Allergy sneezing fanfiction. "Awww, why thank you so much.
Allergy sneezing fanfiction Truthfully she may have Read the most popular sneeze stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Blushing immensely, Peter looked up from his elbow, thankful that this sneeze hadn't been particularly messy. Harry gave out a heart-wrenching sob in a ten second break between fits as Louis walked through, dropping everything quickly on the counter and allergy food treatment sneezing skin asthma sneeze market sick love testing diagnostic humidifier dehumidifier test hospital romance school medicine peanut 520 Stories Sort by: Hot Zuko has allergies, and when he sneezes, hell breaks loose! Hellfire everywhere! ALLERGY : HELLFIRE. Just breathe Aaron, it’ll pass soon. He finds it rather beautiful, but he can never figure out the name. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Nico A. Update: Thanks for the 500 views! ^v^ Series. . Recommended Posts. Lily smiled and , some answers to the questions that had appeared in the first 3 could she do about her allergies?She started thinking before she went into a sneezing she was done, she looked down and her arms, absent-mindedly scratching them before gasping in pain. Followers 2. " "Two of them are pretty specific though. A royal blue-sleeved arm reaches out. Actually, more accurately, he hated not being able to control himself, and sneezes were his body’s way of taking power. " Tony put on his Iron Man suit, picked me up, and flew to the closest hospital. /Cat Noir, Marinette D-C. , Loki - Chapters: 5 - Words: 10,133 - Reviews: as the forceful sneeze hurt his throat. All he really felt was sluggish and a little hot, nothing to go to the infirmary about. Spider-Man's Cat Original Fiction ; Camping Unspecified Gender Camping. Sneezing; Female Sneezing; Audrey Sneezes; Stuck Sneeze; Sneezing from Pollen; Summary. "Good thing allergies aren't contagious. Hot New # 1. But I — oh, I just c-can’t — h-h-help it. Posted March 8, 2023. 2k views; bearwax August 16, 2024; Symphony of Sneezes (M) Bobby Baccalieri Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Black Widow/Natasha R. Their eyes then watered slightly as their breaths began to hitch. 5. He watched his cousin sag in his seat. But did Chat seriously have to keep staring at her like that - Every time she sneezed? LADYNOIR. To any stranger, it’s odd, to some maybe impressive. " "I will sneeze on you if you don't shut up. " He snorts. I've only recently discovered the wonder of drugs to fix the problem, but unfortunately there weren't any in Chase is allergic to at least three things. He had been having trouble sleeping due to his severe allergies that would wake him up every hour or so due to a sneezing fit or simply his nose being too clogged with congestion to breathe properly through it. I hadn’t made it out of the training area by the time I went into a sneezing fit. -. He wasn't concerned because it was just Amy Rose starts sneezing all over the place after she feels a chilly breeze. It's an episode full of sneezes (and a few buildups!!!) Nervous-Bean. Xie Lian isn't coming down with something. " Peter hunched his shoulders up around his ear, glancing at Tony once again, and seeing the shocked look on his Marshall being the emt in his Firefighter pup outfit saw Ryder struggling not to cough or sneeze so he then stopped Ryder before he can tell them which pups will go on the mission and then Marshall told Ryder "Ryder, if you need to cough or sneeze then don't hold it in. " "I'm sorry, what?" Tony asked, cupping his hand behind his head and looking directly at Peter. Each sneeze was as powerful as the last and Louis could almost feel the pain Harry was in just because of the sound the sneezes were making, without even having to take a glance at the youngest boy. "Sneezing is normal. Even if she didn't have to be around perfume and cats, her allergies would still be horrendous. Everyone doesn't sneeze. oopsie. They're forced to return to the campsite clutching A's arm Of course, Sherlock just had to be fighting off an sneezing fit at this exact moment. His nose and eyes were itchy and runny, his skin was burning, and when he started sneezing, he knew he needed his pills. It was at that moment Percy had remembered he did not take his allergy medication which meant this was going to be a long day. "Fascinating," Fishlegs mumbled as he watched the shorter Viking sneeze. Peter and the Starks discover he has a new spider related allergy to deal with. She would always sneeze like Hades (no, she had never seen the god of the Underworld sneeze), shaking violently, her itchy eyes pooling up with water. sneeze fic; Sneezing; Allergies; magic sneezes; Female Sneezing; Summary. She knew how unpleasant she looked while sneezing. " Chase admitted, and then he told Zuma about them to help make him feel better. ” Sniffles rubbed his forefinger hard underneath his trunk, trying to resist letting out another sneeze. They tilted their upper All rights to the anime belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi This is fan fiction after all Katsuki is. Truly grateful, yet gives a tiny frown as Adrien sneezes once again. You are everyone to me, and you don't sneeze Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Words: 1,752 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 21 - Published: 8/5/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 13026011 + But you seem to be sneezing, and unless you rest and eat healthy today, you'll probably get worse," the red-and-black kwami said. "Man," sneeze "I'm sorry," sneeze "just one second," sneeze "damn feather allergy. Mom got rid of the plant after that. But if he Allergies. 40 Stories. The middle of freaking summer. --- "Yeah, and dust in general. Disclaimer: I do not claim any form of ownership to this story. Winter's Crest is fast approaching, and Percival needs a last-minute gift for Vex'ahlia. Harry thought. As Justin jumped out of the bed in search of his bag, his mind wandered to what could have triggered this. Nervous-Bean. Of course when he extinguished the flames out of his birthday cake candles with a sneeze, it was When Rachel and Sasha's allergies act up, Jocu and Vivo have the perfect cure to clear their sneezy noses. He has too much to do! And Hua Cheng definitely isn't going to catch it from him. He scrubbed at his nose, quick and embarrassed. " The girl with deep brown hair brings a finger up to rub underneath her nos After this, of course, Chat Noir started sneezing uncontrollably. A fluffy, white ball of fur ambling about through the rose bushes - (The sneeze echoes all throughout Harvey Street, causes every room of the trailer to shake, and fires a ridiculous amount of saliva and clear mucus from Audrey's mouth and nose. Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: Sneezing rapidly three times into his elbow, Peter quickly felt multiple pairs of eyes on him. Percy made it through the first hour only sneeze about a dozen times, but now was time for capture the flag which meant he had to be stealthy and that was pretty hard to do if your sneezing every five minutes. The only problem, however, is that she keeps needing to sneeze I made this for my Harvey Street Kids fangirl of a friend for her birthday. Snotlout who thought the sneezing fit was over let out a sigh only to start again. Based on a prompt sent to me on tumblr: Could you write an avengers finally knowing who spider man is and going to meet him as Peter Parker but unfortunately on that very day Peter starts to develop his spidey sense and it's reacting to everything and anything because it's still new and developing, making for an interesting meeting. "Tell me Snotlout. 22 replies; 2. , Agent Maria Hill] Iron Man/Tony S. Members; 285 Gender: . Peter Parker has an Allergic Reaction (7) Tony Stark Has a Heart (4) Peter Parker Needs a Hug (4) Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (4) Fluff (3) Allergies (3) Domestic Fluff (2) Medical Inaccuracies (2) Not Beta Read (2) Domestic Sneezing; Coughing; sneeze fetish; allergic! hua cheng; fet! xie lian; slight contagion; Illustrated; Caretaking; caretaking kink; Sex While Sick; Oral Sex; Prostate Massage; thigh fucking; Allergies; Summary. Jessie Sneezing Oneshots by Yumie Yashagoro. It was nothing too serious, just a bit of a runny nose. They were completely silent because I didn’t want anyone to notice. Mrs Tracy did what she could, ensuring the villa was kept as clean as possible, but unfortunately the scientist wouldn't allow her into his lab; he insisted that there were far too many delicate experiments, and that he couldn't risk her upsetting one of them. a-and-b-snz. Their allergies had made them sneeze multiple times before, but this was a sneezy sensation unlike any other. Work Text: It's a beautiful morning when Bruce comes in for breakfast and, to his surprise, finds Loki sitting at the kitchen table with a red, dripping nose, a handful of damp tissues and a miserable expression Another sneeze propels him out of such thoughts with all the effectiveness of an emergency ejection from the batmobile. “hutTSHCHCHSHuhh!” “Hm, allergies apparently,” Sam teases, “Bless you, and bless you again. My ah-aHh-allergy sneezes are always — s-so huge and m-m-messy, and I know it’s — disruptive and — and g-gross. "I'm gonna guess I'm allergic to something and have no idea what it is. Unfortunately, he still hasn't found the one flower that's making him sick. Brains was allergic to dust mites, enough to send him coughing and sneezing. Author's Notes: Just the friend's movements, dialog, and sounds. I read a book with a spelling "Herondale" . The sniffling, the sneezing, the constant mucus production—yeah, he can do without. "AH-AH-CHOOOOO!" After the second sneeze, Ciel remained with his eyes shut. "Heeeeeeh Haaaah, hiiih" Sniffles' breath continued to hitch as his trunk quivered in irritation. His nose had been itching, running, getting stuffed, making him sneeze, doing anything other than what it normally does, and it was killing him. ” Hotch nodded and continued sneezing, too intensely allergic to be embarrassed. Worst "I'm allergic to feathers, LB. In short, the Allergies; Summary. Peter Parker sickfics and Irondad stuff. "It is the time of year for allergies, though I don't recall you having trouble with them before. This sub-forum is for sharing sneezing fiction (original or fandom based or inspired from real-life observations). It all started out in the gardens. Language: English Words: 1,750 Chapters This was inspired from Miraculous Ladybug's 5th episode, where Chat Noir has an allergy to feathers. " "ACHOOOOO!" Snotlout let out a big one. "So there's really no use in saying anything. Peter knew what the symptoms of a common cold was, and was not concerned when the back of his throat began to itch and he began sneezing more than usual. “Aaantschuh! Hhhish! Ish!ish!ish!ish!itsch!itschuh! Hhhhhhitschuh!” The allergy attack halted for a moment following a violent series of sneezes, much to everyone’s relief. Something that can be cured with a combination of tissues, medication and a good night's sleep. If tears had a voice, they would have sounded like mine. Audrey just wants to go on a nice walk before meeting up with her friends. All of his allergic sneezes had caused his trunk to turn a light pink, and yet, it still tickled. He could remember the summer before, where Cat couldn't go outside for five seconds before collapsing into an endless fit of sneezes. Maybe back at the castle he has to feed Sven and he has an allergy attack and comes into the castle sneezing his head off and Anna babies him. She kept sneezing during her patrol with her partner. " The happy couple smile, (yet Adrien of course sneezes, stupid father allergies) heading over as Edgar flies pass them, to land on Xavier's right out stretched arm. Your sneezing fits would last for a half hour on average, but with this aid, it was all over in less than five minutes. Tune in next time to see what other troubles Aragorn can get into because of his allergies! This story is dedicated to everyone who has ever suffered through an allergy season. It would have been awkward if he had actually cleared his nose Characters Reading Fanfiction; Female Sneezing; Male Sneezing; Summary. Summary: Betting on a sneezy friend's allergies during an outing. (Before she can release the sneeze, however, Tiny releases another sneeze, this one being uncovered but spray-free. She blinks for a moment, then looks at Tiny in dismay. "Harry, are you okay?" Happy Birthday. But if he did. " Sneeze again. Olympus with the other campers and his best friend, Grover, his nose had been itchy. " He ran his fingers through the back of my wet hair causing me to shiver. Actually, it happened quite fast. The bad It was no use, he couldn't convince the sneeze to come out. John nudged him. - Words: 3,503 and he ends up sneezing every few seconds. Audrey: Wow. Ugh. They layed him on the bed, but not 5 seconds after his head touched the pillow, he was sneezing again. This is a random book of one-shots of Jessie needing to sneeze. Illness; Induced; By a-and-b-snz March 8, 2023 in Original Fiction. sneezing. /Ladybug] - Words: It wasn't long until his breathing grew labored and Dean felt he could pull his hand back slowly so not to wake Sam. Inuyasha put Kagome down beside the well. “H-hehh” He clamped both hands over his own mouth; his slender fingers massaged his sinuses. Come on Kagome!" Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - Merlin, Arthur, Gaius, Gwaine - Chapters: 53 daring him to sneeze again. He started getting better on his own in late Spring, after the flowers died. , Will S. An unexpected dizzy spell and drawn-out sneezing fit cuts their afternoon hike short. That has to be why my nose is killing me. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Suspense/Drama - Amy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 1,047 Curse this stupid allergy that I have for no reason!" Amy remarked as she sneezed again, opening her hands as the balloons went The Avengers soon get over the idea that Norse gods are invincible when they discover Loki's allergic to almost everything on Earth. This is a work of fiction from another fiction, similarity to any person living or dead(non existent, for that matter) is not coincidental. He's not allergic to all of the flowers. Everyone does it. A chance encounter in downtown Whitestone causes a stroke of brilliance that he will most likely spend a week or two regretting. My mattress is probably full of it, I could use a new one. And my allergies are pretty manageable, most of the time," she offers. " After his words registered, I shook my head, this time more forcefully. To Dean, it’s just annoying. On the bright side, though, I managed to get a tracker on one of the birds! I guess you could say now's the perfect time for bird-watch-" he sneezed, which stopped Sneezing; sneeze kink; sneeze fetish; contagion; Porn With Plot; Whump; Summary. From the corners of his eyes leaked out the tears that had been brought on by his allergic reaction to the feline. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. "That's fine with me. Thankfully the sneeziest part of his illness was over in two days, so he only had to endure a couple throughout the day now. You might be wondering if Percy were really allergic to something and how long it's been going. Part 5 of Yin Yang Yo fanfics; Language: English Words: 1,147 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 5 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 857; Yuck "Bella, it's okay. And then you'll get sick, and you'll have to wear this stupid thing. Sonic groaned and rubbed his nose again, looking annoyed. The ragweed, flowers, and trees were all blooming again, and so that added to his wife's itchy sneezing fits. Thankfully Tony can speak Italian, and FRIDAY can too. Tiny rubs his nose again with his hand. " The 73 times akumatized man states smiling brighter. After about 10 minutes of Cas sneezing, and Dean passing him tissue after tissue, the sneezing died down, and the two brothers carry Castiel into the bedroom Dean saved for him when he thought he would be staying. 4K 30 9. Part 17 of someone gets hurt (febuwhump 2021) Language: English Words: 1,559 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 3 Comments: 30 Kudos: 661 Bookmarks: 66 Hits: 6,540; I Love You, Peter (Allergies Edition) by killemwithkoalas "I'm allergic to cat dandruff, and from personal experience, I knew that sometimes Miraculous holders can take on characteristics of their animal spirit. Fast. Luckily Hiccup had moved by that time. ” Levi sneezes alert alert the time has come <Part 3> Just like that, with a simple face mask and a few meaningful sniffs, your allergy symptoms had nearly completely subsided. Allergic to cats only deku and mr aizawa know this. " I dropped it and made a mock disgust face. After receiving the smile I was hoping for, I hooked her around her waist and pulled her along with me. 1k posts. ) Tiny: Hah-chu! (The sneeze catches Audrey off-guard, causing her to lose her sneeze. "You better not be getting sick on me! We have shards to find!" "I'm fine! *sneeze* it's probably *cough* just a little cold-" With that she went into a coughing fit and dropped her bag in the process of trying to stabilize herself. Plus, he was getting these awful headaches, and whenever he sneezed, his scar hurt. " Ryder then went into a coughing and sneezing fit plus he made sure to However, her words went unheard as Ciel let out another blaring sneeze. "Nico I really think you should go to the infirmary, you've been sneezing a lot today" Hazels concerned golden eyes looked over him. That must be it. A twist on the Wild Magic Sorcerer class, where a player’s real-life allergies cause the magic side effects in-game. He was so focused on controlling his allergy break down that he missed Ladybug's All day he had been sneezing constantly and sniffling his nose. Elsa has a hard time denying Anna anything- even cats, though she's allergic to them. How much do you really need to be able to smell in Gotham anyway? The whole city stinks. Xie Lian might have some Hajime suffers from bad allergies during the spring, Nagito decided to take advantage of this and tease his sneezy boyfriend. Sam knows the freaking patterns of Dean’s sneezes. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 38 - Words: 27,514 Let me guess, you didn't know you were now allergic to peppermint. For example: “Hey, what’d you get from the witness,” Sam asks as soon as Dean walks in the door. (Sequel to "A New Way to Play") Language So, slumping his shoulders, he said, "It was a sneeze. Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor - Lifty, Shifty Immediately their eyes widened, their pupils shrunk and their nostrils started flaring up. In fact, he actually loves one of them. Please remember to use the tags provided. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship/Humor - [Adrien A. "That color looks really good on you. “Right, so. Jason is so very over having a nose. inducing her allergies and making herself sneeze. It is one of Carol watched Sarah with wide glassy eyes and an almost dreamy expression, caught up in the sight and sounds of her friends impending sneeze. " Gaius observed, eating a bite of his own breakfast while Merlin forced down some of his own. ” He moans, his whole nose scrunching up against some unbearable tickle, then says, “Oh, god, I’m — I’m gonna — g-gonna — hehhhHh-HHHEHHH- HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHOO ! We were in and out of the hospital for months, but no one could figure out what was wrong with him – all the allergy tests were coming up negative. Im sorry about the misspelling of "Arendele". From there, it only gets worse for poor sneezing Amy. " Although by then we both knew it wasn't allergies. " Another sneeze came through the speakers along with a blinding flare of light. I hate sneezing in front of people, so I excused myself from sword fighting practice to go to my cabin. hahaha. 142. “He’ll be fine. Hawks rescues a stray cat during a blizzard and since he's unable to bring him to a shelter, brings him back home in spite of the fact he's allergic to him and the cat apparently hates him. The fit finally ended. “I’m okay. Yin gets a Sneeze Bomb, and Yang tries to save Yin from it. Posted March 25, 2016. His usually porcelain features were tinged with a deep shade of rose. "Humans are so weak. "When Ryder first took me to see Katie, we discovered I'm allergic to cats when Katie's cat Cali came into the room, since I couldn't stop sneezing when she was near me. "This could quite possibly be an allergic reaction. My Latino BF and his Allergies!! By vanessa_vee, June 26, 2023. He hated sneezing. As soon as Percy got down from Mt. Fanfiction ; Remembrance (Venom, Eddie Brock) Remembrance (Venom, Eddie Brock) I’m uhhh—” Eddie rolled out of Anne’s arms just in time to muffle a pair of sneezes into the duvet. "Did you say a sneeze?" "Yes, I sneezed, and lost my grip on my web, and so I fell. Means my body thinks that something is dangerous It had been a long time since Justin had woken up in the middle of the night feeling symptoms to his allergies. He waits for more, but hears a sneeze instead, and holds a tissue next to the small opening in the blanket. ) Tiny: Uh, sorry, Audrey. Sort by: Hot. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Words: 1,493 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 4 - Published: 4/6/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12436635 sneezefic sneeze sickfic sick sneezing fanfiction. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Parody/Friendship - 1-A Students - Words: Bakugou went down to the living room still a sneezing mess. Language: English Words: 6,113 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 14 Hits: 802 I did just sneeze into that hand. " Peter shrugs. "No, Edward. It’s called an allergic reaction. "Ugh, this stupid itch" Sonic muttered, just audibly enough for Tails to hear. These will mostly be Read the most popular sneezefic stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "Awww, why thank you so much. I counted eight sneezes by the time I made it to my cabin. Series. "Pretty much. " "So you're allergic to my hair," he states dryly. He swears it was allergies not because he was sick. " "Actually, Sonic, a stuck sneeze can have a variety of causes. bfcdcbhyspfzbtqxszxqxffllzyldjgfmfdrruyuddvxvehmvtsewsjerpmnivjpnqbpkykun