Is shai worth playing bdo. Something worth it to do in a group.
Is shai worth playing bdo It instantly got up to level 32 via received xp and I now have 668lt raw weight limit. She developed an affinity to the lute, the flute and the djembe. As far as going beyond the story, no. Its just same tab target with keyboard combo. Seems this is always a topic with MMO's. Shai • Additional comment actions If you value yer life, then no, stay away Reply [deleted] • Play bdo gamble gamble gatcha gatcha broke it’s fun game then it’s boring good for distraction for awhile. Imp Wolves - Shai: 1100 Edit: thanks for replies, i'll just play shai in season. Play at your own pace, play the parts you enjoy, stop when you don't enjoy it anymore, then come back later when you feel the itch to play again. They have four GREAT life Shai is a weird class. So there's 4 main things I gather currently. The main focus of BDO is PvP - at least a lot of people grind PvE to get better gear to participate in PvP. They do reduced damage in PVP and have far fewer skills than other classes but have The Shai class is completely unique class in BDO and is the only full support class. Pulling about 1. is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio Don't waste your time and money on it, shai was only worth the 600mil event. There was a character named Shai in the game. While Shai will generally pull average trash/hr, the spots I've enjoyed the most on my journey to 730+ (beyond Valencia and Kratuga) were Sycraia Abyssal for money and Mirumok Solo 3 trees for exp, caphras, and now you can get Atanis as well for potions or just fruit exchanges. You will need her to do the musicianship quests, and of course to visibly pull out an instrument and play it, but you can open the Music Album menu and make/listen to/post music on any character. I tagged her for group spots but actually her combo is so easy and comfortable I can easily watch shows while grinding Cyclops without even looking at the screen, definitely worth sticking to Shai. Go watch some shai vids grinding hexe or jade or whatever high end spot on Youtube and you'll understand what i mean. I really wish there would be raids or dungeons in this game, classic MMO group content. Protip: ignore anyone saying otherwise. You can't defend your grind spot You are mostly solo in the game, and the game encourages single play for grinding. Is Shai the best character you can recommend for life skill in the game? I don't plan to play Pvp and Pve. The Shai is not a combat based character so she offers new ways for you to play. Grind Spot: Manshaum Mirumok 250 AP GEAR This is the stage where your Shai will excell and will use her full a lot of old time legacy BDO content creators are pvp focused players, that's why you'll see a lot of pvp content on twitch/youtube when it comes to BDO. Period: June 19 (after maintenance) – June 26 (before maintenance) Complete quests to learn about Greetings Fellow Shai Adventurer. Like my cook and fisher are different characters, because I need my cook near an imperial delivery spot and that isn't near my preferred fishing spot. But she can dish out a decent amount of damage with the right gear she's also great for farming since she has a skill to lure and pull in big groups. get ur absolutes I think it's worth mentioning that at 230 AP Shai was never meant to be a proper class, they step by step change their mind on that, so with time we might expect 1, 2, and 3 to mabe be worked around. This is a really silly analogy - please bear with me - but i think of playing BDO abstractly like exercising at a gym. Having said All these class have good ap modifier for pve, so u can cheat ur way to higher grind spot early, for capped pvp some might be better than other but its not worth not playing what u like or chose over what u like for pve. Have been grinding stars end which imo is one of the best areas to grind with her because of the density of groups. You can get an additional donkey per Shai during talent quest iirc. We start a little ahead. Example: any group grind spot in PvE without a shai can *(one or 2 bits may be dated now, but gonna be a while before i do an updated version so this is it for now)Shai is not your standard class, this will take s The Shai barely has enough protection to start a fight and not fall to the ground, and in capped pvp, the Shai is at a great disadvantage by not being able to play its role The Shai class is completely unique class in BDO and is the only full support class. 2) Since Shai got nerfed (Yeah i know) you should pick 220 AP Shai shreds Mirumok mobs easily. Pretty much the only thing worth of "value" is the 4k pearls and the 15day value pack + 15day blessing of old moon in the conq pack. When I see a Reddit post complaining about BDO PVP upvotes 36 clicks but was worth it. (Sorry for terrible format) One thing I've learned, Play at your own rate and don't be discouraged by other's progress It's worth mentioning that most will say that the questing/other people things are inefficient vs grinding, which is somewhat true. because i do this to when i play new mmos. Wolves, Lions, Tshira, and Dead Essence. gg/5E9wpjGATShttps://twitter. ). It's also worth keeping in mind that it can get rather Also it does and doesn't have the holy trinity you can play as a warrior but can't really aggro in groups (I don't think) you can play a mage but not as a sole healer, most classes are mainly dps although the new shai class looks to be more of a buffing class for groups, someone else might be able to elaborate more on this. stuff like marni exp scrolls etc can make even 2h of playtime feel good. not recommended at the beginning. Here, MMO enthusiasts gather to discuss their favorite games, share news, insights, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for immersive online gaming experiences. tv/arsennate This reduced meaning will 100% result in reduced replay value in the game, reduced motivation to grind and keep playing, and thus, an overall reduced amount of players playing into late game stages of gear progression. Reply reply More replies. Donkey See, Donkey Do. If once in a full moon I journey out to slay some monsters and I encounter one of those grindy cave men shouting "dfs" or just outright pvping over me, I just swap channels or go back to my lifeskills. However, shai is great for any stationary lifeskills like alchemy/cooking. there are no comments for that quest in bdo codex and i tried awakening playing music and borrowed flutes. Dont worry about those Elitist that needs 250 AP in Mirumok. This feels like its worth a post of its own somewhere. If you get this butthurt about stuff, go find a game that is more I play for the PvE, exploration and skimpy outfits, so the various issues make little difference to me. The Shai class specifically can even create and play music. The Shai starts at the Professional level in Gathering and Alchemy. It's improved a lot, but its not super memorable like in other mmos. And shai needs a group to Shai is absolutely, uncomparably broken. She learns the true value of music from Artina - Heartfelt, Purity, Joy - My friends and I are wondering if Archer is a class that is worth playing in PvE. youtube. The auto aim in BDO also will target shit 180 degrees behind you and hard lock on shit you cant even see so you never really need to worry about people getting behind you. Reply marekxy Hashamshin • Additional comment actions Also, always remember that: 1) Shai is a melee class and only has 1 attack modifier on all of its skills and it's Back Attack which doesen't work on targets that are knocked down etc. he's playing shai. Musa is easily the best of the best for gathering. We had been discussing the benefit of Archer when fighting world bosses. her mobility is average and for orc camp underwater ruins you want classes like maegu for that reason. I've instantly leveled a Shai to level 32 via shared XP event. Cool thing is there are so many things to do that the game hasn't been boring yet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. but to be fair. Litlbit Mar 9, 2021, 18:35 (UTC) 1526 4 10 0. bdo dark knight or drakania for pve Playing shai on Trial doesn't live up to what she is capable off after playing her for a while by far. This will be my last horse I train I actively play bdo since the shai release and never had I more fun in this game. grind 1 hour marni necropolis, switch to my main and grind exp on miru. The Shai was content with her new abilities, but unlike her teacher, she wanted to play music to the masses and help ease the trouble of the people. A simple PVE guide for Shai, hopefully it's helpful!This is not a comprehensive guide by any means, but something to quickly cover the essentials of playing I was able to get series x is bdo worth it with xbox gold membership i was not playing multiplayer games on previous gen. I've been playing with controller for roughly 4 years and never I play bdo to escape and relax and also live in a world were normal rules dont apply, like having to go to work every day. I really like playing healer/support classes for PvE content, and have figured out that Wizard/Witch/Shai are my best options. That "momentum" on hashashin's movement is kind of annoying, but if you can live with that, its decent. But I kinda wanted to play a new character and I have so far lvled up Shai to 50 and I am hopefully planning to get her to 60 so I can get the anniversary event rewards The Shai are a support class and a race of people predominantly short in stature that live in Florin, their own village in the territory of Calpheon. goo Is Black Desert Online worth playing in 2025? Ultimately that's up for you to decide but I hope my insight and opinions of the pros and cons of BDO prove to Succ Zerk, Awake Maegu, Succ Woosa, Shai(late game sucks at early to mid), Succ/Awake Stroker, Succ/Awake Musa, Awake Mysthicc, Succ/Awake Lahn, Succ/Awake Guardian, Awake Valk. Pearl abyss also tends to randomly change stuff on classes so dogshit class week 1 becomes tier 1 class week 2 because they tweaked 3 skills up by 1% damage. Her existence in group content is so impactful that it warps the entire game around her. Most of it is solo, so do your own thing at your own pace. The Shai as a class were added in 2019 to the game and also came to the mobile version hello bdo as a newbie, I will only do life skill in the game. Taking out its pros and cons, the type of audience it is focused on, BDO is still one of the best mmorpgs that ever existed, but taking out the future content that is known, what will happen to the new wave of revolutionary mmorpgs? Shai is the only support class (they're incredibly tanky aswell because of the buffs) pretty much (besides wizard/witch having aoe healing that is on high cooldown), they can provide buffs, heal ( kind of burst heal and heal over time), but even that at pretty shitty cooldown rate. Let new players know the pros and cons of each class. com/BlueSquadLiveTerm Definitions:Frontal Guard Hi everyone, I made a video demonstrating some Shai tricks & tips including cancels, rotations, skill addons (in description) and my DP set for PvP (in description). I will not play shai as I don't want to land on FBI watchlist lol Nah just genuinely no reason for me, no booba, no giant dick to swing as a guy complately wasted class on my end My response to criticisms of my characterization of this game: You can play BDO as a min/max BiS angst machine if you want to, and light money on fire to fuel your rage. PVE is a matter of preference, I like grinding as I like Korean mmos and I think that bdo does that genre really well. Some shai players at +300 fs on artina sol I've been playing on ps4 pro for 2-3 months now. Can we play together in this game or will be solo players? Also in some games team wants to be balanced in classes, so group need to choose different classes: tank, DPS, heal etc. twitch. im doing the shai musik questline and now i have to play ab instrument to that farmer and i have no clue what to do. Shai witch wizard play more supportive in war, yes you can do something at a decent level on every class 36 clicks but was worth it. They burst them down once the mobs are stacked, but in my case (Archer, 276k bdo is like the most casual friendly game ever if you choose to. It's like any other A Shai main here people that call the shai garbage are the ones that don't know how to play the class I personally don't care if she is or isn't garbage would play her none the less. I tried this. My Links, check out my twitch!https://www. Only thing i miss about bdo is shai outfits r/MMORPG is an online community dedicated to all things massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). you don't need much gear or min-maxed stats to do well and You can play other classes that will eventually excel and outperform shai and can actually defend its grind spot. I get asked a ton about rerolling to a Shai, here are my thoughts!https://www. you should also play multiple classes and fill your char slots. Is she worth playing? with the whole self quaratine I decided to get back on the bdo grind I originally have a 56 lahn that I do really like. Last Game Play Deutsch Allgemeine Diskussionen Klassen-Diskussionen Allgemeines Gameplay Feedback Gilden & Freunde Andere Themen Bugs & Fehlermeldungen However, after receiving the Melody of Light from Artina, Shai discovered her talent for playing music and uses it to overcome her fears and assists surrounding allies. The best class for you to play is the class you enjoy playing more than 10 minutes a week. Currently BDO is one of the most played mmorpg and, at the same time, the one with the best combat and graphic level currently has. 8-2k on arsha without lootscrol. But i bet you love ‘em shai streams . Pvp is a lot of fun, and so are field bosses. But your mileage may vary: One of my friends finds it basically unplayable on PS4 and he never even got a character to level 50. However, you can play the game freely without spending any money. Untill you run out of stuff to do like you would mostly any other single player game. Should i start playing bdo now or after the new season? Musa/Mae/Valk/Wiz for gathering and Shai for cook/alch/proc. I know a lot of high end grinders wanted a shai for their groups but I remember that shai got a big nerf to her dp debuff with the rebalancing but I didn’t know if that nerf made her worse at party spots like oluns. BDO is played in 2 ways steam and launcher. Reply Lately I've noticed a lot of people playing a game will tell others its not worth it. i dont play both so its just what i have heared from others. This is one of the most well made mmos I've played. hope you having fun in BDO! My Valk, Kuno, Stiker, Maehwa and Shai friends need to group them up first. With the recent Compose & Play update we can now play music as a shai but the amount of notes we can play is limited by our grades. And you can still play like any other class if you are solo around (Shai cant do pvp alone)I loved to play valk suporting friends during only noobs stay 49 honestly, what shit servers are you guys playing? im nearly only lifeskilling, im afk horse riding and fishing outside safe zones and i havent been killed a single time in 6 months so honestly it doesnt matter at all. My progress since early 2017, playing on and off with minimal grinding. If want to grind early on shai at low ap you can do elvia nagas / stars end / group pve Artina sol is a big issue for Shai you may get it at 5b or 50b. You can play most of the game solo, but its still an mmo (other players hanging around, guilds, a dash of group content here and there, etc. she started as such for me, just a character for Hi, I'm newbie in BDO (first character 61 lvl), and already like this game. Share Game runs poorly and instead of doing things that matter they do shai streams. Probably. You are mostly solo in the game, and the game encourages single play for grinding. Problem in BDO is that there is restriction to the number of benefiting party members which makes Shai's role sort of obsolete in a party of 2 which is the trend that PA has been following recently. These are the kind of people who want to play BDO in a non pvp way AKA,. This will be Recently I've been really curious about how AP Shai can perform with artefacts update and new stuffs. shai is somewhat of a support class but can grind pve with higher ap. Here, MMO *(one or 2 bits may be dated now, but gonna be a while before i do an updated version so this is it for now)Shai is not your standard class, this will take s A Shai very much can PVE grind, but witch is really strong at PVE grinding as well and can defend their spots a bit better than a Shai. I have always played life skill in the mmos I have played. Actually, anyone bad at bdo but with some experience will have realised by now PvP wise woosa is way harder to make work. If i dont like her after a week, will delete and create something different. Also worth noting: You don't actually need to play Shai to compose. About to start playing BDO. Then there is also some class view as op like valk awak, zerk succ or shai but for reason different than getting frags in pvp. a seasonal character can bring you to midgame in a decent amount of time. Benton Streich. com/watch?v=Ei1irlpBumMUNBIAS opinion on the state of Black Desert : Hash is not awful at gathering, but shai truly is. Her lifeskill benefits apart from weight, are relatively irrelevant. give ninja a try to lvl 60. Lumbering isn't even an option for Shai in my opinion it's that slow. Rings very true to me. Unfortunately, she can't dance so you'll have to live with that. If you have any questions please ask and I'd be more than happy BDO doesn't HAVE to be hardcore. These are my personal gather/hr in those spots. Please go ahead and begin When Artina had finished teaching her young protege, the young Shai had learned to play a myriad of instruments. though she starts with higher lifeskills level so you should get her as lifeskiller. but when you go higher you gain A LOT of carry weight as shai plus you can level trading and get desert buff which opens up lots of options. Asked by: Ms. All options are open. Most people play bdo for the combat, lifeskills, sandboxy elements, or for pvp. i "rushed" my pen Tuvala stuff and now play like 2h a day. For duo content it's seems to me not worth it unless she goes full DPS mode. The way BDO works you’ll get to try out many more classes down the road anyways so don’t get too hung up on picking “the perfect class” right off the bat July 07, 2024: We have made changes to our BDO Tier List to cover the latest patches. When you do the talent quest on second shai, the questline stops when you first meet Artina and she just gives you the Sol and questline ends. Luckily . Tier List Ranking Meaning (PVE) S-Tier – These classes are the best of the best and are highly recommended for any player looking to excel in BDO. IF YOU CAN PLAY BDO ON PC YOU ABSOLUTELY SHOULD PLAY BDO ON PC. it will be A unique commissioning of my Shai playing BDO. Hello fellow Shai, In PvE Shai does well at any spot without much movement. But now he's playing it again on PS5 and enjoying himself. Friends and I started grinding oluns and currently we are 2 strikers and a guardian. I'd honestly recommend that if you're gonna play a Shai, first make sure you have a good centaurs grinder like a succ zerker, awake Valk or even a musa. it is well known launcher is way more popular then steam due to all ads directing you to the website and The second class is Shai, her additional LT seems really promising when doing cooking/processing, but she is small and rather slow which makes her a bad choice for gathering. get better gear to grind better value packs. Her gameplay is the only one I enjoy in PVE or PVP, but her lack of damage in 1v1s forced me to tag a character with her. The lifeskill system is pretty extensive and interconnected and you can spend hours exploring Shai Customization Contest is here so get ready to show us your artistic skills and win brand new apparel for Shai. Something worth it to do in a group. Share Sort by: Best. Minor inconveniences at worst. log Shai is typically best for being the tag of a "main grinder" that you use specifically for end game group spots. I'll only buy weights after playing with her after a certain time. . How do you play music on Shai BDO? What is the most fun class to play in BDO? Is Valkyrie Good BDO? Is BDO gender locked? What is the best class in Correct, you still need a regular flute on the shai for this ability. He'll gather 10-20% faster than most classes and some rotation it's only worth doing on Musa. gg/yFQpgy8rECFollow my twitch: https://www. If you insist on maining Shai, you could do Elvia swamp Nagas since you dont need particularly large AOE or fast class for that. With one resistance crystal cam reach 100% resistance in pve and massive hp she is also really safe and to grind on. processing (different types of processing within that). Open comment sort options Join my discord!!! https://discord. If any <700GS nooblet has anything to say, keep It to yourself and go back to orcs lel Is ot worth coming back to bdo? Is she atleast pve viable? Before she was d or c rank in pve and dint even get me started with pvp NEW PLAYER GUIDE HERE : https://www. Let them know the difference in gather/hr at various spots. It's worth playing for the adventures. They do reduced damage in PVP and have far fewer skills than other classes but have healing The Shai may not be your cup of tea, but my vote goes to the Shai as well. And shai needs a Related Black Desert MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming forward back r/Asmongold Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators Dont know how that changes things tho, I only play pvp with my shai. I ended up playing AP a lot, fighting random people in battle arena and rbfs for fun. tv/blue_squadronhttps://discord. was just curious if it was worth leveling one and learning the abilities or if it’s kind of There is one grind spot (oluns valley) at endgame that can benefit from having a shai but thats about it, you dont really need shais support for most content and for pvp every guild would value a lot more a DPS class that can kill others and also give BDO has always been known as a criminally P2W game in the MMO induistry. If you're the type of player that likes progression for the sake of progression, and collecting items, titles, and just doing stuff in a shared open world, BDO is a pretty good game to chill in. And make sure they're geared enough to one shot those mobs and use them to shai is THE class with the least gear requirement to do end game pve and still do better than like 80% of all other classes. It's a grind that goes in a few different directions (combat, lifeskill, knowledge/title collecting, silver/wealth accumulation). I leveled my Shai to 61 manually, and she is actually a very nice class to play normal (non high-end) PVE with. I am a shai and started out as a lifeskiller Especially that solo play is buzzing me. I think most of us have different characters doing different lifeskills. just to give you a very avg based example. Darkfall online, Firefall, global Agenda all has combat 10X better than BDO, The combat in BDO is shallow and fake. Archived post. I basically just lifeskill and bring music to the people. Theyre new to the game/playing casually just to throw abilities around/not playing correctly. I play shai aswell since january, i have roughly 200-300h experience as a shai Worth; Tax; Is Shai Worth Playing? On: July 7, 2022. Nice name btw lol Value pack is arguably the most important one as it negates huge chunk of market tax from anything you sell in the central market place. It’s also worth mentioning that this game is heavily monetized and has pay-to-win elements. Hello everyone! In today's video we are focusing on the many positives BDO has to offer, while also looking ahead to next year! Which seems to be packed full To play shai you really have to accept all of this otherwise just play witch. Gameplay is fun, it feels good being able to dmg r/MMORPG is an online community dedicated to all things massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). tv/airstylezSources of info:Gathering Levels - Bairog - https://docs. I wanna invite and play with my friends, but I'm not sure about group content. BDO is an obvious one, but people getting into GTA Online, Total war Warhammer 3 and some others have a very upset Shai does top dps at hexe, quint. Shai get some boosts to gathering and alchemy, but they aren't worth changing mains over. Shai is about as interesting as the gum on my shoe. If you're a completely f2p player than the weight may be worth it, but if you're willing to grab some weight when it's on sale and get the 250 total LT from loyalties then Shai doesn't have much benefit BDO is a simple game upvotes The story isn't all that great. Let them determine what class they want to play. Personally, I'd say you should have at least 2 characters, There's no reason 'not' to gather on two different classes. Her PVE is just as good as any other class for Is it worth picking Musa over a Shai? Maybe you give them an objective answer based on data instead of some BS you tested over a year ago with your friend. Chasing the flavor of the month is pretty pointless. Witch performs well in almost every end-game spot and is an acceptable support class if you want it to be or a great nuker. "The Shai have been a beloved part of the world of Black Desert, and now, you can play as a Shai yourself. (Even tho the run bursts give me headaches) As for Shai as lifeskiller. Should do seasonal for the pen ring and do the 40 day quest from the deer person can just grind money on your seasonal if you can or for making money wouldn't grind on shai for money cos cant protect yourself so cooking or gathering would get you ok money if lucky on dust caphras hard or sharps hopefully this help or easily understandable can grind ronaro once your Shai • Additional comment actions BDO has the best combat ever, but if you're looking for an MMO, BDO is not worth your time. I rerolled shai from warrior and at the same ap as my warrior was(250 w/kut) she does every high end spot better than him. Alchemy, weight, etc. tamer, or any class that isnt shai, can be used for both pve amd pvp. I main a Shai and play with friends but we actually don't Ignore rankings. thx alot Archived post. This pack costs 15€ / month essentially. I tried playing other MMO’s because of the issues I have with the BDO Get BDO as cheap as possible and don't get suckered into spending any more, treat it like a singleplayer experience (which it mostly is), and you should get your money worth. personally i bought my packs only when they went on sale at around 70-80% off during black friday or Christmas because only then do the value of the explorer and conqueror editions really stand out. hikpsycpcfxuonnwogqsiroorzsvjubypzhtgwrsxanmqoidvevacxrwmopwjnmaqvdcnbj