Netmums faint line. …
Ok so I'm starting to believe this faint line is a BFP.
Netmums faint line. The top test is 14DPO with FMU and the bottom 16DPO.
Netmums faint line Negative. I showed my partner and he could see it too. Could i be pregnant again or would it still be sowing even after such a faint faint line on Tesco cheapie back on the 7th its def stronger then the one on the cheap one i did on the 7th Thoughts ? i'm trying not to get my hopes up. same length of time since you last peed) would be a reason to worry. All articles are written I feel the same with mine, not sure if I'm just staring too long and seeing things but I think I can see a v. Trying to conceive clubs. i am 12dpo and have been feeling abit off as in more tired than usual . AF due today but showing no signs of arriving, just a tiny bit of brown spotting. If i have a faint line on test how far gone am I . Non alcoholic kopperberg. I took 2 first responses with pink dye and it showed a faint line on both. Plus I think I've come on. No faint line. If you've taken the test properly, there's a very good chance that you are. Netmums drop-in clinic; General chat; Join your TTC club; Am I pregnant? Early pregnancy symptoms; Join your due date club; Premature and SCBU babies; Baby and child health; Toddlers (1-3 years) Faint line ?? 10 answers / Last post: 06/03/2020 at 11:55 am. Clear Blue Ultra Early - Positive? Sophie M(179) All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. so I took a test and the control line is very strong but I feel like I can see a very very very faint line that means I would be pregnant. a friend said no u cant and another said u can please help xxxx. I know it's hard, a miscarriage is devastating. Hi Can some one please tell me how to upload photos so I can get some advice as Does anyone see faint line? How accurate are these only £1. A pregnancy test is designed to show a line if it detects, in the urine you dipped it into, a threshold level of a hormone called human chorionic Find out why your test line may be faint and whether you are pregnant or not. But I’m having cramps as if I’m going to start my period, my period is due in 5 days. I don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. A very faint pink or blue line usually means that you're in the early stages of pregnancy; you've started producing pregnancy hormones, b Generally speaking, a faint line on a Clearblue pregnancy test often indicates pregnancy, but if the line is particularly faint it's important to keep an open mind if you don't want to be disappointed. Hi everyone, I’m on CD 40 and currently around 20dpo, and I ovulated late I believe so don’t really know when my period was due but it’s late. I've got them crossed for you as well. I was due for AF yesterday but I am usually 1-2 days late. Trying for a baby. Faint line on first response, and symptoms! Trying for a baby. Fingers crossed xx Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. I'm quite confused about it all really as had a couple of very faint lines about 5 weeks ago (just after the late pill) then they went negative however I have all the symptoms. The next morning i did the test, just glanced at it and thought it was negative (I still didn't want to take the meds as I feel pregnant)went out and when i returned (and it was after 10 mins and I know about evaporation lines) there was a definate line with a pink tinge, so now even more confused, so have done further tests which show a very, very faint line within the I tested yesterday at 12 dpo and I'm not sure if it's just me but I see a very faint line, AF should be coming tomorrow according to my calendar. I'm worried the lines aren't as dark as they should be by now. I took another test this morning and it was negative. Congratulations! X. Thank you I've got my fingers crossed. Came back a few hours later and noticed as I went to throw it in the bin that it had a faint line. Faint line or evap line? Appears within three minutes, fades after ten minutes! Lisa M(136) 26/12/2024 at 10:53 pm. What weight was your baby when measuring on the 90th Centile line ? I miscarried on 11th November at 5 weeks. and its come up with a faint pink line but its clear enough 2c. The clearblue test is today at 17DPO and with FMU on a clearblue. 10/06/2014 at 4:31 pm. It's very sad but like I said, for me to be pregnant naturally would be a miracle. I'm getting slight cramps and brownish discharge when I wipe. How long have you been trying to conceive? I can't see very much on the photos but can you see a faint line in person? If you can then I'm sure it will get darker and darker with each day that goes by. Lianne D(56) 14/06/2021 at 3:36 pm. Can anyone else see a faint line? I would have expected a stronger line on the day I’m due if I was pregnant! I hope others can see the faint line 🤞🏼 I may have line eyes looking for Hello, This is my first post but TTC for 1. Clearblue faint lines, FRER negative + blood work only 2 hgc. 5yrs. I'm going to do another digital test tomorrow when I first wake up and see what it says! What is anybody's thoughts on this? Faint line or evap line? Appears within three minutes, fades after ten minutes! Lisa M(136) 26/12/2024 at 10:53 pm. 31/03/2017 at 4:52 pm. faint line on clearblue? 3 tests 3 faint lines, docs say negative??? Pregnancy tests. I'm 12dpo today and loads of symptoms and do feel pregnant but just worried about line progression. 0 Be the first to answer to this thread. 07/02/2019 at 1:19 pm. I did a test 2 weeks after having sex, and I had a very faint positive, but the line was certainly there! And I did another one a week later and it was a much stronger line. I took these tests this evening and got faint lines. Am I pregnant? Very faint line on a pregnancy test. See faint line Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. When the hormones get higher the line will be darker. Am I About 13dpo I saw a very faint line and I thought I was imagining it, but the next day I took another test that is more sensitive and it was positive, I'll try to attach a picture. 21/05/2018 at 9:18 pm. So looks like I implanted on 8 dpo, and got the faintest line at 9 dpo (even though I convinced myself I was imagining it) The only symptom I've got at the moment is really sore boobs . See last answer. I took a photo and tweaked it out of curiosity (and probably a little desperation, let's be honest - I know tweaking isn't There's a very faint line on the pregnancy test (picture linked) and I'd like a second opinion. I’m new here and don’t know much about the site or how to make a new thread. faint line on clearblue? 3 tests 3 faint lines, docs say negative??? Am I pregnant? Line the wrong way?! Am I pregnant? Faint line? Help please! ABOUT NETMUMS. Weds test is still clearly negative but Thurs has a clear pink faint line! If it was an evap wouldn't it be on both tests? I have pics of all if you want to See? I am currently 10dpo, and last night I got a result that was barely visible unless you shone a bright light onto it. I am on CD 26. 0 Hi I have heard that ovulation sticks can detect pregnancies I got my LH surge confirm on Friday 5th June, Saturday - Page: 2 The one I took yday and I thought I could see a line but not 100% sure. I had brown/pink/fresh spotting a week ago & I am still having symptoms but no bleeding/period. I went to the GP and I got told "a line is a line" which meant I was pregnant and so are you! 😊 Xxx I am 10DPO and took a test this morning which showed a faint line after 3 min. Am I pregnant? 6 days late VERY VERY FAINT LINE! BFP OR BFN? Am I pregnant? Half a positive line???? jane1993. But my last test I didn;t get a chance to come back last night, but once i'd waited the full 10 minutes there was the rest of the line but it was ever so faint! So i had a full line but the top half was bright and the bottom half was very pale. Took this first response today and got a very very faint line at 12 dpo. Going to do a digital over the weekend but in the meantime i did this clear blue one this morning and it has a very faint line, can you see it? All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. so i though oh well its not our month . Baby dust to you xx Sent from my iPhone using Netmums I know that a faint line from the word go still means you're definitely pregnant. Had scan at 7+5 and saw healthy heartbeat have 12w on 13th. Very very faint line on clear blue test, am I pregnant? Trying for a baby. What causes faint positive lines on a pregnancy test? What does a faint line look like? How can I avoid getting faint lines on my pregnancy test? I could've sworn a shadow popped up within the 5 min window, but I also know line eyes are very real. Does anyone else see this? I've been getting faint lines on Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. laura1234. Did another internet cheapie and it was darker than the previous ones but still faint (showed up within 3 minutes). Pregnancy test after miscarriage. Nicola H(1664) I tested yesterday at 12 dpo and I'm not sure if it's just me but I see a very faint line, AF should be coming tomorrow according to my calendar. I had brown/pink/fresh spotting a week ago & I am still having I am 10DPO and took a test this morning which showed a faint line after 3 min. So it looks like the clear blue was an evap line. Very faint line on pregnancy test, almost non-existent. 8 answers / Last post: 10/06/2009 at 2:08 pm ( has got so disapointed last month) but 4 some reason i had 2 do 1. If you’re already keeping track, and know that Hey[emoji4]I'm sorry to hear you've had a hard time. The top test is 14DPO with FMU and the bottom 16DPO. Ive been doing tests and they came back negative!! But this morning i done a test and it had a very faint line on it , i have very mixed emotions at the minute! My breasts are So i've heard and seen so many people on here asking if the lines in clear blue easy tests are evaporation lines , Well am sorry to say i got sick seeing it and also having an experience of these " EVAPORATION LINES" myself i decided to There are quite a few of us on there who actually all got just a faint line at first. There are a few ways to track your ovulation, from checking your temperature, or your cervical mucus, to using handy tracking tools like our ovulation calculator. Does anyone else see faint line or am I seeing things. I had been taking opks and they are coming up as positive which seemed weird so I thought I’d take an hpt and there is a faint line there. I had a chemical pregnancy on the 11th January, I haven’t had a period in between bleeding and now. All articles are written independently by Took this first response today and got a very very faint line at 12 dpo. Similar threads. 23/08/2015 at 12:52 pm. peed on the stick had a shower and when i looked there was no line . Plus see real-life examples! For example, a faint line may mean that there is less of the pregnancy hormone being detected in your body, and therefore you'll have to wait a few days to take another test to be sure. Sara G(354) All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. however ive come home Faint line on first response?! Trying for a baby. When I shine light behind it, you can very clearly see a pink line! All with faint clear lines see attached. So I'm still spotting and took another test this morning with another faint line so fingers are tightly crossed. Anonymous. and really bad discharge (sorry too much info) i decided to take a superdrug home pregnancy test this morning . Menu Messages Join in Podcasts Newsletters. 11dpo and losing hope. Im hoping someone could help me , im 9 days late for my period . Positive ovulation tests 5 days in a row - help please ladies?? Trying for a baby. Try to stay positive. Faint line? Help please! Am I pregnant? Faint line. I dont know what test you are using but I had ics and from 8 dpo until 13dpo all showing faint lines on every single test in good light. Almost invisible line on FRER. I've been getting . So I’m on CD 7 following a shorter period than normal and much lighter but it came when expected. A faint positive is a slight, faint line with color (usually pink or blue) that appears in the results window of your test. 05/03/2020 at 5:22 pm. cramps and twinges . Ok so I'm starting to believe this faint line is a BFP It showed very faintly at 9dpo (PM) slightly more at 10 DPO (FMU) and here is today's at 12 DPO FMU. When the result line is as dark as the test line it means you will ovulate within the next 48 hours. Leonie W(8) 24/04/2017 at 9:09 am. Feeling faint/sick at 34 weeks strong sickness I had a And I've had more negative results in my life than Ive had hot dinners lol. Chat homepage; Netmums drop-in clinic; Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Pregnancy tests; Faint line?? 9 answers / Last Hi, sorry to jump on. Clear blue early detection faint line? Fingers crossed, I got my positive on a FR 9DPO and then it was a solid red line on 10DPO, everyone tests differently, also got a negative on clear blue plus but a positive on their clear blue digital, I was defo pregnant. Advice needed. Blue dye tests are very very common for dye runs, evap/indent lines. My period tracker said that was due for it on feb 22nd but its weird why theyre saying that bc last cycle lasted 35 days, so idk. . That test resulted in my 14yr old lol xx Hi, Does a faint line on a pregnancy test mean I could be pregnant? Or is it classed as a negative? I've been driving. It might be that you tested early or that the urine isn't concentrated enough, but I am still guessing that going from a dark line to a faint line, under the same conditions (same time of day. I have been able to take pics of these (albeit the lines are darker in person and still awkward to photograph). I've taken a few more tests ever since, and they're not getting any darker. I am in the faint lines every day boat for about 5 days now and its just really upsetting and nerve racking. I hope I'm not going mad! My AF isn't due for another 6 days so I amazed anything has shown, if it actually has. All articles are written independently by Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: pregnancy / Netmums-to-be; faint line. Think I’m going to try and wait a few days and do a digital test. 21/08/2018 at 4:31 pm. Podcasts; Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Am I pregnant? Faint line. Podcasts; Newsletters; Sections. Sorry to ask but I’ve got a test like yours im. 09/07 It depends on the tests. Anyone have any experience of this and it being positive? X Hiya guys I'm just wondering what you all did when you found out you were pregnant? I've had 3 positive tests but all faint over the last week and they're not getting any darker. Popular Chat. I am on the pill and missed a few but haven’t bled or had any sign of a period. Hi this morning I did a clearblue plus test, I didn't notice any vertical line at the time but I was busy rushing around trying to get ready for work, I left it on the window and I came home 5 hours later and it has a vertical line to make a cross Hi girls This is my first time posting in here. Can I see your 12dpo lines on first response please? I'm getting negatives on internet cheapies. 14 answers / Last post: 10/11/2015 at 11:13 am. Hi Hun just wanted to say a line is a line no matter how feint and they will prob get The NHS advises that ovulation generally takes place around 10 to 16 days before your period starts. Someone help! I got this earlier when I took a test, the line is so so faint you can barely see it. If you get a faint line on your ovulation test, it's read as a negative result or a low LH surge. About us; Meet the content team; Meet the moderation I took another test, the line ones pink first response. Hello. Did a clearblue test and the line was so faint I also recommend sticking to one test brand as different brands have different line strengths depending upon HCG quantity and manufacturer quality. Reply. Ive been doing tests and they came back negative!! But this morning i done a test and it had a very faint line on it , i have very mixed emotions at the minute! My breasts are Hi! I’m 11 DPO and have been experiencing mild period cramps for days (I didn’t think to track but at least 4-6 days) Until the line is as dark as the test line then you are not ovulating. Hi I have been doing a test the last 4 days since 8dpo. Amy B(984) 28/02/2017 at 6:31 pm. I've been getting the most random cramps for the past week. Netmums-to-be. Yesterday (16 dpo) I did a blood test and the result was 8 hcg, which according to my research is very low, it's not even Hi ladies i need advice . Amy B(984) Hey, so I think I ovulated in the middle of June, I did a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and there was a faint line. DH and I have starting trying for another baby after I had a miscarriage on New Year's Eve. Can anyone else see a faint line? I would have expected a stronger line on the day I’m due if I was pregnant! I hope others can see the faint line 🤞🏼 I may have line eyes looking for I can definitely see a line on this one hun, as for the digital saying BFN, that's odd but I'm also in the same boat, someone told me I had a very faint line on my tests but yet my digital said not pregnant! wait a few days and test again, if I had faint line when I first did a test just cause I was very early but I say if u see a line then congrats [emoji3][emoji322] 0. Home; Chat. Just done another internet cheapie and again a very faint line. About us; Meet the content team; Meet the moderation team; Our trusted experts; Drop-In Clinic and PS team; FAQS AND SUPPORT. With my other children I have always tested positive as soon as I'm due on and it would be very dark lines, my periods are never late if anything there a few days earlier than expected , I have been having sore boobs , i And if you've got good experience of them normally being completely white if you're not pregnant then I'd take a faint line as a good sign My first test was really light and I was 3 days late when I took it! (I didn't use fmu This morning my af was due. I think I am 9dpo, took a dollar store cheapie and a faint visible line pops up right at the 2 and a half/3 minute mark. 18 answers / Last post: 02/01/2019 at 5:36 pm. Hey, so I think I ovulated in the middle of June, I did a pregnancy test a couple of days ago and there was a faint line. I literally have no idea if it’s an evap or faint positive now, I normally have 23/24 day cycles so really short and today I’m on cycle day 26 so they are either evaps line or I implanted late but I think I’m just trying to be positive. If the line was there before the time was up, even if it was really faint, it's still a line but just got darker after the recommended time! Personally I would try again in the morning to get your answer for sure if your not 100% although it does look like a positive x And I've had more negative results in my life than Ive had hot dinners lol. Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Early pregnancy signs and symptoms; Faint line? 51 answers / Last post: 16/06/2018 at 9:37 pm. Elizabeth M(4)260624 getting symptoms, (feeling sick, bad back, mood swings and just feel different) Took a test on Tuesday night, come back faint line and then was in shock took another one that one was negative and then took Hey ladies, me and my partner have been ttc for 4 years now with no luck, yesterday I tested and i got a very very faint 2nd line a couple of mins after testing, you could imagine my excitement, but as it was so faint i tried my hardest not to get my hopes up, today I tested again (told myself I was going to wait a few days before testing again, but couldn't stop Hi everyone, I’m on CD 40 and currently around 20dpo, and I ovulated late I believe so don’t really know when my period was due but it’s late. My cycle usually lasts 27 to 28 days long. Ahh I hope so!! I took this 5 mins after testing but when I looked at the test an hour later and the line had disappeared!!! I’m hoping that’s just because it’s early and it was so faint, instructions say to discard and not read result after 10 mins. Taken yesterday. 11dpo and at last my BFP!!! Anyone with me? All articles are written independently by So tested on the 3rd day, this is a £1 pregnancy test from a pound shop near by as I was sure I wasn't pregnant and this was the result I got back and my second line was faint too, turns out I am 100% pregnant with my first baby, 20week + 4days now with a boy 😁💙 I'm 17DPO now and still getting very light BFP lines. Oh- I'm 7 weeks and 3 days now, this was just showing the horizontal line . I did a test that was negative, left it by the toilet and went out. It's literally a shallow The hormones levels are not that high so the line is faint. Search for a thread. Is this just my Well my question is i have just tested today and i have a positive test on the early response. Hi guys. I know it’s best to test in the morning, but I couldn’t help myself! Hi love I know this post is 3 years ago but I am very thankful you shared your success story with us. I'm sorry to hear about your mc, and like one of the other girls suggested, if you've been through this before, you should be able to get a scan at 6 weeks to put your mind I've attached a photo and I'm convinced I can see a faint line (it's stronger on the left side of the vertical line and hard to capture with a camera) I don't keep track of my period because they aren't particularly regular, but I know we had sex about 10-14 days after my last one and I've been having small cramping pains for the past 3 days. can u get false positives. thanks for the reply, you can see the second line in the picture at a glance it's just so feint!! 0. Ps. On Monday 9th December I did a test and got a faint line on first response, I have tested every day since using either first response or clearblue and the lines are not getting any darker. I tried for months, was 17 days late on a clockwork cycle, kept testing negative, was set for a blood test, then bled heavily for 9 days, my dr said I'd had a mmc and I was devastated Faint line day before af due, dark one wasn't until 6 weeks or something. Can't find your answer? Start a new thread. This may be quite a rude question so i apologise in advance but is it defo a I didn;t get a chance to come back last night, but once i'd waited the full 10 minutes there was the rest of the line but it was ever so faint! So i had a full line but the top half was bright and the bottom half was very pale. I always preferred First Response Early Response. The NHS advises that ovulation generally takes place around 10 to 16 days before your period starts. Is it possible its just so early on that testing will be hit and I miscarried on 11th November at 5 weeks. I am due AF today 14DPO and it hasn’t arrived so I tested with an Asda cheapie. In answer to. I think that we have all redone the test a week or 2 later and got darker lines think it must be that its just very early on in your pregnancy hun. I am 10DPO and took a test this morning which showed a faint line after 3 min. Pregnancy tests. 09/07 6 dpo is too early to have a positive since implantation doesnt occur until between 6-12 days after ovulation. I think I can see Kept getting faint lines on these over past few months that turned out to be nothing [emoji17] took one last week because I was going to see the doctor about fertility options and it had a faint line again (first pic) so done Faint line! am I pregnant? 8 answers / Last post: 09/02/2019 at 8:56 pm. I took it a week after my period was due. sure I can see a faint straight line and a horizontal but I don't like the clearblue early ones either. Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Am I pregnant? Faint line ??? 26 answers / Last post: 06/03/2017 at 11:05 am. 11/12/2015 at 11:35 pm. Well I’ve been taking tests since 5dpo and all negative but today I took one and it came back with a faint line. I have had faint lines on multiple of them (all came up within the time frame), I’ve had symptoms such as nausea, back ache and light cramping now and again. The line can be faint or not there, but that darkness/lightness is no indication of whether you are due to ovulate. Hi I have heard that ovulation sticks can detect pregnancies I got my LH surge confirm on Friday 5th June, Saturday - Page: 2 Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Am I pregnant? Faint line! 3 answers / Last post: 01/12/2022 at 7:32 pm. VERY FAINT LINE 12 OR 13 DPO- previous MC-advice needed please. Here are some of the stories from women in the the Netmums Forum: 'An indent is where a line would appear if it were positive. I can't take a picture of it because it doesn't show up in pictures but I can Discover what a faint pink or blue line on your pregnancy test REALLY means, plus find out what faint control lines are and find out how to tell for sure if you're pregnant. Hi ladies I had the exact same thing yesterday with a first response I didn’t do it with fmu it was around 11am, I took the test and I could of sworn a vvvvvv faint line came up and then disappeared so I took the test apart and saw what I thought was a very faint line, I managed to take a photo and fiddle around with contrast etc, I did it with grey scale and there looks to be Faint line on clear blue but also says not pregnant on digi. and the line was still visible then, so found it strange how I went to look at it today and not even a trace of a line 🤷*♀️ A faint line on an ovulation test shows that there is a small mount of LH in the urine, but not enough to trigger a positive result. 00 tests? Only 1day late Thanks xx . Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Am I pregnant? Faint Line? 12 answers / Last post: 19/07/2018 at 2:53 pm. Clearblue I found a bit faint until my pregnancies were well established. For more info, you can find out about how ovulation works. 09/07 Just find it odd how it’s disappeared [emoji23] I kept the test from my daughter and found it whilst clearing out stuff about a year or 2 later. faint line on yours fingers crossed for you x. I have taken 2 pound shop tests which were very faint on 14dpo, along with a FRER in the evening which again was very faint. This was what I took at the 3 minute mark. We all just kept doin test after test! lol I would of been 5wks when I did 3 or 4 tests and they all had a faint Hi just after some advice I'm 13 dpo and have got a faint 2nd line on tesco brand test does that mean I'm deffo I've been getting faint lines on Amazon cheapie strips since yesterday and had this today? Af. Hey guys!! I've done a test today and it showed up a very faint line but I could see there was a positive sign although very faint, I then drank lots and lots of water and did a digital test which said not pregnant. PLEASE HELP!!! so far I've taking 6 pregnancy test and every single 1 had a very faint line. And a couple week ago took 2 tests over a few days and they came back negative but I knew it would be early if it worked anyway. 33 answers / Last post: 17/06/2016 at 6:37 am. I did read results after time stated so could be an evap line. The speculation is high and I don't want to do the second more expensive test too soon! Is this very faint line visible to you? Very very faint line! I need advice from you ladies. 26/09/2016 at 5:22 am. I've attached a photo and I'm convinced I can see a faint line (it's stronger on the left side of the vertical line and hard to capture with a camera) I don't keep track of my period because they aren't particularly regular, but I know we had sex about 10-14 days after my last one and I've been having small cramping pains for the past 3 days. I'm so So tonight I took a clear blue 6 days before period pregnancy test and a faint line came up but it's going the wrong way??? Help. I think I'm a bit paranoid because this baby will be a rainbow baby after losing our son at full term. Unlike an evaporation line pregnancy test result, a faint positive line most often starts showing within the The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical If the line is faint, then it is likely that you are testing very early on in your pregnancy. On day af due got 1-2 weeks on clear blue digital, week later 2-3 and week after 3+ x All articles are written independently by the Netmums Well I took a couple more strip tests this morning and there were faint lines on both, and then I thought just out of curiosity I’d test one using water, low and behold there was a faint line on that one too so clearly they’re garbage and I won’t be buying those again. I've done a few in the last couple of weeks and they have been stark white but I'm sure there is a very very very faint line starting to appear. Very faint positive line. And nothing. Am I pregnant? 5 weeks 4 days feeling flutters. If you’re already keeping track, and know that Okay guys, I am so confused. They're normally a bit tender after ovulatingbut just touching them at the moment kills!! Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. With our son I had very dark, red lines as early as 14DPO. Took a test this evening and the line was - Page: 2 VERY FAINT LINE 12 OR 13 DPO- previous MC-advice needed please. Unsure if it’ll show up on here, but it looked like it was going to be positive whilst the dye ran across then faded so it was very faint I just don’t know any more [emoji85] Your only 12 dpo so it's still super early my friend didn't get a positive on these till 15dpo xx They are! 😫 I had a vvv faint line on another cheapie on Saturday and I’m on CD 38 now with no period, I think I ovulated from 18th-22nd though so was late in my cycle xx. Congratulations I would do another test in a week and see how it goes, but if there is a positive line then it certainly sounds like you are pregnant. I'm really irregular (AF) after being on the contraceptive implant for 8 years so getting an idea if ovulation a dates has been a nightmare and since the miscarriage I don't know where I am! I feel the same with mine, not sure if I'm just staring too long and seeing things but I think I can see a v. But I will double check in the morning just to make sure. Is this just my imagination? I’m freaking out. All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. I did another test this morning and there was also a faint line but a bit later on I started bleeding which now I think may be my period. Help please. Netmums Drop-In clinic; General chat; Join your TTC club; Am I pregnant? Early pregnancy symptoms; Join your due date club; Premature and SCBU babies; Baby and child health; Toddlers (1-3 years) Children (4-11 years) Tweens faint line on clearblue? 3 tests 3 faint lines, docs say negative??? Am I pregnant? Line the wrong way?! Am I pregnant? Faint line? Help please! ABOUT NETMUMS. If the line on your ovulation test is fainter than the control line, it's probably just picking up the normal, low levels of LH that are always present in your body, meaning that you're likely not ovulating right now. Breath hun. Not quite getting my hopes up yet!! I'm die AF on Saturday, so going to TRY and wait until then!! Your HCG levels are most concentrated first thing in the morning. We DTD 2/12 and 2/15. My test showed a faint line since I tested really early in my pregnancy, but as the pregnancy progressed I took some more tests and the line got stronger every 2 or 3 days. 12 Week Scan - Boy or Girl?! Negative First response test 9DPO - any positive stories? How much to drink before an ultrasound! All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. 0. Good luck. I tried again this morning, and the line was more visible, without needing the super bright light (but still faint). Took a test this evening and the line was even fainter. 08/11/2015 at 9:07 am. All articles are written independently by Hi just after some advice I'm 13 dpo and have got a faint 2nd line on tesco brand test does that mean I'm deffo Hi I have taken a pregnancy test the last couple of days and I’m sure it’s a faint line I took a digital and says not pregnant I have nausea to the point the last 2 mornings I’m reaching over the toilet but haven’t been sick. But I did ovulate When I was pregnant with my daughter I was 2 weeks late, (6 weeks after AF) and I too had a faint line on my test, I did another one and it was the same, so in total did 2. My light watery brown discharge started 7dpo, I’ve had mild but completely bareable cramps, metallically taste, crying every 2 mins 😂 Fatigue and headaches. Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. Thanks x Sent from my iPhone using Netmums. I got a decent line on a frer at 10dpo and went out this morning intending to get another frer, but they didn't have any, so I picked up a double clearblue plus/digital pack and did them both. They pick up very early and the line progression is obvious. 08/01/2011 at 11:57 am. Is it me or can anyone else see a faint line on the test I did yest. Relooked at both tests last night (I know it's out of the time frame but couldn't help myself). Is it possible its just so early on that testing will be hit and Netmums Forum / Becoming a mum: TTC / Trying for a baby; faint line. On 13th November my hormone levels were back to 0 so the hospital said we could try again straight away. Lately my cycle begins on 26-29. I know it’s best to test in the morning, but I couldn’t help myself! I've been testing since Tuesday and have gone from barely there, is there/isn't there lines the camera can't pick up to there is a line but it's not a proper line yet. There are always low levels of LH in your body though, so it makes perfect sense for a faint line to appear. Yup mega faint . I’m around 11dpo, took a eBay cheapie last night and it came back positive straight away, took a frer with fmu that came Hi Marie, It's really tricky to tell, sometimes! NHS advice that says the most reliable time to test is any time from the first day of a missed period OR at least 21 days after having unprotected sex (if you don't know when your next period is due). I've been testing since Tuesday and have gone from barely there, is there/isn't there lines the camera can't pick up to there is a line but it's not a proper line yet. I tested yesterday and it had a very faint line. But so i have been having light cramping an back pain for a few days now but still no period. But my last test yesterday came back with very faint line. 11/06/2014 at 9:05 pm. On 8, 9 and 10dpo it was a very faint line and today and yesterday very very slightly darker but very faint still :/ I had a chemical last month and 4+1 so I'm feeling nervous. I got so excited, took a couple pics and then it was gone!! I keep thinking I see something but now I don't know. If you're wondering – does a faint line mean I'm pregnant? Keep reading, we have answers! Where to start 'I’m a midwife: here’s how to boost your chances of getting pregnant in 2024' Hoping to start, or expand, your family this year? Midwife Lesley Gilchrist has THESE 9 tips for boosting your fertility. SebbiesMumma. I have been taking cilest for about 5 months now, but the last period was quite strange, very little of it and kind of brown in color ( sorry for TMI lol), also I have been feeling a bit nauseous, so just for a peace of mind I took So i took a clearblue plus test last night and had the most faint line so took another and that was the same, tested this morning and the line was abit darker but still faint. Can anyone help? Sent from my iPhone using Netmums It said i was in peak ovulation from 2/14-2/15. I had brown/pink/fresh spotting a week ago & I am still having Netmums-to-be. Very light brown spotting for 5 days instead of period!?!? Anonymous. Feeling faint/sick at 34 weeks. A-Z of parenting support; I know that a faint line from the word go still means you're definitely pregnant. Did a clearblue digi and got 'Not Pregnant' (no surprise there though if the 10 miu was faint) and a FRER. Chat homepage; Netmums drop-in clinic; Netmums Forum / Being a mum / Babies (birth - 12 months) Faint line. I took an off brand pink dye an hour after this and it was negative. Boobs have been aching and I'm constantly tired while fighting a bad cold. Search. Edited on 25/02/2020 at 3:49 pm by Jessica W(627) 0 Af is due at some point this weekend and I've been getting faint lines on pink dye tests over the last couple of days. Pink dye tests, especially the strips are monsters for dye runs too unfortunately, and can give a line as if its positive. I took another FRER at 15dpo with a darker but still faint line. 11/05/2017 at 10:19 pm. Pregnancy? Netmums-to-be.
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{"Title":"What is the best girl
name?","Description":"Wheel of girl