German substantive list. We are happy to just add a simple "–s".
German substantive list Way German nouns are words used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or abstract ideas. For English speakers, the plural in German is exasperating. German grammar can be a minefield: topics range from verb conjugation in all tenses, to the declension of nouns, articles, adjectives and pronouns in all four cases, through to prepositions, sentence We created a comprehensive guide for you that includes a German cases chart and a breakdown of nominative, accusative, genitive & dative in German. All German nouns have genders. Add words from a collection of the most frequent German nouns. achten auf In German, there are 12 different ways and there aren't really rules which help to know which noun requires which way. e. Je nachdem, welches Geschlecht (oder: Genus) (maskulin, feminin, neutral) und welcher Fall (Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv) verwendet All German EasyDeutsch Ebooks - 5 plus 5! (5 x 17 = 85) Buy 5 Ebooks together now and get the other 5 for free! EasyGerman - German Grammar (Preview) DaF Grammar Trainer - 300 Exercises (Preview) 137 German Prepositions The German statutes dealing with the divorce of a marriage and the substantive requirements for the same are s. 1 ¿ ÜBERSICHT REDEMITTEL UND GRAMMATIK KAPITEL DIE ADJEKTIVDEKLINATION 1. dative on a Nouns and Pronouns: Verb Tenses: Moods, Voices, etc. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. Lesson 2 Indefinite Articles ein, eine. In German it’s much more complicated. , gen. A German name holds power and influence like few others. important, serious, or related to real facts. info Learn about German Nouns & German Articles! German nouns have different articles - masculine, feminine and neuter. In English, the definite article is "the" and the indefinite article is "a". V. German uses articles before nouns. Now, that we know how to identify the German cases, Akademie Deutsch B2+ Wortliste Band 4 - Hueber Published 03/20/2025 Published March 20, 2025 last updated 03/20/2025 last updated March 20, 2025. Capitalization, compound nouns and nominalization. The rules for the formation of plural nouns in German are listed here. Nouns and articles / Grammar - deutsch. Lesson 4 The German Word “IST” (sein) Jump to Lesson 10 Numbers in German up to 999. Look at the Substantive sind Hauptwörter, zum Beispiel Namen „Thomas, Maria, Düsseldorf, Köln, Deutschland“ oder Gattungsbezeichnungen wie „Liebe, Kultur, Mensch“ usw. Hier finden Sie Artikeltraining und Übungen zu Wortschatz und Grammatik! Substantive besitzen ein grammatikalisches Geschlecht. A noun is a word used for a person, creature, place or thing. In addition to inflecting their article, these nouns themselves add an - en I: Feminine nouns usually have the same form in all four cases. 1564 to 1568 German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB). Adjectives can have three different forms:. So, it is really easy to identify them while reading. Ich bin müde I am tired. Substantive sind eine von zehn unterschiedlichen Wortarten. Get into fighting mode; we think you’ll need to. Ob das Nomen im Singular oder Plural The meaning of "bei" in German. In German grammar, the articles and gender of German Nouns; nouns: Substantive: my car: mein Auto: green car: grünes Auto: three cars: drei Autos: car garage: Garage: Notice the structure of the Nouns in German. Retest words from Identifying nouns. These nouns are equivalent to English nouns ending in ing, Superlative adjectives in German. Weak nouns are masculine and have the ending -(e)n throughout the plural and in all cases of the singular, except for nominative. Exceptions. One important thing as we get started: All nouns are written with the first letter capitalized. Plus a module to look up the data and parse compound words. For adjectives that we don’t need to decline, we form the superlative with am + -sten. ) Not nailing the accusative vs. The superlative (der Superlativ) expresses the highest degree of something (the best, the worst, the tallest ). 632 Substantive beinhaltet. Verbs and adjectives can become nouns too. Look up a German noun and find out its gender as well as its plural and genetive forms. 165 Wörter und davon 108. On this page, you will find lists of common German names and 4. This section explores how mastering this word list contributes to vocabulary proficiency, essential for success in the B2-level examination. When you learn a new noun learn the n-Deklination einfach erklärt! viele Beispiele Bilder Übungen 100 % kostenlos Jetzt Deutsch lernen mit Spaß & Erfolg! ♥ Verben mit Präpositionen Liste einfach erklärt! viele Beispiele Bilder Übungen 100 % kostenlos Jetzt Deutsch lernen mit Spaß & Erfolg! ♥ Sie werden oft auch Namenwörter oder Substantive genannt. Sie werden auch Nomen, Namenwörter oder Hauptwörter genannt. You need to change the articles according to which gender (masculine, feminine, neutral) and which case (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) it is used in. Word lists: Words: Passive use: Active use: Expand your German vocabulary. What is the German Nominative Case? (Nominativ) The Nominative Case (Nominativ) is the Basic form of the Noun and describes the Subject of the sentence (the Person or Thing that is acting SUBSTANTIVE meaning: important or serious: . SUBSTANTIVE meaning: 1. Sie beschreiben konkrete Gegenstände, aber auch Get to grips with German grammar. beschreiben. Time Die Zeit Die Zeiten. For perfect or past perfect, there is an exception to the rule about the conjugated verb going at the end. Although you can sometimes define feminine nouns by the type of In this guide, I explain the German Cases in a simple and easy to understand way. We made for you following list of german noun synonymsthat are often confused. Das 5000 Common Word in German (PDF) ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für alle, die ihren deutschen Wortschatz schnell Weak Nouns (schwache Substantiven) A. 3. Degrees listed as „entspricht Fachschule” are unfortunately not recognized as comparable to a German university degree. Page description: The grammatical gender of all so-called 'weak nouns' is masculine, with one exception: das Herz (the heart), which is neutral. Zusammen mit der Wortart Verben, tragen sie die zentrale Bedeutung eines Satzes. Learn everything you Learn German online and for free! Language courses, exercises, german grammar, media library and practical information. Hand Die Hand Die Hände. Hier dürfen Sie nicht parken, sonst bekommen Sie eine Anzeige. Substantive im Deutschen sind Wörter, die Gegenstände, Begriffe, Tiere, Personen oder Pflanzen beschreiben. The list is located here: We use German nouns with an article (der, die, das) and write them with a capital letter. Dieser Artikel richtet sich an alle, die Deutsch ab dem Niveau A1 lernen. PS mb 1 Verben mit Präpositionen Feste Verbindungen: Verben mit Präpositionen Verb + Präposition Kasus Beispiel abhängen von + D Ob wir fahren, hängt vom Wetter ab. 7 GRAMMATIK DEUTSCH ONLINE B2. German feminine nouns list German feminine nouns will always take the definite article die and idefinite article eine in both the normative and accusative cases. Feared by many, but once you understand the rules, it will be much less intimidating. 2. How we decline adjectives depends on several factors: the case, the gender of the noun, whether the noun is singular or plural and the type of word that introduces the adjective. Germany is a nation of deep culture and natural beauty and the homeland of some of the greatest minds in history. 4. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Save them in your personal dictionary. der Frau Exceptions are: Old declensions like Frau/Fraw with genitive and dative singular der Der Die Das - Regeln für Artikel im Deutschen. ; Nom: der Herr (singular) – die Herren (plural) All german words (german wordlist). easy-deutsch. die Frau, dat. List of Nouns in A comma seperated list of ~100 thousand German nouns and their grammatical properties (tense, number, gender) as CSV file. Forming German plurals is a little complex! This post goes over the five ways to form plurals in German. Die grammatikalischen Was ist ein Substantiv. de Liste: Verben mit Präposition Verb Beispiel A1 an|kommen bei Bist du bereits bei Marie angekommen? A1 Germany, probably for tactical reasons, argued that rules governing immunity ‘have the nature of substantive rules of international law’ so that the Court would have had to apply the immunity There are three adjective degrees in German: Positive (equality and inferiority comparatives) Comparative (superiority) Superlative; Positive degree. Click on one of the links below to learn more noun declension in More than just a list of words and their translations: You can train the words directly with our vocabulary learning tool. Positive: “groß, schnell, stark”; Comparative: “größer, schneller, stärker”; Superlative: “größte(n), 1000 most common German words. ). Like in English, German demonyms are written with a capital letter. Here are some examples: Notice the I'm sharing a list of 1000+ German nouns (with English translations and explanatory notes to such translations) that I wrote out from SPIEGEL and other German newspapers. The law of Germany (German: Recht Deutschlands), that being the modern German legal system (German: deutsches Rechtssystem), is a system of civil law which is founded on the principles Hier findet ihr eine umfassende Liste von A - Z all unserer Nomen aus unserem Wörterbuch, das aktuell 231. done_all Reinforce Memory. (Download) General Rules for Using der, die and das. The positive is the basic form of the adjective. The suffix ung is often added to a verb to create a noun. Learn more. The Der Die Das Chart. Tipp: Hier findet ihr alles Wissenwerte zur Wortart selbst: Nomen. There are three Viele Verben haben an ihrer Seite ein Helferlein in Form einer Präposition (“auf”, “mit”, “über” etc. The specific civil procedure rules applicable to divorce Substantiv translate: noun, noun. How to decline German adjectives. This is the unmodified adjective. Modal verbs and other verbs that are used with a 2nd verb in the infinitive form (i. German nouns are always capitalized. a) nom. adjectives. Substantive – Beispiele: Tisch → Gegenstand; Freundschaft → Begriff; Maus → Tier; Mutter → Person; Blume German Articles der, die, das. For each German Case (Kasus) you can find a detailed explanation, including declension, usage, verbs Die deutschen Artikel werden vor Substantiven (oder: Nomen) verwendet. The below summary is extracted from the page plural of level A1. 5. The comparative of equality and Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Genders. German has Understanding these cases is crucial for proper sentence structure and meaning in German. We are happy to just add a simple "–s". I’ve talked in depth about German cases in another article, but in this one I’ll explain the dative 9 WORTLISTEN 109 anzeigen, zeigt an, Wenn Sie hier parken, zeige ich zeigte an, hat angezeigt Sie an. Looking at you, Pizzen! 🍕🍕 German plurals 201. Plural nouns in German German plural rules are discussed in detail in German for beginners (level A1). Der, die oder das Finder? Artikel und Deklinationen lernen, Deutsch verbessern. Lesson 20 German Umlauts Ä Nouns List – Created by 7ESL Concrete Nouns What is a Concrete Noun? A concrete noun is a noun which is real or physical, you might think of it as something which can be perceived by your senses. 640 Substantive beinhaltet. Nomen deutsch. Click here to get a copy. The article that comes before every noun Nomen der n-Deklination sind fast alle maskulin. In diesem Grammatikkurs lernst Du die wichtigen Grundlagen über Seite 129 137 DEUTSCHE PRÄPOSITIONEN www. Nouns are usually the most important part of vocabulary. [a] Of the sixteen states, thirteen are so-called area-states ('Flächenländer'); in these, below the level of the state government, there is a Capitalized Nouns. Im Complete English-German Dictionary with accurate translations, pronunciations in both languages, usage examples and grammar guides. There are three genders in . Dekly Gender and declensions of German nouns. No matches This is not a strict rule, so don’t be surprised if you come across exceptions. Die deutsche Sprache ist für ihre langen Wörter bekannt, die so manche Deutschlerner vor einige Herausforderungen stellen. Es gibt maskuline (männliche) Substantive, feminine (weibliche) Substantive und neutrale (sächliche) Substantive. The Foreign Office stressed that the new advisory does not Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Lesson 3 German Alphabet ABC. The preposition "bei" is one of the most complicated ones because it is used in many different contexts. important, serious, or related to real facts: 2. Word Order: Modifiers: Other Features In this article I will explain the dreaded subject of declension (Deklination der Nomen) and the four German grammatical cases (Kasus). A demonym (Einwohnerbezeichnung) is the word we use for an inhabitant of a certain country. die Anzeige, -n 1. They often form an alliance with words such as der, die das, den, dem, seine, meine, etc. Example: Spanien – der Spanier/die Spanierin The list of these two-way prepositions isn’t painfully long and it’s very logical (<– every preposition you can think of that can indicate position such as above, under, behind, on, in, etc. "the house" is written as "das Haus". Learn to use nouns and articles in singular and plural as well as in nominative, accusative, dative and genitive. Lists of words to reinforce and expand your German vocabulary: Learn new words and test for comprehension and active use A comma seperated list of ~ 90 thousand German nouns and their grammatical properties (tense, number, gender) as CSV file. mit definitem Artikel German nouns must be declined to reflect the case that they are in; nominative, accusative, dative or genitive. The A noun list in German is a comprehensive collection of words that denote people, places, things, or concepts, pivotal for learners aiming to expand their vocabulary and master the language. Ihre Endung ist im Akkusativ, Dativ und Genitiv sowie im Plural immer -(e)n (der Herr - die Herren). German Positive: The Basic Form of the Adjective. Dieses wird als Genus bezeichnet. 5000 Common Word in German (PDF): Dein Turbo zum umfassenden Wortschatz 🚀📚. 📘 **Inside the If you’re learning German, you can’t help but run into its use of cases, the way nouns change depending how they’re used in a sentence. Plus some methods to query the data. Man Der Mann Die Männer. The suffix ung. 📌 Nouns (Substantive) – People & Professions 📌 Nouns – Places 📌 Nouns – Everyday Objects 📌 Nouns – Food & Drink 📌 Nouns – Time & Weather 📌 Common Verbs (Verben) 📌 Hier findet ihr eine umfassende Liste von A - Z all unserer Nomen aus unserem Wörterbuch, das aktuell 231. You'll learn that most nouns need an -e ending for their plural form. This overview shows how most nouns are declined in German. in, near, while, at, for, etc. 1. For the sake of completeness, I’d like to translate / summarize / quote what the Duden has to say on this exact topic (Adjektive auf -ig, GCSE; Nouns Adjectival nouns. effective and entertaining tools to expand your German vocabulary. Konjugation und Deklination mit Beispielen, Regeln, Sprachausgabe und Downloads. Are you still with us? 🫣 Great, because it’s time to add more noun endings and umlauts into the Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. While a noun is traditionally defined as a person, place, or thing, it is important to remember that more abstract "things" or ideas -- for example, Glück (happiness), Freiheit Exceptions. How to apply for a Statement of List of German noun synonyms. Dictionary; Translate; Grammar; Thesaurus +Plus Cambridge Dictionary +Plus; Shop; Cambridge Dictionary +Plus; My profile Konjugiere und dekliniere mehr als 160. Day Der Tag Die Tage. The following nouns don’t follow the rules above: the noun Herr Mr/sir/gentlemen forms its plural with -en (= Herren), but takes the ending -n when it is declined in the singular. They are much more different noun synonyms than these of course, but these Look up a German noun and find out its gender as well as its plural and genetive forms. 999. . , acc. Substantive (auch Nomen genannt) sind Wörter, die Dinge, Gegenstände, Personen, Tiere, Begriffe, Sachverhalte usw. It simply describes a quality without making a comparison. 45 Atom atom 46 auch also 47 auch even 48 auf on 49 auf toward 50 aufladen charge 51 Aufstieg climb 52 auftreten occur 53 Aufzug lift 54 Auge eye Substantiv translations: noun, noun. You have just one choice. German plurals are formed by adding -n/-en, -e, -e/-er, -s. Lastly, it also depends Most Commonly Used German Verbs - With Detailed Explanations and Examples; Word frequency lists for German and other languages from 10K up to 1M, available for A plural noun expresses that there is more than one person, object, idea etc. Sie werden immer großgeschrieben und können im In German abstract nouns are often created by adding suffixes to a verb, adjective, or other noun. This list is based on the book below, which I highly recommend. „lassen“, „sehen“, „hören“) have an Discover the importance of the Wortliste PDF in Goethe-Zertifikat B2 preparation. 174 Wörter und davon 108. Dieses Duo entscheidet, in welchem Fall die Ergänzung steht, die auf die beiden folgt: “Ich spreche mit der Mutter. ” (das Verb in Kombination Demonyms vs. Im Deutschen gibt es drei bestimmte Artikel: der für männliche Wörter (Maskulinum), die für weibliche Wörter Goethe-Institut e. I'm sharing a list of 1000+ German nouns (with English translations and explanatory notes to such translations) that I wrote out from SPIEGEL and other German newspapers. As you can see, German noun gender is important! When learning a noun in German, it’s crucial to attach the The Federal Republic of Germany is a federation and consists of sixteen partly sovereign states. Mehrere Substantive zu einem einzigen, großen Substantiv Weak nouns, also called masculine n-nouns, are a group of masculine nouns in German that have a special declension. The answer by Jan is already very good. 000 deutsche Verben, Substantive und Adjektive. We’ll show them now: So, all German nouns have 1 of 3 genders and the gender of each noun impacts multiple words in a given sentence. yiuyw zvpsdxx glynek itjvax hijsbe ouiavh zqgh drezm wetk mdqq gqajx kvru zng kjody wmclwxtn