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Comparison Between Prometheus vs Datadog

In-Depth Comparison Between Prometheus vs Datadog

Firstly before starting this article of comparison between Prometheus vs Datadog two monitoring tools that are Prometheus VS Datadog, Lets discuss these two  tools separately to known more about them and after that we will do the comparison together.

What is Prometheus?

It is an open-source project which was launched in 2012 by Sound Cloud. This tool is useful for obtaining and interrogating the metric data. One of the main reasons to formulate Prometheus is to consist of all the characteristics into a single tool such as data collection, multi-dimensional data model, functional clearness etc. After launching Prometheus in 2012 it found more success, in 2016, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation approved this as the second generated proposal.  It is utilized for alerting and event monitoring, as being a monitoring software that emerges through the usage of plugins. For your infrastructure and applications, it can compile metrics. It will provide you with the libraries that can be utilized in some of the applications such as .Net, Ruby, Python, Java, Go, Rust. It is exploited Onward Grafana. The Grafana tool supports Prometheus by jerking its metrics and making it simpler to monitor. Prometheus is written in the language GO and this tool is generated by many people , not only one company and system have regulated it.

Some important key features  and why you can go for Prometheus?

Before going to use this tool , have a look on the feature of Prometheus , some best key point are as follow.

♦ It has a huge library which is useful  in some of the applications like Python, Go, Java, Rust, .Net, Node.js etc.

♦ It proposes valuable integration with Kubernetes and some of the elements of Prometheus operated in Containers.

♦ This tool is valuable for receiving and examining  the metric data.

♦ It does not impose any software for the installation and configuration.

What is Datadog?

Datadog was established in 2010 to aid Gin, Django, Spring; these are the famous web frameworks. You can use it for free but it has a paid version also which charges $5 per host per month. This appeal provides you with the concept of network traffic and the search with tags. It detects errors by using machine learning and monitoring cloud instances, hybrid architectures, Monitor containers and on-premises. In a similar position, users can get overall perception into traces, log, network traffic by combining metric-based (Network Device Monitoring) with flow-based Network Performance Monitoring.  In an equivalent dashboard, it permits to show traces, logs and infrastructure metrics. It is good for all organizations whether it is small, medium or large. It give a huge insight into the performance of health of infrastructure, application  and network. It can monitor databases, tools, servers and services that will gives the actual benefit and events from many sources in a combine platform. It also provide the visibility into network traffic flow, helping to find out and diagnose network-related problem.

Why can you go for Datadog ? (Importance Of Datadog)

♦ It can monitor the application or the infrastructure and in a similar diagram, it imagines data from a different source. It can transmit with other applications and the environment such as container, web browsers, mobile, server, cloud service etc.

♦ It provide an actual time monitoring capabilities, that permit organization to find out and counter to any problem as they occur, minimizing downtime and its associated costs.

♦ Datadog has the capabilities of logging and monitoring capabilities can assist with compliance requirements by providing detailed records of system performance and security events, which are useful for audits and reporting.

♦ It is also importance because it empowers the organization with the tools they need to maintain high level performance, reliability and security across their IT applications and infrastructure.

 Prometheus VS Datadog

These both are the monitoring tools utilized for the software, in the market these two are the important competitors .

S.NO. Prometheus Datadog
01 Prometheus is an open-source tool It is not an open source tool, it’s proprietary.
02 For Kubernetes , It is a time series tool. Datadog is a time-series, tracking and APM tool which helps to furnish almost everything in a similar spot.
03 You have to pay nothing for using it because it is a free tool. In comparison with Prometheus, you have to pay more on using Datadog.
04 In the multi-dimensional data model it will give you the data with the key structure of time interpreted with key sets and metrics  names. It will give you the perception of the application by monitoring all the difficulties, bugs, and modifications on the website.
05  One of the important characteristic’s of Prometheus is it supports  multi-dimensional data and problems. Within all the application and platform , it receives and develops the log data automatically.
06 Prometheus is difficult to install. As in a comparison with Prometheus, Datadog is easy to install.
07 Prometheus is one of the big time-series database In Datadog you will find all the features in the same place such as application monitoring, logging, metrics etc.



Prometheus is an open-source project which was launched in 2012 by Sound Cloud. This tool is useful for obtaining and interrogating the metric data. One of the main reasons to formulate Prometheus is to consist of all the characteristics into a single tool such as data collection, multi-dimensional data model, functional clearness etc. Datadog was established in 2010 to aid Gin, Django, Spring; these are the famous web frameworks. You can use it for free but it has a paid version also which charges $5 per host per month. This appeal provides you with the concept of network traffic and the search with tags.

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