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Exploring the Buzz around ChatGPT in 2023

The buzz around ChatGPT

The buzz around ChatGPT

So what is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT , launched in November 2022, by AI & research company & open AI that specializes in developing conversational AI models. The abbreviation “GPT” stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” This tool utilizes AI technology to enable human-like conversations with chatbots.

To better understand this concept, let’s consider an example. Imagine you are searching for a real estate company and you come across a website. Upon visiting the website, you encounter a chatbot designed to assist you and address your queries. This chatbot operates on a similar principle as ChatGPT, as it is constructed as a question-answering model.

In summary, ChatGPT leverages advanced AI techniques to create Chatbot models capable of engaging in realistic conversations, making it a valuable tool for facilitating user interactions and providing information.

Characteristics of ChatGPT

  1. Formation of New Content: ChatGPT is capable of generating new content in a human-like manner using a question-answer model. When you pose a question, it can provide you with an exact answer to your query.
  2. Huge Vocabulary: It possesses a vast word dictionary, which is highly beneficial for users. With approximately 570 GB of data, ChatGPT has access to an extensive vocabulary.
  3. Self-Learning Process: ChatGPT can learn and adapt to new information, implementing it when necessary. When users provide feedback, ChatGPT actively tries to incorporate and address i
  4. Translation in any Language: One of the important characteristics of ChatGPT is its translation features. If you want to learn any language, you can easily learn it without paying anything. This tool can translate text into a maximum of 26 different languages.
  5. Code Generation: One of the amazing features of ChatGPT is its ability to create code. If you are stuck while writing any code for a website or anything else, you can take help from ChatGPT and it will easily write the whole code structure for you.
  6. Content Creation Assistance: If you are a writer and you need some content for social media, blogs, or articles, then you can take the help of ChatGPT. It will also assist you in writing SEO content and provide keyword suggestions for SEO writing.
  7. Helpful for Homemakers: This tool is not only for working people in offices but also helpful for homemakers who want to make some special dinner or lunch for their family. It can also be used to learn cooking.
  8. General Research: Another important feature is that anyone of any age, whether it’s a school-going child, college student, working professional, or homemaker, can use this tool to search for anything and get the answers they need.

Importance Of ChatGPT

Benefits of ChatGPT 

How To Use ChatGPT

It is very easy to use ChatGPT, so sharing it in a step by step manner:

Step-1: As a first step you need to go to their webpage by the link on your any device( smartphones, computer, laptops) and create an account, if you do not a have it already.

Step-2: Now once your account is created, it’s free to use. After the account is created you can login to the home page of ChatGPT

Step-3: Now you can ask your queries and ChatGPT will reply back to your questions.






Some limitations with ChatGPT

Some important limitations of ChatGPT are as follow:

  1. Not run without internet service
  2. Lack of common sense
  3. Reply one answer at one time, Not a multi-tasker tool
  4. Sufficient knowledge with less amount of creativity
  5. ChatGPT is a free product, but running this technology is an expensive affair that all cannot afford. The running cost is estimated to be around $100,000 per day or $3 million per month
  6. Emotionless
  7. Problem while solving some Mathematical problems


After its launch, ChatGPT had crossed over a Million users just within the first week. The world is amazed with infinite possibilities and can’t stop talking about this one-of-its-kind AI and are sharing their experiences on social media. It seems like from generating video ideas for content creators to helping developers spot errors in their code, the ChatGPT seems to have a little something for everyone.

What is different this time is that unlike the traditional Chatbots that connect keywords with intents, LLMs like ChatGPT are text predictors. Which means they fundamentally learn about the relationship between texts, words and sentences and then they use these relationships to predict the following string of characters.

But despite the fact that such developments are clearly ground-breaking, there seems to be a long way to go for it to become standard for general NLP purposes. Current studies show that even though the ChatGPT model is impressive given its do-it-all ability, it still might be underperforming compared to existing state-of-the-art solutions for modern NLP tasks.

Hence we would like to conclude with the thought that even though ChatGPT has taken the world by storm and not to deny the fact that ChatGPT is an exciting advancement in AI technology, it is yet to be seen if this is sustainable model in the long term both from cost and technology perspective.


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