Ecstasy patch ai shoujo Links to the Official patch and HF patch can be found at the Steam Community page Original Ecstasy Patch to get the lewd stuff back. He also maintains the sideloader modpack for AI Shoujo and fixes mods that have problems Last edited by SmokeOfC; Apr A patch for AI-Syoujyo (AI*少女, the original Japanese release) and AI-Shoujo (the Steam release) with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. We recommend backing up Here's a backup of the AI Shoujo special patch for the steam version. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay 網頁中間那個超大的 Ecstasy Patch 按下去就對了(香豔刺激)。 下載後解壓縮,直接丟 . It also has It would seem as though the Ecstasy Patch page doesn't load up on some browsers. But if you say you have it and it's activated: Welp. The creator of this patch is not responsible for creations of its users and prohibits any unlawful use of this software. php (remember, it's a japanese game, so the AI-HF_Patch. Former known as the ecstasy patch or epatch. Steam version got censored and they removed the whole sex content. Spend a few days with a few girls on this gorgeous island, and you’ll have memories that will transcend your screen and touch your heart. \AI-Shoujo 這個遊戲資料夾,整個打包備用,以備不時之需可用來還原遊戲。 An unofficial patch for AI-Shoujo/AI-Syoujyo that installs the latest fan-made English translations and essential mods. I Installed the ecstasy patch which is fine accept having no Vagina. We hope you enjoy AI Shoujo! [ScrewThisNoise][Illusion] AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl (AI*少女) BetterRepack RS1 (Steam Modpack) Category: Art - Games. AI Shoujo is a simulation crafting and survival game where you’ll enjoy a carefree life of abundance on a lush deserted island. And the Ecstasy patch on aisteam. To check that you can try to download the official Ecstasy Patch. #8. 随后,在文章中会有提示,这个是HF2. 0. or just install the hf patch which is a mod pack) < > An update patch for AI-Shoujo and AI-Syoujyo that installs the latest fan-made English translations and essential mods, as well as fixes common issues with the game. Thank you in advance for your help! Ecstasy Patch 按下去。 步驟(5):將官網下載的H補丁,解壓縮,丟進AI少女資料夾,直接覆蓋檔案。步驟(6):接下來的步驟很重要,為防止悲劇,請直接將 . steam版的是閹割版的,所以會需要打很多補丁, 2021/7/14 [更新] HF patch 安裝後如何叫出作弊選單 與 自動更新內容 最近能找到關於AI少女補丁攻略文很多都是過時的資訊了,所以想打一篇比較新的文章給大家參考 以下先註明幾點 1. The base game (AI-Shoujo / AI-Syoujyo), and by Yes it's fine just have to do a bit of work. 點頁面左邊的AI少女進去,下面中間有很大一格Ecstasy Patch 就是下載H檔,解完壓縮檔丟進AI少女資料夾,就是完整版了 請問路徑是「***\***\***\AI-Shoujo」還是更裡面的哪個? 是直接初始設定畫面下面「開啟AI少女角色資料夾」直接按下去的那個嗎? #14. AI-HF_Patch is a comprehensive patch for AI-Shoujo that includes all free updates, fan-made English translations, essential mods, and gameplay improvements. This was provided former by illusion itself to uncensor Publication date 2023-07-20 Topics NSFW GAME PATCH Language English Item Size 1. \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo 即可,若遇到詢問是否覆蓋,請同意覆蓋檔案。 這一步驟是讓你得到完整版的AI*少女,不再是閹割過 エクスタシーパッチの導入には、ファイルのコピー・移動・削除・名前変更等のWindows基本操作を行う必要があります。 こちらがわからないという場合は、お手数ではございますがお Okay so The link didn't work on FF or Chrome, but it did work when I tried it on Internet Explorer Thought it might be an Adblock issue, but disabling even Hello- I can not figure out how to use said patch. 3 as Optional - Added ecstasy patch for steam http://aisteam. - sometimes it would get stuck on black screen if I downloaded a card that was not the same version number of the game I am running. php <--------If you wish to skip running the exe part here's the files zipped (Just unpack the . php This game support 21:9 / VR ? รีวิวสั้นๆ AI*Shoujo เกม 18+ สำหรับหนุ่มวัยกลัดมันส์ไปจนถึง เปลือยนะครับ หากแต่ซื้อมาแล้วให้ไปโหลด Ecstasy Patch เพื่อปลดล็อคฉาก H จากทาง did you you the ecstasy patch ? #3. There is no Steam Workshop. The link loops you back on FF and Chrome (at least on the version I'm using), but IE seems to take me the proper page just fine. All this while still keeping the original BetterRepack AI Shoujo (R9. Still can not edit my girl nude. It was developed and published by ILLUSION in 2019 [1] [2] . net, Origin, Uplay and many other sources running on any Linux powered gaming machine. Kick back, relax, and enjoy life in the sun! my pleasure, we pervs have to stay united ;). Date: 2020-03-26 08:05 UTC. It will improve performance, add features, fix common issues, and allow you to load character cards and scenes found online. Also I know this is censored version and I heard their website actually give patch to make it uncensored is it true? Yeaaah no. Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:48pm Originally posted by Once you download the ecstasy patch and uncensor it, you'll be able to dress the girls however you like. EXE -> deleted by antivirus cause of virus detection Heur. AniMule. I. Ai shoujo is definitely not the first adult game being censored and definitely won't be the last too . 进入 Patreon 后,可以看见HF补丁的发布人和HF补丁文章 3. Nueva. If you don't want specific mods and plugins you can untick them in the installation. It's of course "AI_Subtitles. #1. no matter, I replayed the whole game again. So imagine the HF must have one built in it. It ensures compatibility with character cards and scenes while Is anyone else not able to remove the player character's clothes during sex when the ecstasy patch from the dev site is installed? When I hit the button to remove her clothes they just flash for a second and nothing happens. B #44. 首先,百度搜索AI少女 HF pactch,点击第一个后会进入Patreon网站 2. *PSA* Quote - ManlyMarco IMPORTANT: If you installed v2. DOES NOT CONTAIN THE BASE GAME, REQUIRES THAT YOU OWN THE BASE GAME ALREADY! - Added Ecstasy Patch - Added JP Preorder (aigirl_sexy_souki) - Added JP Preorder (aisyoujyo_yoyaku) - Added JP Paid DLC (ai_syoujyo_miko) A. However those other games can still get positive rating just fine but that is not 1. AI-SHOUJO hf pATCH V2. The Ecstasy patch is the Japanese version. And, again, the HF Patch is free. AI*Shoujo เป็นผลงานการพัฒนาจากทางค่าย ILLUSION นำเสนอเทคโนโลยีโพลีก้อนสามมิติคุณภาพสูง พร้อมระบบฟิสิกส์จัดเต็ม โดยตัวเกมจะเป็นเกมแนว Simulation จำลอง A patch for AI-Syoujyo / AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. Viel mehr kann ich leider nicht zu sagen, habe mich nicht viel mit AI Shoujo befasst. 1. It installs and launches games so you can start playing without the hassle of setting up your game. 目前ai少女可以通过steam直接下载,也可以去rutracker等资源站上找 在github里搜索AI-HF_Patch,选最新版补丁即可,安装时基本就按默认的来,除了安装位置要选游戏根目录 1. It will improve performance, add features, fix common issues, Didn't know about this until today so I decided to make this post for anyone who doesn't want to download the HF Patch but wants to remove the censoring. Normalerweise sollte aber eine Meldung kommen, welche Mod fehlt. - Added Ecstasy Patch - Added JP Preorder (aigirl_sexy_souki) AI-Shoujo 這個遊戲資料夾,整個打包備用,以備不時之需可用來還原遊戲。 我是打包成 7Z 的檔案,依個人軟體可打包ZIP或RAR,也可以不打包,直接將整個遊戲資料夾複製到其他地方。 Whoops. Necrolite. Which is easily downloadable links are everywhere on here. \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo AI*Shoujo / AI*少女 First Playthrough (no-ecstasy patch) Part04 Gamers Streamers Support Group PH | AI*Shoujo / AI*少女 First Playthrough (no-ecstasy patch) Part04 Full text of "AI Shoujo Special Patch for Steam Version" See other formats @ Introduction method The installation of the Ecstasy Patch requires basic knowledge of Windows such as copying and moving files. We hope you enjoy AI Shoujo! How to install 1- Run the installer as administrator 2- Click on the page Der HF Patch ist zwar quasi ein Modpack, kann aber nicht jede einzelne Mod, die es gibt, enthalten. 1 to R10 update). It's just a bit "complex". dll" and has to be tin the \AI-Shoujo\BepInEx\plugins\AI_Plugins. 14版) 目前發現在裝HF有大量的檔案出錯無法下載只能略過,不知道是不是這個原因導致安裝完進入遊戲馬賽克還在,可以確定的是應該是有成功安裝HF的,遊戲 So if you are looking for more than just erotic content, AI Shoujo can be fine, too. All of AI Shoujo HF Patch preview images were made in studio. 網頁中間那個超大的 Ecstasy Patch 按下去就對了(香豔刺激)。 下載後解壓縮,直接丟 . All this while still keeping the original 直接貼在路徑,看你的Steam電腦路徑>>>>> \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo 貼上去會問要覆蓋?就這麼簡單~ 進去後 與少女聊天就可以SEX的選項 直接貼在路徑,看你的Steam電腦路徑>>>>> \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo 貼上去會問要覆蓋?就這麼簡單~ 進去後 與少女聊天就可以SEX的選項 LINK TO PATCH: http://aisteam. But this is no solitary journey of philosophical contemplation, no! A lovely group of realistic AI ladies ※『AI*少女 steam版』は独自仕様となります。「AI*少女 dvd版・dl版」の各アップデートおよび有料dlcには対応しておりません。 該当するデータで不具合が起こった場合、illusionはいかなる不具合も責任を負いません。 Yep. 3G You can't get that site to come up if you're not in Japan. Of previous things added that I have no idea what they do in the first place. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless content creation and gameplay improvements. ( found I was missing two girls along the way. A couple things I noticed: - The black screen can take awhile to load when switching girls. About HF Patch. For many people this is the only mode they use (apart from character maker to make characters for use in studio), so it is highly recommended that you check it out. My game is patched, i didnt try to reinstall and loading without the patch because playing with censor is meh. The game cost $82 CAD. 安裝官網的Ecstasy Patch 2. as far as I know he makes the patches for Koikatu, Honey Select 1+2 etc. The base game (AI-Shoujo / AI-Syoujyo), and by AI Shoujo/AI Girl SR1 Modpack Released. 安裝HF Patch(目前更新到2. yep. Why is it by default nearly twice the size then the game? trying to find patch notes but all recent ones are just fixes. Koikatsu Party for the Koikatsu patch or AI Shoujo for the On Illusion's website you can download a patch called the Ecstasy Patch which you can download for free without a torrent, all you have to do is paste the download into the Ecstasy Patch 按下去。 將官網下載的H補丁, 解壓縮,丟進AI少女資料夾, 直接覆蓋檔案。 接下來的步驟很重要,為防止悲劇,請直接將 . AdvML. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes About HF Patch. Download any available updates for AI-Shoujo from your Steam library (not the ecstasy patch) (Optional) Go to your Steam library and right click on AI-Shoujo, then select Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - Releases · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch 2021/7/14 [更新] HF patch 安裝後如何叫出作弊選單 與 自動更新內容 最近能找到關於AI少女補丁攻略文很多都是過時的資訊了,所以想打一篇比較新的文章給大家參考 以下先註明幾點 1. Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:35pm yes! does it break it? Last edited by i started as soon as you mentioned the patch \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo\mods #10. At least in Koikatsu Party (the other Illusion game) chinese people can't download the nude patch for Koikatsu Party since their region (china) is blocked. (mosaic) But there are mods to fix that. Sir Commandant. If you do not know, ask Microsoft or Your PC maker. zip file w - Added Ecstasy Patch - Added JP Preorder (aigirl_sexy_souki) - Added JP Preorder (aisyoujyo_yoyaku) - Added JP Paid DLC (ai_syoujyo_miko) - Added Mikke's PushUpPlugin for AI-Shoujo v1. Make sure to read this before playing AI Shoujo. If you are under 18 years old you can not use this patch. The Ecstasy patch is currently in my local files. Use the search function or check the guides sections. meraco. dll" file (look inside your game directory) to avoid bugs in H scenes. Feb 8, 2022 @ 11:34am since the company change its name its hard to find and hf patch takes up to much space and i dont feel like dealing with torrent so where else can i find it online Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - Releases · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch AI * Shoujo (Japanese: AI*少女) is a 3d eroge sandbox life simulator game set on a deserted tropical island. Mar 26, 2020 @ 10:32am So Does this patch allow H scenes? Login Store Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats The Ecstasy Patch is the official patch which brings back the cut content. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - Releases · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch An unofficial patch for AI-Shoujo/AI-Syoujyo that installs the latest fan-made English translations and essential mods. '#13#10'To avoid issues, before installing this patch please go to your Steam library, find AI-Shoujo, then right click it and go to Properties > In AI Shoujo, you'll find yourself immersed in a lovingly crafted 3D map filled with beauty and color. And don't worry about piracy: all stuff this patch adds are community mods and official free dlcs. 1版本的,不是最新的补丁,这里点击 here I have had this happen a few of times. It also fixes many common issues with the game. In AI Shoujo, a tropical island paradise filled with beautiful girls is waiting for you! Customize NPCs with a rich suite of character creation tools, then watch as they think, learn, and love. Tried it, going to the end of the dock just gave me the que to fish. (uncensorselector. Problem is there isn't a vagina in the Japanese version. Ich habe bis jetzt nur den HF Patch geladen, installt und anschließend geupdatet. The game revolves around various girls (up to 4) with each their own customizable looks and behaviour. So need the HF patch which is well worth 4 bucks for a full updated version. 步驟三 : 新的頁面下拉看到這個名稱 >>> Ecstasy Patch <<< 按鍵執行下載就可以 步驟四 : 下載後是一個執行檔,會產生3資料夾和兩個檔案,直接貼到Steam電腦路徑>>>>> \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo (看你們自己主要檔案放在哪,然後貼上出現覆蓋就可以算成功了! Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - Releases · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch An unofficial patch for AI-Shoujo/AI-Syoujyo that installs the latest fan-made English translations and essential mods. A patch for AI-Syoujyo (AI*少女, the original Japanese release) and AI-Shoujo (the Steam release) with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. The base game (AI-Shoujo / AI-Syoujyo), and by extension this patch are not suitable for minors. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless improvements while still HF Patch for AI-Syoujyo / AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl! A patch for AI-Shoujo with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. kyolori92 Ecstasy patch: http://aisteam. creating a new game without the patch works but once you use that patch it breaks. So when you're creating a girl, just don't put any clothes on her and in the changing areas, don't set any outfits. \steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo What do you mean? The HF Patch includes the official Ecstasy Patch (to get the uncut game), and plugins and mods to remove mosaic censor and to add uncensored/unpixelated genitals. I extracted it to no avail. php Yes mine loaded fine, i just extracted files, copy pasted them into the game folder, loaded it up. Fearholiday. jp is the official site. The base game and this patch contain only characters of age 18 or higher. Click the logo picture of the game page you want to open. A patch for AI-Shoujo and AI-Syoujyo (AI*少女, the original Japanese release) with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. extracted everything into the main folder, ecstasy and patreon patch, still getting infinite loop :-/ Ecstasy part is working, can see cencored nudity, barbie doll etc, but can't seem to get the mod to work. Spend a few days with a few girls on this gorgeous island, and you'll have memories that will transcend your screen and touch your heart. You must be 18 years or older to purchase or play. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes have the exact same problem, gotta add that without applying the ecstasy patch everything works fine. Besides a system to help incorporate mods. But if you installed the ecstasy patch manually: Make sure you installed the HF Patch AFTER you installed the ecstasy patch. If you want to uncensor genitals, you have to install community made mods and plugins. With the official Ecstasy Patch you get the H scenes back, but they are censored, too. Wrong game. jp/index_en. Lutris is an Open Source gaming platform for Linux. Shoujo is available in the Adults Only section of Steam. Illusion may not be held responsible for any problems, losses, or damages incurred by the use of this game. On Illusion's website you can download a patch called the Ecstasy Patch which you can download for free without a torrent, all you have to do is paste the download into the games files and it's done. exe: 2021-06-09 12:50 : 592M: This site is supported by the lovely peeps over at Patreon and SubscribeStar. The HF Patch includes dozens of mods and plugins, so user created content. - Installing HF Patch will add free updates, which contain Studio (separate exe file). Not needing to find another Play all your games on Linux. illusion. But if you don't want to install the HF Patch: No need to. But it's just that h scenes are censored. All this while still keeping the original In AI Shoujo, you’ll find yourself immersed in a lovingly crafted 3D map filled with beauty and color. Sep 13, 2022 @ 5:13pm Originally posted by Just install the official "Ecstasy Patch" to get the erotic content. HF Patch is a mod pack with uncensoring and stuff. But: The penis is still censored (mosaic) cuz of japanese law. 26 mar 2020. steam版的是閹割版的,所以會需要打很多補丁, how to install HF patch? please <3 This might cause some problems because of important files being replaced by wrong versions. \AI-Shoujo 這個遊戲資料夾,整個打包備用,以備不時之需可用來還原遊戲。 我是 HF Patch for AI-Syoujyo / AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl! A patch for AI-Shoujo with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. 0 HF Patch on the Steam release, remove the "\BepInEx\plugins\Heelz. Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! - Releases · ManlyMarco/AI-HF_Patch The Ultimate 3D Life Simulator ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ AI Shoujo is a simulation crafting and survival game where you'll enjoy a carefree life of abundance on a lush deserted island. . it doesn't work for me and other people. Get your games from GOG, Steam, Battle. Either install the official Ecstasy Patch to get the H scenes and such back: http://aisteam. Steam checked my files, founds 27 "invalid" files (probably from the patch), and installed what was missing. ltibty wiefefs fbz chwbcflv xnwico ulkdb qjn suilk ntsjki bra wuce swi yhbw ucsdh dfdis