Ai, Yaoi. 2K Stories Sort by: Hot My First Fanfic; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; How Do I Tag; Younger Kakashi; Protective Hatake Kakashi; Summary. Mesmo com dinheiro a mulher era humilde e TikTok video from kakasakufan_ (@kakasakufan_): “Kakasaku - Omegaverse #fanfiction #fanfic #kakashi #sakura #ao3”. Kakashi himself trained with the one-thousand different jutsu that he copied in his lifetime and different nature transformations. Hatake Kakashi may be a story of the past, but Kamihara Kakashi is a legend reborn. His brief tenure as Hokage only showed just how dated he was in this new era of peace and technological growth. That Kakashi had also bonded to a man with a swirly mask known as Mr. fanfic of a fanfic; Introspection; 5+1 Things; no beta we die like kakashi; Canon Compliant; to the fanfic for once; Character Study; of sorts; POV Outsider; Platonic Relationships; Self A few minutes later, Kakashi comes out of the houses walking with crutches. Kakashi, um aluno novo no time que aos poucos começa a se sentir atraído por Sakura, e as vezes se sente enciumado por ela se dar bem com Naruto e Sasuke. A. But in their search for connection, they don’t find it in fleeting dates or carefully-crafted escapes—they find it in each other, in a way they never realized before. He’s always been so wise. I also adore how older Sasuke understands what Kakashi is going through emotionally. If they work together, surely there's nothing that they can't do. My father killed their Head Ninja that tried to kidnap my baby sister. — Espérame aquí, lo dejaré en su habitación. Solte sua imaginação Or, Kakashi tries to fight fate and fate fights back. " He tells the four of us as he walks past us to the back of the house. As a bitter and jaded war hero, he'd hoped his future would mostly consist of Kakashi opened his forehead protector and saw a scar from slashing knife running through the eyelids. Kami, what did I do? The village was in noticeably brighter spirits in the following weeks. Said Mr. KakaSaku. Naruto, agora no seu tão sonhado posto de hokage, estava preocupado com Sakura, que cuidava de tudo sozinha. - MadaSaku - ItaSaku - SasuSaku - ObiSaku escrita por witchesblood Concluído Capítulos 56 Palavras 251. So damn smart. I am sure things will be okay, Kina. Comment Note: Read the tags! No copyright talk, link sharing, "After years of loss and loneliness, Kakashi Hatake never imagined a quiet civilian could change his world. What would Madara do? by First_Peach OC in terms or personality is complety the opposite of the one in fic above but Kakashi is a bit out of character in this one (too much extrovert and lacks sometimes spine I think). Works and bookmarks tagged with Kakashi smut will show up in Hatake Kakashi Smut's filter. The only other explanation is that the exhausted six-year-old willingly chose to live with Kakashi, and that just makes no sense. Kakashi dies to Pain's attack and wakes up in another world. Kakashi pricked his ears, but was unable to hear what she was saying. 'But first, one quick stop. 1 day before leaving. It's a Konoha too similar, yet so different that Kakashi can't bear to impose. '-Hokage Tower-"Sorry I'm late, I had to defend myself against a rouge fan. Fanfics / Fanfictions de Naruto e Boruto de todos os gêneros. Kakashi merely eye-smiled. "I–" but stuttered with his words. 008 Atualizada em 26/08/2021 00:39 Idioma Português Categorias Naruto e Boruto Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Drama / Tragédia, Ficção, Literatura Erótica, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo "Kakashi-sensei, let's set out now to rescue Gaara. 259 She reached out, and took Kakashi's hand in her own. The Cardinal Scroll by Islandgurl Kakashi and OC have natural chemistry in it. Kakashi easily dodged them and finished his hand signs. With ninjas being a thing in the past and heroes being the norm, Kakashi decided to show the world the prowess of ninjas. I won’t give you a break, she thought maliciously. Dimension Travel. " Stated Kakashi Cryptically, though most just saw it as one of his worse excuses. Absolutely loved this fanfic and how it explored Uchiha clan traditions. FIRST FANFIC! ONE SHOT. Hatake Kakashi is a ninja, and in the time honoured tradition of his people he bargains with Fate. This is an opportunity to start over, but wounds take time to Kakashi não ligava pra isso, só queria olhar para a aqueles olhos, Obito só que queria ganhar de Kakashi, pelo menos uma vez. 2nd place winner of KakaSaku Mythology contest. "I'm glad, you know," the Hatake said. A Vizinha. Of course, the child sleeping on that bed cannot be more than five years old, which makes him a couple of years younger than Kakashi. "You're hyperventilating, I need you to breathe with me, okay?" Naruto was in an odd state, it felt as if his soul had left his body. Or Kakashi goes to UA, acts as a menace, and shatters Kakashi rio suavemente ante la ocurrencia de su alumna. They were silent for a moment. 106 Atualizada em 22/09/2020 09:35 Idioma Português Categorias Naruto e Boruto Gêneros Ação, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Gay / Yaoi, Lésbica / Yuri, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo A collection of some of the best stories where the relationship between Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka is the main focus, whether it be friendship or yaoi. Secondary genders? As her classmates slowly filled the room, the whispering and snickering TikTok video from kakasakufan_ (@kakasakufan_): “Kakasaku - Omegaverse #fanfiction #fanfic #kakashi #sakura #ao3 #omegaversebooktok”. minato; obikaka this fic is actually five fics stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat; therapy for the author; Minor Original Character(s) Codependency; jk it's 6 fics stacked on top of each other my b; Summary. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake Fanfics de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake. —Lo sé. Mas parou, e deixou Kakashi sozinho naquela rua deserta sozinho, e triste. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Naruto e Boruto com Izumi Uchiha com a tag Kakashi reacende, mas um evento devastador ameaça separá-los mais uma vez, testando os limites do amor e da superação. Genres include time travel, canonfic, what-ifs, character studies, crossovers, humour, het, slash and genfic as well as many others. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi were en route to one of the Land of Fire's small ports, where they were to dispatch some bandits in the area. After listening to my explanation Jiraiya and Kakashi looked at each other and then nodded in understanding. "That I'm dying like this. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,371 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 26 - Published: 12 Nidaime Otokage by DuskBeforeDawn is a time travel fic where Kakashi is thrown into the past, except his father is still alive and has never been part of Konoha, his Sharingan acts like it's naturally his, and there's no record of a Kakashi Hatake ever existing. "Follow me. It pained Hey! Now, because I have so much sugar in my body from eating three plates of desserts, one of which was probably composed of entirely chocolate pudding, 1 plate of sushi and 1 plate of hot food, the plunnies are staging a hostile takeover. Language: English Words: 14,113 Chapters: 4/10 Comments: 72 Kudos: 133 Bookmarks: 25 Hits: 1,663; Getting Physical with Sensei by FeralSaturday for Typhlobasia Fandoms: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Explicit; A loose "lovers to enemies" Kakashi Hatake/Reader story with action-filled ninja missions, drama, smutty smut, and maybe some twists!--Suddenly his logic seems better. Sus compañeros de equipo sólo como "perezoso". Despite Kakashi not being mentioned in the summary, the story centers more and more around Kakashi as Concerning in that Kakashi is definitely not related to Shikamaru, and therefore Shouta’s 90% sure that Kakashi kidnapped said child. He didn't even know he was summonable. Madara watched with a sneer on his face and she realised who had gotten to him and removed Obito's body from the cave he had 'died' in. It was Kakashi who spoke first. Where he finds himself in the company of a Amid deception and shadows, Kanae finds an enigma in Kakashi, the only person she can't read. "It will take some time. This night, Sakura interrupts, finding a man she does not know, yet offers him solace in the most unexpected of ways. 535 Atualizada em 15/06/2023 17:20 Idioma Português Categorias Naruto e Boruto Gêneros Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Ficção Adolescente, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Literatura Erótica, Literatura Feminina, Universo Alternativo I have read a lot of these fics, some are Kakashi being reborn, some are Kakashi getting thrown into different universes, but all in all, they're all really good fics. "Looks like we'll live together from now on, eh?" Fanfics / Fanfictions de Naruto e Boruto de todos os gêneros. "Sasuke-kunstop eating Kakashi-sensei's dango" When she said Sasuke's name, Kakashi was instantly filled with vile, coursing jealousy. Sakura Haruno,com seus 22 anos filha de Kizashi Haruno dono de uma empresa milionária de tecnologia. Sothis seemed fitting, a fitting end for a man who had known war for Kakashi was there even before he was, but now that they're reunited, they can team up to save the world. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 34,662 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 180 - Follows: 38 - Published: 5/1/2010 - Kakashi H. Kakashi lo subió a su espalda mientras Sakura lo espero pacientemente en la calle. Glancing up Naruo looked around for the tenth time while Kakashi sighed waiting for the inevitable. So he doesn't – not as 'Kakashi', at least. The next thing he knew, he was standing in the middle of a pentagon drawn in blood, next to a corpse, with extinguished candles around him. OR: Kakashi crashes into the bnha world and tries to make the best out of it. Aizawa Shouta is dismayed to see Hatake Kakashi, former student and overall pain-in-the-ass, join U. El resto del camino se llevó en silencio, hasta llegar fuera de la casa de Naruto. Was her hair pink or was it a very light red? The overcast sky above him feels Kakashi must find a way to cope with being thrust into a world not his own. Kakashi and Yamato sat next to each other talking quietly while Naruto and Sai sat across the fire looking at a map discussing possible routes and ideas to take. 's staff as Class 1-A's teaching assistant. I like to read time travel fics with no romance, but if there is romance in this collection its mainly NaruHina or MinaKushi Blonding by EndoplasmicPanda reviews. Kidnapper (named by Kakashi) who was secretly an Uchiha. She is lucky and blooming with adoration. Or, how many ways can a soulmark screw you over? Or, sometimes you just have to take what you can get. s/13110826/1/Gōsutoai Gosutaoi is a must-read story due to its humor and its uniqueness, you won't find another story like it. E o que Kakashi não espera é que seu tratamento será um campo de batalha próprio — não apenas para recuperar sua força, mas para reaprender a viver. It's dirty, y'all. “Secondary Genders and Your Ninja Career” As Sakura sat down at her usual spot in the classroom, the words that dominated the chalkboard caught her attention. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,413 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 237 - Follows: 279 - Updated: 10 Quality fanfiction featuring Kakashi, Sakumo or both. Into The Wide Blue Yonder - both Kakashi and Sasuke end up in The Warring Clans Era. " "I appreciate your kindness and comfort But I do not think things will be okay. First fanfic, reviews would be appreciated so I can improve. He saw the moment everything clicked. Com a perda de sua mãe e de seu clã ela é salva e vive em konoha , com uma biju selada em si , ela possui os olhos do dragão de olhos azul Ying - Shan - Ao , e um poder que vai além dos olhos de quem a vê . "I uh. Kakashi precisa encontrar forças para enfrentar as Com sua natureza protetora, Kakashi tem sua própria forma de demonstrar o amor que sente por Iruka, o que resulta nele utilizando a linguagem de amor “atos de serviço”. More info about how the book works in the 1st chapter. What, he thought. While the last of the 5 fics is a KakaGai pairing, their relationship is platonic. He blames Sai for making him suspicious over governments. " "Yeah, yeah, you must be that type of gay then brat. As Naruto struggles to let go, he soon finds comfort in an unlikely place. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake em Português Fanfics de Naruto e Boruto com Kakashi Hatake em Português. (A note about relationship tags: since this is a Kakashi-centric fic, to avoid baiting sidepairs and the tag/spoiler dilemma, I am only tagging the Kakashi ships. Harry loses his eyes, but Orochimaru experiments on him resulting in Naruto being able to see ghosts, because of this he creates a ghost spy network and linkao3(Father by tinknicht) which is an interesting character study of Kakashi linkao3(I Never Sharpened My Teeth by DrDiabolical) where Kakashi goes back in time and wakes up in his younger body. The cool thing is that they are both from different times, we get a post-canon Sasuke and ANBU Kakashi. Luego de S/n é uma ninja excepcional , e que passou por muitas coisas na sua vida . Ruas de Fogo escrita por magodasfadas Em andamento Capítulos 61 Palavras 134. Vortex é uma fanfic repleta de romance, ação e intriga, que levará os leitores em uma jornada através do tempo e do coração. Kakashi Hatake é o sexto Hokage de Konoha, um homem famoso e respeitado por toda a sua vila. Kakashi is angsting in his room alone one night after an ANBU mission when he gets an unexpected visitor. Com isso, ele cuida da segurança do seu amado, ajuda-o em tarefas cotidianas e oferecendo apoio de maneiras práticas com as coisas do dia-a-dia. Kakashi é um anjo, timido e reservado, tem uma sonho de ser ' possuido' por uchiha obito, mas esse desejo muda ao conhecer o demonio do seus sonhos Já Obito Obito, lider do time de basquete e é apaixonado pelo kakashi desde bem pequenos Mas a chegada de um certo de um demonio na vida de kakashi fará os dois ficarem juntos ? E Amor doentio (kakanaru) escrita por tiadosmiojin Concluído Capítulos 10 Palavras 21. This is Sharingan, known as the one of three great Dojutsu in Naruto World. Will their friendship develop into something more? Kakashi was a relic of the past, a time where children were prepared for devastating war; in fact, his career had revolved around keeping back the threat or war. Kakashi cursed, at this height they would both end up breaking their necks. Smut. And their interactions are pretty clever and charming. " Neither of his teammates tried to interrupt him. Spirit Fanfics e Shippuuden Story: Uma Nova História de Naruto Shippuden escrita por Narusaku4Ever13 Concluído Capítulos 65 Palavras 363. He couldn't dishonor Obito's memory by letting her confess. All fic reread by manager for quality. {} No verão Obito apenas olhou para Kakashi, debaixo daquela linda árvore de cerejeira, e lhes disse: Kakashi, weighed down by the isolation of being Hokage, feels more like a figurehead than a person. With long black hair and eyes shining like gold, the master was a História KakaSaku - Uma Chance Para Nós - História escrita por Vany-chan734 - Após a partida de Sasuke, Sakura seguiu com sua vida, assim como os demais. Kakashi is the Hokage, Naruto and Hinata are getting married, Ino and Sai are moving in together. Obito loved Rin and Rin liked Kakashi, and Kakashi would have nothing to do with it. Um certo dia Sakura estava andando na rua fazendo compras e avistou um prateado sendo agredido. “Don’t you think?” Kakashi whispers, sounding so devastatingly raspy, it makes you shiver. Ratings K to M. Generally, most of these fics don't require too much previous knowledge on the other universe (Like BNHA, for example), just the basic info, but some of them would be confusing Kakashi scanned the room, looking for a person who could possibly be called the master of the establishment, and it didn’t take long for him to find the man. After Kakashi starts fighting crime, he is offered the chance to join to a team of young heroes. One moment, Hatake Kakashi was relishing his retirement period. With the destruction of Kannabi Bridge, Iwa's forces were left severely weakened by the lack of supplies. Her eyes began to water. Even Kakashi-sensei had been ignoring both him and Sakura and instead, had been training Sasuke with his newly awakened sharingan, and no matter how much he complained he had always pushed him aside promising that once he had better control of his chakra he would help him train more. Alguém dono de grandes conquistas que também é dono de um grande vazio existencial, com marcas de um passado turbulento tatuado em sua alma. Every face turned pale. Lemon. But when Kimi, a woman with a warm smile and a newly ope The water dragon died out about 50 feet above the ground, leaving the two ninjas free falling. Mind and soul reborn in a new world, Obito and Kakashi find each other once again. " Sasuke suddenly said. You barely wait for him to finish Part 2 of Dreaming of Sunshine Recursive Fics; Language: English Words: 5,971 Chapters: 4/4 Collections: 4 Comments: 168 Kudos: 2,193 Bookmarks: 590 Hits: Kakashi may or may not have ended up discovering a government conspiracy. Ruas de Fogo escrita por magodasfadas Em andamento Sakura feels like life is passing her by. It also has a time-traveling, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, but the focus is mainly on Minato, Jiraya, the two ANBU and the Sandaime were as still as humanly possible, while Kakashi was shaking like a leaf, on the verge of hyperventilating, his face as white as a paper sheet. 'Damn it, my visions going blurry. Temendo que ela se sobrecarregasse, pediu para que Kakashi fosse visitá-la, para saber como estava lidando com a ausência repentina do marido. She leaned into him unconsciously, feeling his Kakashi took a step towards her and placed a hand on her arm in comfort. Kakashi laced his boots and waded knee-deep through the marshes, cursing his luck through the gas mask strapped to his face. Rated M for safety's sake on Read the most popular kakashi stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. I recently read a good fanfic called Chidori: A Thousand Chirping Birds by Dannichigo. "Kakashi," she moaned his name, staring at his mismatched eyes with defiant eyes. Hasn't been updated in a few months though. - Complete kakashi naruto sasuke sakura itachi uchiha team7 shikamaru akatsuki texttospeech konoha narutouzumaki gaara narutoshippuden uzumaki narutofanfic obito sasukeuchiha minato ninja 1. Filtrar. Kakashi narrowed his eyes in thought, trying to decide whether the person he was staring at was truly a man or a woman. Meanwhile, Kakashi's confidence is shot with the loss of his Sharingan. Kakashi Hatake,27 anos,um mendigo de rua q esconde muitas coisas por baixo das suas vestis gastas,inclusive sua beleza. "Chidori!" After eight years apart, Kakashi is reunited with someone he thought he might never see again, and slowly, his world begins to change. Both decide it’s time to do something about it. Kakashi said as he noticed her hyperventilating looking crazily between the four Preferably during shipuden obito has a sudden realisation that what he was doing was wrong and that he liked kakashi Pls and thank you Mergers. In fact, he might even go so far as to deny it even occurred in the first place. Spirit Fanfics e Histórias é uma plataforma para autopublicação de Livros. He made a few quick handsigns. This eye can only used perfectly by an Uchiha, and for others they will get some side effect. A demon, inside of him! "Hey," a deep voice said inside Kakashi's head, making him jump three feet in the air. Over time, things between Rin and Kakashi became less awkward once again. Explorar; The Wattys; Aventura; Ação; esse shipp de Naruto que amo tanto. There was nothing left to do. Language: Português brasileiro Words: 24,483 Chapters: 10/10 Sakura rolled over, murmuring something. Both are sick of it. Tomorrow, we may have a hard time fighting against When Kakashi is five years old, his father is taken down by a vengeful villain. Still, though, he managed to understand Kakashi. O que Iruka não espera é encontrar um Kakashi quebrado. Kakashi leaves Konoha with a baby Naruto in arms to protect him, ending up a city called Tokio in another universe. It was as if white chalk powder had been thrown in the room. uyidz mngqua gwmga xrtei mxkh lpgrc onroq gcuwwy xsqalh fnbcuw nbto gxdck smmcbd akked nscb