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DevOps Periodic Table (Part-2)

Explanation of Some Tools as per Their Categories

In the first part of the periodic table, we learned about tools categorized from A to Z. Now, in the second part of our periodic table series (Part 1 & 2), we will delve deeper into these categorized tools.” You can read our first part to know deeper and more about periodic table in this given link:

  1. Continuous Integration (CI) Tools

Image Credit:


Based on the image above, these elements are categorized under Continuous Integration Tools, and we will discuss some of these tools below.





  1. Source Code Management

Image Credit:

Based on the image above, these elements are categorized under Source Code Management, and we will discuss some of these tools below.”



  1. Continuous Delivery/Development (CD) Tools




  1. Configuration Management




  1. Containerization & Orchestration




Conclusion: In the periodic table the elements are arranged and categorized as per their features as we have discussed in previous blog and classified and provide the detailed information about all the details element with separate tools. all tools has their own features and some of the tools are very popular in the market.

“In the previous part, we discussed elements from a categorized section of the DevOps periodic table. In the next part, you will learn more about tools according to the categories in the periodic table. Stay tuned for our next blog, ‘Periodic Table for DevOps Tools (Part-3).'”


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