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Deep learning: Teaching Machines How to be Human

Deep learning

In this article, we will be diving into the topic of deep learning and how it is different from machine learning. We will also talk about the basic architecture of deep learning models, their types, their applications, and more.

Introduction to deep learning

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on building machines that can learn on their own. However, ML models cannot learn from just any data. They can process only structured and well-labeled data, and any unstructured or unlabeled data needs to be refined before feeding it to ML models.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning and AI

A more evolved subset of machine learning is deep learning which closely resembles the human brain and its decision-making process. Deep learning models do not necessarily require structured data and can work with a variety of data effortlessly. Moreover, this ability to learn autonomously and respond in a humanistic way has opened up several interesting possibilities such as – AI image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), generative AI, etc. However, although deep learning seems more advanced and powerful than machine learning, both have their advantages and disadvantages. That said, let’s learn about the major differences between the two…

Deep learning vs Machine learning

Deep learning and machine learning differ in terms of their functionality and complexity. Following is a table highlighting the major differences between both of them…

Major differences between deep learning and ML

How does deep learning work

Deep learning works on a network of interconnected nodes (or neurons) called artificial neural networks (ANNs). It is similar to how a human brain comprises millions of interconnected neurons and nervous tissue. A typical ANN is composed of 3 layers:

Different types of deep learning models perform various functions using a similar layered architecture. Let’s discuss some of them now…

Types of deep learning models




Deep learning has narrowed the gap between humans and computers. By mimicking natural human intelligence and decision-making, deep learning models continue to replace the manual workforce in various industries. However, being more advanced, it cannot replace ML completely, which is still useful for tasks requiring mathematical or objective analysis rather than deep learning’s subjective analysis. Additionally, the output produced by deep learning models is not entirely trustworthy due to their ‘black box’ nature. This has led to the development of explainable AI which can trace an AI model’s output to its sources and thus, uncover the hidden black boxes.

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