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DevOps and Serverless in 2020

Serverless in 2020

Serverless Architecture (FaaS) and when to use Serverless ?

Serverless Architecture is more than a buzzword. It’s the most-talked-about topic in the soaftware industry in the past few years. Everyone is trying their hands on Serverless environment. You also might have questions in your mind like – What exactly is Serverless? And when to use Serverless? 

Serverless Architecture is a software design model where applications are hosted by a third-party service like Cloud Providers. Serverless does not mean there aren’t servers at all. All Serverless applications run on a server. The only thing to remember here is that Servers are managed by the vendors and not the developers. Hence, it is called Serverless Architecture.

Components of Serverless Architecture

The main components of Serverless Architecture are Serverless Functions & Serverless Backends.


Serverless Functions: serverless functions aka FaaS(Function as a Service) is the main platform for running the serverless logic code. The developers write independent code snippets which are called `functions` and then add these functions to the FaaS platform.This code is then triggered by an event or run on a schedule.Common examples of FaaS are AWS Lambda or Azure functions.

Serverless Backends: serverless backend aks BaaS (Backend as a Service) is a cloud computing offering that abstracts the  backend logic, which is then executed on faraway servers.This helps the developers to focus on thier front-end code snippet and integrate with back-end logic that someone else has implemented. Common examples of BaaS are authentication service, storage services, geolocation services etc.

You can also read our post about  Some popular Serverless solutions in 2020 to know more about popular serverless solutions and tools in the market.

How Serverless or FaaS is different from PaaS?

Serverless or Faas (Function as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) both are pretty similar but majorly different at the same time. People often get confused between these two terms. We will give you some points to help you better understand the difference between FaaS and PaaS.

✔  A Serverless app or FaaS does have a physical or virtual server that requires it to be managed. There is also a need to manage the operating system and other web server hosting process requests for your application to run.

✔  Serverless Architecture focuses on the individual functions in your application code. It reduces physical hardware concerns.

✔  On the other hand, PaaS offers the same benefits as Serverless or FaaS. But, PaaS eliminates the need for server hardware as well as software management.

✔  The primary difference is how the application is composed and deployed in both services.

✔  PaaS allows you to deploy applications and the rest of the things will be managed by the cloud. Cloud will manage how to deploy the servers to run the application.

✔  FaaS offers the capability to deploy what is actually a single function or a part of a function.

✔  Most PaaS hosting options can auto-scale the number of servers to handle workloads. PaaS makes it simple to deploy the entire function or application.

✔  FaaS was created in a way so that it can work as a Serverless Architecture.

✔  When an application spins-up, FaaS can be invoked in a much more agile manner than PaaS.

✔  In PaaS, you will have a lot more control over the development environment, and in FaaS, you won’t have much control over the same.

✔  Both, PaaS and FaaS can easily deploy and scale an application without having to configure the server.

Primary features of FaaS and PaaS

Check out some of the primary characteristics of FaaS and PaaS:

Serverless or FaaS Characteristics:

PaaS Characteristics:

When to Use Serverless or FaaS?

Note that Serverless Architecture is not well-suited for long, compute-intensive apps. Because it can be expensive as compared to running code on a dedicated compute instance.

So before moving to a Serverless Architecture, measure and validate each use case and see if this will work for your organization or not. Serverless does have numerous advantages but it does come with some drawbacks, too.

We hope this article will help you to understand how to leverage Serverless Architecture for your business.


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