Db6nt transverter. IC-202 + transverter DB6NT + ampli 5 watts.
Db6nt transverter 2016 The Shortwave Transceiver IC7300 has many features that are also good for use on VHF/UHF/SHF and especially on the microwave bands. Output spectrum, 20dB attenuation external to the 8562A, so 27. It connects to a feedhorn on a 45cm Sky dish via a short SMA patch lead. Introduction The new version of the 23cm transverter is an improved circuit of the transverter described in 1991 (8). 4 dB: PA with 6 x MRF21120 * NEW PA * 3dB more power gives a very good improvement on my echoes !! If you’re interested in the components, PCBs, or spare parts I offer, feel free to email me at: db6nt@gmx. O. 5m dish (f/D=0. He has dva (synchronous) RX konvertory with enough gain to surpass the noise figure FT-1000MP, which is when IP0 is Le premier site de vente de matériel radioamateur et amateur radio d'occasion en France. pdf Transverter F1JGP 28 144 MHz. 32, mesh size inner 3m trapezoid 21mm x 6mm, outer rim 6. 24GHz version with 125. About 70W reaches the antenna, a Wimo 44ele yagi at 13m agl. The 3-stage LO doubler used NE32584 GaAs fets in an single amplifier configuration followed by a pcb filter, a X2 stage and a final amplifier to produce ~ 50-60mW at 23. 1 2. 2007 1. A 12 GHz module, a Philips up/downconverter, IF-interface, IF transmitter/receiver and an About DB6NT and DK5NJ microwave DX expedition and first connection on mmWaves DL – OZ – SM on 122 GHz, 134 GHz, 241 GHz, and 660nm Laser you can read in DK5NJ article 2022 New first connections on mmWave bands: Germany – Denmark – Sweden Congratulations on a very successful DXpedition! Picture: from the original article . 5mW and a DSB-noise figure of 8dB can be achieved. IC-202 + transverter DB6NT + ampli 5 watts. 5GHz LO doubler and the x2 diode multiplier and mixer. We design and manufactures leading RF and microwave related equipment for the global defence, homeland security and policing markets, supporting international communication, electronic warfare and sensing system houses and semi- and governmental organizations tasked with keeping our lives and livelihoods safe and secure. pdf file) For the control of an external waveguide switch, there is a 12V output on the transverter that is only powered during the transmission phase. This application note shows how easy it is to implement. 6 MKU24GC coaxial en FI 432 MHz Transverter à réception 31. Actually four bands are available: 33 cm, 23 cm, 13 cm, 9 cm with almost the same specifications. 2018 Since the transceiver IC7300 has no transverter output, a small PCB has been developed to allow the connection of a transverter. 2009 Transmit/receive switching of the entire transverter is being controlled by a positive voltage during TX of the IF DB6NT. 3 GHz Transverter MK2 DB6NT 2. The DB6NT 1 10 GHz transverter MK2 instructions state: “Urgently the use of a sequence controlers is recommended. 1296-28 Down East Microwave 222-28 ( New 2010 Version ) Yaesu FTV-1000. 3 GHz EME transverter specification as a PDF. The 144 MHz driving power is approx. The In 2018, I replaced the White Box with a DB6NT G3 transverter, and added a GPSDO a year later. LNA DG0VE : NF = 0. 100 mW einzustellen. Stejně tak praconí body FET tranzistorů. Low Noise Amplifiers for Radio Amateurs Our Low Noise Preamplifiers are remarkable for extremely low noise, excellent SWR, high efficiency and a high IP3. Got my eye on a demi/Q5 transverter (can get a db6nt/kunhe electronics one but the prices are much higher). Available from stock-+ Printversion (PDF) Technical specifications; Features Welcome to the Amateur Radio Download Archive by DB6NT! Here you will find an wide collection of technical documents and instructions for the various frequency bands. 3,7m Parabolspiegel 3,7m Parabolspiegel 3,7m Parabolspiegel 2,3 GHz Transverter. Diplexer conversion. The new design v 2. These are the rig of choice by most microwave operators today, but many have used IC-202s, IC-471s and the Yaesu FT-780R. G0IVA then relocated next to G0HNW on Bradwell Montage kit transverter 144 MHz <> 5,7 GHz DB6NT et premiers essais. pdf Transverter 9cm DJ6EP. 4 remanié tout mon vieux transverter 47 GHz pour arriver à la solution actuelle. The speech memory can call CQ and can be used to record DX-QSOs. The transverter is working with a 100 Watts GaAs-FET amplifier stage and a noise figure of 0,65 dB. Our new transverter's design (v 2. I. Ces résultats me servent de base de comparaison avec d'autres modules ou radio pour la bande 23cms DB6NT JO50TI 700m ASL. Javornik 144/14 MHz is a high - end transverter to 144 MHz optimized for use with FT-1000MP as a station on 14 MHz and power supply loss 0,5 dB between antenna and transverter input (without the use of additional preamplifiers!). 5 MHz et multiplicateur DB6NT est aussi d’origine. It has a 1296MHz matching section to the IF amplifier. I Mounted my station 817 transverter and 23cm amp in a flight case for portable operation. 2019 The Shortwave Transceiver IC7300 has many features that are also good for use on VHF/UHF/SHF transverter mode and thus enables the control of the transverter. )Eine stufenlose Einstellung der Ausgangsleistung ist mit fast jedem Kurzwellentransceiver möglich. Spring 2019. It has a mounting bracket for an up to 2-inch pole and a lightweight tripod. À VENDRE! 2m - 2 meter Transverter from DB6NT, Kuhne electronic Quality made in 152474481228 My current 10GHz equipment comprises of a DB6NT G4 Transverter (TVTR) and an ICOM IC-706 transceiver for the 144MHz IF. However, how to get RF signals in and out would be a challenge. Still need to figure out shipping cost and import tax (shipping to The a 70cm 432 mhz transverter project transverter circuit is an electronic device that converts a radio signal from the 2 meter to the 70 centimeter band and vice versa allowing a single transmitter receiver to be The described PLL oscillator was designed for microwave transverters, Two PLL were showed on the pictures, The PLL (in small metal box) locked on 106. 6 6. This techniques reduces the complexity of a 24GHZ-transverter considerably. A small amount of construction work is all that is required to get active on the Switch the transceiver and the transverter to transmit; adjust the transverter to 25 W transmit power by turning the "drive power" control. It was found that the same size box as used to mount the 47GHz transverter would be suitable. 3mm square Round septum polarizer feed with chaparral choke (retrieved from a C-Band feed) 5760 MHz (soon to come) RX/TX Preamp shop. Radio! (Lock the TRANSVERTERS oscillator!) 73, KC3VO. IN VENDITA! MKU 10 G3 432, 3 cm Transverter 10368 10370 MHz RF 152645567378 Notes on the DB6NT 10GHz Transverter - Part 1 Home Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4. When I switch on the transverter a DC output is activating the interface and RX and TX signal goes to the transverter. ) DB6NT even provides details of a little modification to the ‘202 that will provide a keying signal on the RF output so no PTT line is required (the MKU24G transverter accepts this nicely). It lock's 47 GHz transverter. Millimeter Wave Beam Lead Varactor Diodes for 76 GHz and higher. 3 GHz Transverter MKU 13G2B DB6NT 5. I also added a surveyor's tripod, and a pan-and-tilt mechanism to make operating easier. 250 GHz transverter technique" by Philipp DL2AM in Dubus 2/2018. 1 2 But 1- Comparaison entre les modèles DB6NT : MK1 à commutation relais MK3 à diodes PIN avec côté RF la connectique WR42 ou SMA 2- Réparation initiale d’un transverter DB6NT MK3 HS (diodes PIN version SMA), câblé par un OM allemand malheureusement défunt the hot-switch (switching with RF power already applied) capability of small SMA relays. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 Ensembles transverters 10 & 24 GHz au QRA fixe 10 GHz Sodielec Ǿ74 24 GHz Sodielec Ǿ48 Release 1. It is a design from 1990 but it fulfills my requirements, enough for line-of-sight path or as IF interface for my 47 GHz transverter. - Dixit Christof ON4IY when looking to the LO chain, the 10 GHz quadrupler FET MGF 1907 before the interdigital filter has the 1 pF decoupling chip capacitor between 3. Close-in noise about 80dB down at 5kHz. 73 Paul M0CVX I have three DB6NT transverters and three DB6NT amplifiers, I have the MKU13G and MKU133HY for 23cms, the MKU57G2 and MKU602 for 6cms and the MKU10G2 and MKU101H for 3cms. Noise figure : 2-3 dB Output power : 12-13 mW Input LO power : 10 mW at 2. de Solutions for the wireless world MKU 10 G5 - 3 cm Transverter Seite / page 1 5. Only a few parts are needed and I will give them a try. 5 MHz It was designed for 10GHz (DB6NT) transverters. In this 2-meter transverter, the LO, or I use it as IF for my transverters for 70-144-432-1296 MHz Icom IC-9700 I have added GPSDO + injection board from Leo Bodnar, to ensure the needed stability for digimode. 5 GHz til 70 MHz, 50 MHz eller sådan noget og uplink fra 70 MHz, 50 MHz til 2. 3 GHz up-converter; 1296 MHz to144 MHz Transverter - F5LGJ; 10 GHz Transverter; 70 MHz to 2. The 144 MHz (This behaves different for the DB6NT transverters, where the external 10-MHz reference is used to discipline the internal low-noise oscillator. Waveguide Switch: Logus LM28BSL with custom made WR-28 to WR19 flanges. Information about 10 MHz reference input of DB6NT transverters Die Transvertermodule der G3-Serie können an ein 10 MHz-Frequenznormal (Referenzfrequenz) angeschlossen werden. Tx output : 30 - 100 µW Informationen zum 10 MHz Referenzeingang der DB6NT-Transverter Information about 10 MHz reference input of DB6NT transverters Es besteht die Möglichkeit den Transverter an ein 10 MHz Frequenznormal (Referenzfrequenz) anzuschließen. 25MHz PLL, will be posted on the web Kronotek Scatter transverter 13cm Elecraft XV222 DB6NT TR144H Spectrum Communications Transverter Down East Microwave Inc. EME Antenne 3,7m Andrew. Já jsem při buzení 500mW na IF dosáhnul 1,4V ss na detektoru odbočnice (225mW). 10 GHz Transverter 3,4 GHz Transverter 5,7 GHz Transverter 24 GHz Transverter. Shopping Bag Power Amplifiers; Low Noise Amplifiers; Es'hail-2; Antenna & Parabolic; The new design of our transverter for 24 GHz features better performance and many new functions. Interface to a DB6NT 10GHz Transverter would be through the last X4 multiplier stage. 3 GHz to 10 GHz and 725 GHz (mm-Wave). @ 11. 4 dB: PA with 3 x MRF21120 . Hi-power Introduction. In 2021, I added a DB6NT 2W power amplifier. When I look at his website: So the Transverter is compatible to most of the used HF transceivers with transverter output. The 144 The transverter is working with a 60 Watts GaAs-FET amplifier stage and a noise figure of 0,65 dB. Price 10 EURO + shipping. Det vil sige at transverteren har et kredsløb til transformation til en LNB ca 789 MHz downlink fra 10. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 Kronotek Scatter transverter 13cm Elecraft XV222 DB6NT TR144H Spectrum Communications Transverter Down East Microwave Inc. Back in 2009 I purchased a 10GHz transverter kit from Kuhne Electronic (DB6NT) in Germany. TR 144 H WATT TR 144 H 1. 200MHz. By the Transverter Interface for the IC7300 SDR Transceiver DB6NT 5. À VENDRE! 2m - 2 meter Transverter from DB6NT, Kuhne electronic Quality made in 152474481228 Hi Greg. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 STABILISATION TEMPERATURE QUARTZ 60° DB6NT MK2 Sur 10 GHz j’utilise un transverter D6NT MK2 équipé d’origine d’un quartz 40° stabilisé par une « chaussette » hauffante, e qui est loin d’être idéal en stabilisation de fréquence : en fonction de la température extérieure, du vent, du soleil la variation peut atteindre plusieurs KHz voir 10 à 20 KHz. Vente transverter 23 cm kuhne db6nt tr 1296 h Vente transverter 23 cm kuhne db6nt tr 1296 h - Annonce occasion Radioamateur Martin and myself both had complete transverters (DB6NT - Martin's using 1296 MHz IF) - with a best dx so far of about 50 feet! After using 24 GHz for alignment, 'MRF and 'IVA were both able to receive 'HNW's signal at 59+. The transverter was originally designed for VHF amateur radio applications, for example high performance contest stations. I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion: from personal experience both the DB6NT and HA1YA transverter can operate with a Flex 6000 at +10dBm. Triband Transverter for 122 – 134 – 241 GHz DB6NT In order to realise the idea of a triband transverter it was necessary to extend the range of the oscillator processing to the state that all needed frequencies can be generated for the supply of the mixer. de! Here you’ll find my publications and guides for various amateur radio projects. The HP436A shows about 27. 89 mW o/p power with internal LNA. F. Transverter 5_7 GHz DB6NT_MOV. The TX IF input ranges and the IF connector configuration can be done with the internal switches of the transverter He allI am planning to buy a new transverter, I'm currently use a transverter-store one but it drift all over the place on ssb/digi modes. DB6NT Transverter for 23 cm - User manual vers. 4 dB: PA with 6 x MRF21120 * NEW PA * 3dB more power gives a very good improvement on my echoes !! Screenshot 13cm echoes with Dgrd - 2. 2 of our transverter features better performance and some new functions. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 3CM TRANSVERTER, 10 GHz, IF 432 MHz, DB6NT, Kuhne electronic 10GHz/432MHz - EUR 537,00. Another new toy arrived today, the latest 13cm multi-segment transverter from DB6NT. 556 GHz Power supply: 12 V In 1996 I embarked on a 13cm transverter based on DB6NT's article published in DUBUS. The transverter shown here runs on 12v (but it does need 36 amps), and is a hybrid using a DB6NT 1w mini-transverter driving the 100w "brick" amplifier shown in the previous article. 088 GHz transverter concept is a 9A4QV (Adam) design. IF 2m (70cm on demand) to 3cm transverter (very similar to DB6NT’s G2 version): RF output on 3cm: typical 250mW (power output is always tested!) Noise figure on 3cm: typical 1,4dB NF (noise figure is always tested!) PTT: classical GND shortage or PTT via IF coax (+12V) MON: about 1,5V should be equal to 250mW but you can’t absolutely rely on it Dimensions of the box: 147 x Having also bought a DB6NT 76GHz transverter recently I decided it was time to be put in a box and join it's 47GHz cousin in the field. By use of modern semiconductors and refinement concerning cooling and the easy replication of the circuit a further optimisation of the Transverter had been possible. By the TRANSVERSEUR 2 M TR 144-PRO, DB6NT, Kuhne, RF 144146 MHz, IF 2830 MHz - EUR 1. This 47. I have a large stock of components, spare parts and assemblies which I have summarized in a list. Permalink. It was built inside 12 GHz DB6NT multilplier. Ausgangsleistung des Transverters mit dem TX-Gain-Poti einstellen. These images show what I got and how it goes DB6NT . )Kurzwellentransceiver und Transverter auf Senden schalten. 385,00. Le mélangeur DB6NT a été gardé dans son intégralité. Rig: 1,3 GHz Transverter MK2 DB6NT 3. 2016) 55 Most transverters can accept a 2m (VHF) or 70cm (UHF) input at less than 5 watts. Technical data of the assembly were further improved by the application of modern semiconductor devices. Looking at the internal layout it is clear that there is some coupling elements which bypass some of the cavities These transverters are the best you can find for the (low) price. 6. Its outstanding technical data make it usable for many applications. My version of the DB6NT MK1 23cm transverter varied from that published, in that I used a Mini-Circuits SAM-5 DB6NT. 2,3 GHz EME Transverter System - Information about RX-TX switching of DB6NT transverters To switch a DB6NT microwave transverter from receive (RX) to transmit (TX), there are two possibilities: Either the port “PTT“ of the transverter is switched to ground for TX. . Screenshot 13cm echoes with Dgrd - 2. de Kuhne electronic GmbH Scheibenacker 3 Telefon: +49 (0) 9293 / 800640 95180 Berg – Germany E-Mail: info@kuhne-electronic. 7 to 23. kuhne-electronic. I Mounted my station 817 transverter and 23cm amp in a flight case for 1. A bigger attenuator at the IF input port allows an input power of up to 5 watts. Sur une autre alimentation de 12V et muselée vers 600mA, ce fut presque un court-circuit franc, abaissant On peut observer le module transverter complet, le refroidisseur pour l'hybride d'émission, le relais coaxial. 3 GHz to 144 MHz Transverter - DB6NT; 5. Read More Transverter F4FSD en fonctionnement Tx Basculement Tx assuré par VOX HF Trop long au relâchement (presque 5 secondes), à impérativement raccourcir à moins de 2 secondes Préférer la commutation Tx à la DB6NT (tension DC superposée) Seigy - 9 avril 2016 - F5DQK Transverter 10 GHz F6BVA vers. 3. Teď zbývá změřit výkon nějak Transverter for 23cm amateur radio band. pdf Transverters 10 et 24 GHz F5DQK. Local Oscillator DB6NT/Khune 8-13 L. A common heterodyne oscillator is used for both up conversion of the transmit signal and Sequencecontroller for Transverter SEQ 3 DB6NT 6. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 (This behaves different for the DB6NT transverters, where the external 10-MHz reference is used to discipline the internal low-noise oscillator. net Reviews! Here you will find a rich assortment of reviews on products and services, written by members of the eHam. However, I have only been able to tune and test them at VHF conferences where a Yaesu FT847 + XRef - 10 MHz-Locked Reference Oscillator + DB6NT transverter 10MHz GPS locked + microHam CW micro Keyer II . At milliwatt power levels sequenced switching was not essential, and even at powers up to one This drives a DB6NT 23cm transverter (MKU13G3) running about 3W. This was my first approach to 47 GHz transverter. How times have changed! I have been wanting to get back on the 9cm band for many years but it took a visit to Built by G4BAO, it consists of a DB6NT 10GHz – 144MHz transverter and a 2W PA in a weatherproof diecast box (1) All transmit receive switching is provided in the box, controlled by the external transceiver. The last thing you want to do is destroy a transverter with too much RF as an IF stage. If the bare FT-817 is stable ns accurte enough for whatever you are trying to do, but with the transverters you have drift and instability or accuracy problems, you need a more curtesy ns table L. I also have some sequencing controllers from Michael. pdf Transverter 5_7 GHz F6BVA. Samme transverter har også et RX kredsløb til 13 cm, altså er det også en transverter til 2. 1992 Author: DB6NT & DF9LN Subject: SHF Transverter Keywords: DB6NT Transverter for 23 cm - User manual vers. GPS antenna. 5760 MHz : FT-818 (146MHz) + transverter DB6NT + ampli 6 watts. First thing I did was test the operation with the original crystal oscillator on both rx and tx as a baseline. 4GHz Transverter system for high power portable use. The first: switch the port "PTT" of the transverter to ground for TX. 2003 Introduction This transverter is a further development of the schematic published in 1993. Here you can download the 2. Even though there is still a lot of work on this project, I am very happy that the main part is done. I had to put the antenna outdoor so the GPS can get reasonable signal and short time to first fix (about ½ minute). Please send me an e-mail to request the current list. Při měření výkonu, pro které je transvertor vybaven směrovou odbočnicí na DPS – odpovídá napětí 1,2V cca 200mW. The diplexer can be tunned un-modified to 3400 MHz with a very sharp low frequency cut off, HF is a bit lumpy. How to retune Local oscillator of DB6NT's microwave transverter. This DB6NT Transverter for 23 cm - User manual vers. For setting up I was able to peak the antenna on Robb's beacon, also located at his house and running 5-10 milliwatts into a horn antenna, but then came the challenge of trying to make a contact: Since 2m Band Transverter for the IC7300 SDR Transceiver DB6NT 12. I’ve used a Leo odner GPSDO and a DigiLO from DEMI/Q5. This - Many DB6NT 10 GHz transverters have their 10 GHz output power restricted to about +20 to +21 dBm instead of a minimum of +23 dBm or 250 mW. The essentials of a typical VHF transverter are shown in fig. If your transverter has a pair of pipe cap filters, then it should be able to move it to 3400 with a little work. net The availability of reasonably high-power microwave amplifiers has made switching in transverters more troublesome. ) ON / OFF switch 2) Output meter Connections and Indicators ON R 2m s VERTER Displays effective output power in Watts at 50 Ohms 3. Le transverter scotché au cornet était tenu à bout de bras, puis simplement posé sur le Otherwise the LO can contain spurious frequencies affecting TX and RX. 1. Most transverters use 2 or 3 watts drive as a maximum. en. Dish is a Ikea aluminuim "fruit dish" 38cm diameter and JWM 5GHz PLL local os High Performance 2 m Transverter Several decades of engineering and production of Transverters result in this new designed high performance Transverter TR 144 H +40. The user can choose frequencies from a standard frequency list or the user can programm it’s own Kuhne DB6NT transverter interface in place in my IC-7300. This was Jeg har fået lov til at købe en Transverter som er en kombi QO-100 og 13 cm transverter. 1. 6 cm is obviously coming soon. L’oscillateur à base de PLVCXO 121. This (second) method saves an additional PTT cable between transverter and (for 76 GHz Transverter with 144 MHz IF) Price per piece 10 EURO + shipping Only while supplies last! PCB for the DB6NT MOON NOISE METER. Vaše e Triband Transverter for 122 – 134 – 241 GHz DB6NT In order to realise the idea of a triband transverter it was necessary to extend the range of the oscillator processing to the state that all needed frequencies can be generated for the supply of the mixer. How to order: Features. Type: A92220-3 60 mW Price: 8,- EURO per piece. Or a DC voltage of +3 12 V DC is fead to the inner conductor of the IF cable for TX. Shopping Bag Power Amplifiers; Low Noise Amplifiers; Es'hail-2; Antenna & Parabolic; Multiband 13cm Transverter 2,3 GHz Transverter for EME Uplink for the geostationary satellite Es'HailSat-2 . I myself starting out on 24 GHz using these to get on the band and came to find that they were usable, but were a bit wanting in terms of consistent frequency accuracy and drift parameters. When we used them, we were never Simple Transverter for 24GHz. This week I have finished my new transverter for 23cm amateur radio band. 79 This is a follow up on converting a DB6NT 3456 G1 or G2 to 3400. IF rig is HTX-100 10meter transceiver. It was when sourcing the components for this that I decided to have a go at Michael's tiny 23cm transverter that had been published in DUBUS 4/92. pdf Transverter F1JGP 28 432 MHz. Michael has revised his original design in line with current technology trends to make available a kit which if assembled carefully will easily satisfy the most use the DB6NT LO MKU LO 8-13 PLL with a power divider to feed the 76 GHz transverter and for possible higher bands. Préface Tout comme sur le transverter 13cm BVA, la lumineuse idée de remplacement des traditionnels filtres cloche par des filtres interdigités permet normalement de gagner un temps 1,3 GHz Transverter durch DB6NT Durch die Verwendung moderner Bauteile konnte ein 23 cm Transverter entwickelt werden, der trotz seiner kleinen mechanischen Abmessungen sehr gute technische Daten besitzt. 4 GHz to 13. F6ETI 09/11/05. A sequencer ensures Another new toy arrived today, the latest 13cm multi-segment transverter from DB6NT. Kronotek Scatter transverter 13cm Elecraft XV222 DB6NT TR144H Spectrum Communications Transverter Down East Microwave Inc. I modified the transverter a little bit so that the module produces nearly 2W instead of 1W standard. Für einen linearen Betrieb des Transverters ist die Ausgangsleistung des Transverters auf max. What options can you recommend (common if and such). 19% Vat. The circuit described here is intended for installation in DB6NT. Robb, using his DB6NT transverter,was operating from his ham shack shooting out the (open) window with a small dish while I was using a homebrew transverter on a 1 foot dish. ) 122 GHz transverter. 3 GHz Transverter MK2 DB6NT 4. QRV 144MHz up to 76 GHz (Club station DK0NA) Multiband feed system for 5,7 - 10 - 24 and 47 GHz. 4GHz(9cm)was the band on which I made my first microwave transmissions back in the very early 1970s. Le tout prend vraiment peu de place. It works extremely well and brings 10G within reach of anyone. : +49 (0) 9293 - 800 640 I have three DB6NT transverters and three DB6NT amplifiers, I have the MKU13G and MKU133HY for 23cms, the MKU57G2 and MKU602 for 6cms and the MKU10G2 and MKU101H for 3cms. ) The Model 2556-ALN outputs a single ultra low noise 2556 MHz signal. Suject to alteration. de Solutions for the wireless world MKU 10 G5 - 3 cm Transverter Seite / page 1 1. The new transverter-kit for 23 cm represents the current status of amateur radio in the field of microwave technology. Retrouvez toutes les marques telles que Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, MFJ et bien d'autres. Nice output on my Icom IC-7300. Napsat komentář Zrušit odpověď na koment ář. 17dBm output on 2320. Type Description Transverter System for 122 GHz – DL2AM (*. 29 Après optimisation partie RF Transverter DB6NT seul 4. 8dBm This photo shows the head unit of the 47Ghz DB6NT transverter with, from lower left to right the 11. A very small transverter full with SMD. This drives a PE1RKI module amp which then drives a linear to 150W output. By the 1. en Homepage. 5 INSIDE THE DB6NT 47GHz TRANSVERTER This version of the DB6NT 47GHz Transverter was built by Martin, G7MRF in a home-constructed, milled aluminium box. But after 2 days hard work I only needed a multi meter to get it going. IN VENDITA! MKU 10 G3 432, 3 cm Transverter 10368 10370 MHz RF 152645567378 Publikováno: HAM Štítky: 10368, 10GHz transverter build, Transverter 3cm, transverter db6nt, transvertor 10GHz, transvertor 3cm Autor: ok2haz. Although Michael DB6NT is a world-famous designer of microwave devices, he is somewhat biased in the fact that he usually manufactures his transverters right at the beginning of the DX segment of a given microwave band so that the frequency is derived from the beginning of the . Since than I have used on Field days with very good results. I build my own transverter and bought it as a Kit from DB6NT. Applicaton: Due to its small dimensions and light weight this transverter is suitable for portable or stationary operation. The oscillator unit MKU LO 8-13 PLL2 was designed as local oscillator source for microwave transverters and covers the frequency range from 8. × Reviews Help Welcome to eHam. pdf Transverter_10_GHz_F6BVA_CJ2016. ICOM IC-7300 is a fine rig, compact and easy to use. Discover images and videos of the various amateur radio bands – from 2. Redesign of the printed circuit board in respect to cooling of the high power devices improves The DB6NT transverters older type had an input of about max 3W and the lowest would be in the mW range. LNA: Internal 19dBg, 6dB NF. TRANSVERSEUR 2 M TR 144-PRO, DB6NT, Kuhne, RF 144146 MHz, IF 2830 MHz - EUR 1. Circuit is due to OZ2OE PCB supply is from rfextra SMA connectors and adaptors Endkundenshop main_nav Produkte Meta-Description. 5Ghz. The original DB6NT circuit allows any low power VHF amateur driver source to be used eg 50MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz. A transverter local oscillator must supply considerably more rf power than a VHF converter LO, since a transmitting mixer typically requires an injection level of a few hundred milliwatts. The IC-706 in its standard form does not have this capability, nevertheless it is possible to do, and without any major changes to the radio. is remote mounted in 24 GHz Box). 1 2 But 1- Comparaison entre les modèles DB6NT : MK1 à commutation relais MK3 à diodes PIN avec côté RF la connectique WR42 ou SMA 2- Réparation initiale d’un transverter DB6NT MK3 HS (diodes PIN version SMA), câblé par un OM allemand malheureusement défunt 3- Mesures Rx sur Transverter + LNA front-end 4- Transverter seul, mesures Tx 5- Conclusion B: Transverter n °2 de F1PYR : tropo FI 144 MHz Exemplaires mesurés F5DQK – novembre 2014 Mesures sur transverter 13cm F6BVA version 4c 7 C: Transverter n °3 de F1PYR : version EME FI 432 MHz D: LNA DB6NT E: Deux amplis associés type CJ2013 EME de To switch a DB6NT microwave transverter from receive (RX) to transmit (TX), there are two possibilities. On the bands of 122 and 134 GHz this should be realised by a subharmonic mixer. This includes IF switching, output control for coax-relays or final amplifier, crystal oscillator and local 2. These include the spectrum display and the waterfall diagram. In this 2-meter transverter, the LO, or These transverters are the best you can find for the (low) price. 0 The last but not the least ! F5DQK – octobre 2013 Ensembles 10 et 24 GHz F5DQK année 2013 - vers. pdf Transverters de F1DBE. (This behaves different for the DB6NT transverters, where the external 10-MHz reference is used to discipline the internal low-noise oscillator DB6NT Transverter, Sequencer & 28Vdc generator. The product is F5DQK – janvier 2013 Transverters 24 GHz DB6NT MK1 et MK3 vers 1. Each transverter is individually calibrated and always exceeeds the catalogue specifications. (L. in the transverters, NOT an improved FT-817 or other I. Shopping Bag AMATEUR RADIO SHOP. After a long search a pair of 90 degree WR15 H plane Building a DB6NT 3. Wird eine externe 10 MHz-Quelle shop. Revised by DB6NT, this transverter features excellent technical data and is suited for portable or stationary activities due to its small mechanical dimensions. Many people use an Transverter: DB6NT/Khune MKU 47 G2 transverter. This method saves an F5DQK – janvier 2013 Transverters 24 GHz DB6NT MK1 et MK3 vers 1. 3 GHz Transverter - DB9LN / DB6NT; 2. 2,3 GHz EME Transverter System - F5DQK – décembre 2012 Transverter 24 GHz portable de F1PYR 25 Mesures Rx et Tx chaîne entière Transverter DB6NT seul 14. plus shipping. 1992 Created Date: 6/12/2010 8:04:25 PM 1. The Low Noise amplifiers are especially selective and absolute stable therefore oscillation is avoided. (Caution - an 10 to 12 dB attenuator will be required to interface to your DB6NT Transverter. pdf Transverter 6cm I3OPW. Of course KUHNE ELECTRONIC GMBH Scheibenacker 3 95180 Berg Germany Tel. Revised by DB6NT , this transverter features excellent technical data The DB6NT MKU 13G2B 23cm transverter kit is a marvel in miniature technology. Les résultats des mesures sont dans le document ci joint : trvt_db6nt_e (pdf 175ko) en anglais. It is also possible, as G7MRF has shown Page 11 Informationen zum 10 MHz Referenzeingang der DB6NT-Transverter Es besteht die Möglichkeit den Transverter an ein 10 MHz Frequenznormal (Referenzfrequenz) anzuschließen. (This behaves different for the DB6NT transverters, where the external 10-MHz reference is used to discipline the internal low-noise oscillator. 2c - (oct. A simple DSB-Transverter for 24GHZ utilizes a subharmonic mixer with the new low-cost microwave diodes BAT15-03W from Siemens in a SOD-323 plastic package. The TVTR is designed to be used with a (10MHz) reference source. Permalink Napsat komentář Zrušit odpověď na komentář I build my own transverter and bought it as a Kit from DB6NT. Let's try a harmonic mixer concept designed by Philipp DL2AM and Michael DB6NT. The DB6NT LO has numerous preset frequencies including the 9846 The entire transverter fits into a tinplate case measuring 60 x 150 x 30 mm. Transverter for 23cm amateur radio band. By the KUHNE ELECTRONIC GMBH Scheibenacker 3 95180 Berg Germany Tel. 24 GHz PA Chip APH328. Connected to the DDK Anglian transverter. Pour n’amplifier que le signal utile, un filtre OE9PMJ de chez DB6NT a été rajouté. Two circuit boards RO4003 for 13cm preamplifier Specifications Price & Read more "For sale" Verstärker, Leistungsverstärker, Vorverstärker, Konverter, Empfangskonverter, Sendekonverter, Transverter, Oszillatoren, Frequenzvervielfacher, Signalgeneratoren The heart of the transverter is the LO, and this cir- cuit should be constructed first. 2) offers better performance and some new functions. de. HEMT Power Amplifier CHIP RF Frequency: 24. Paul was able to transmit NBFM and crossband 144/47GHz QSOs were completed easily at approx 21 km. Deutsch. For example the 3cms Yaesu FT847 + XRef - 10 MHz-Locked Reference Oscillator + DB6NT transverter 10MHz GPS locked + microHam CW micro Keyer II . 2 9. Préparation de l'installation devant une parabole de 90 cm (08/11/05). 1 2 10 GHz et avant-propos Depuis 2008 après 5 ans de bons et loyaux services de l’ensemble 10 GHz (1W + DB6NT V1 + parabole Procom), il fut enfin temps de DB6NT JO50TI 700m ASL. Beim Anlegen eines externen 10 MHz-Signals wird automatisch auf PLL-Betrieb umgeschaltet und die Frequenzstabilität ist nun The heart of the transverter is the LO, and this cir- cuit should be constructed first. This improved the power output, frequency stability and accuracy which made operating much easier, and more fun. DB6NT. Output spectrum, 20dB attenuation external to the 8562A, 1. 2005 20 AT Produktinformation / P10ductinformation +12 V bei TX zur PA RFP60P03 10K DB6NT (9 SUP65P04 Änderungen vorbehalten. Self-resettable polyfuses prevent damages of the transverter module, especially if it is used in a portable station. net: 457,98 € 545,00 € incl. Shopping Bag Power Amplifiers; Low Noise Amplifiers; Es'hail-2; Antenna & Parabolic; 1,3 GHz Transverter Adjustable IF. Transverter/ Filter Figure 1 is a block diagram of the transverter, and Figure 2 is a photograph showing my completed transverter, in it’s weatherproof Receiving rainscatter indoors3 cm band. Have used it for 50 and 70MHz + FT847 + DB6NT transverter version 1, G4DDK LO, G8ACE oven NE32584 in a DJ9BV design (around 1dB NF) Toshiba UM2631 (50W) 4. 2d 1 Release 2c The last but not the least ! Always subject to improvement Exemplaire DL3IAE. The second: supply +3 12 V DC to the core (center conductor) of the IF cable for TX. Page 7 KIT 10 G2 KIT 10 G2 10 GHz Transverter 2015-07-08 10 GHz Transverter 2015-07-08 Sende-Empfangsumschaltung der DB6NT-Transverter: RX-TX switching of DB6NT Transverters: Um DB6NT-Mikrowellentransverter von Empfangen (RX) auf To switch a DB6NT microwave transverter from receive (RX) to Senden (TX) Welcome to my website DB6NT. Figure 1: 24GHz Transverter 10 GHz F6BVA Octobre 2017 - F5DQK Transverter 10 GHz F6BVA vers. 2 2. ANTENNE: parabole 1m grillagée + source multibandes RF-Hamdesign. 3 GHz Transverter MKU 13G2B-28 DB6NT 5. In fact, my HA1YA transverter (MET2 Pro) can be configured for up to +37dBm ! Check out the HA1YA website. The activation of the transverter module is done by pressing the slide switch on the top of the PCB. The output meter of the transverter may be used 23cm Transverter (28 MHz / 1296 MHz) - DB6NT KIT. DB6NT transverter. pdf 7_OCXOs_GPSDOs_oscillateurs Efradom Sur mon alimentation DC 0-30V et 0-10A, ayant confondu la place des boutons tension et intensité (inversée par rapport à une alimentation professionnelle), le simple fait d’envoyer presque 20V a alors QRT le transverter 6cm DB6NT. 1992 Created Date: 6/12/2010 8:04:25 PM Pásmové propusti jsem ladil na minima/maxima napětí na měřících bodech dle návodu DB6NT. ) G8UBJ Rating: 2021-04-21; Compact and easy - head for the hills! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. ) ALC indicator This indicator illuminates when the power limiter is active (too much IF drive) In order to assure a good transmit signal, IF drive power should be reduced to a point where the indicator Publikováno: HAM Štítky: 10368, 10GHz transverter build, Transverter 3cm, transverter db6nt, transvertor 10GHz, transvertor 3cm Autor: ok2haz. L'équipement utilisé pour mon premier QSO le 06/11/2005, en mobile en JN05PG (Ayen) avec F6BHI/P/19/JN05TC (Mont 502). KUHNE ELECTRONIC GMBH Scheibenacker 3 95180 Berg Germany Tel. 1 modified PA with 3 x 2-meter transverter Add a new band to your high-f requency transceiver with this hybrid circuit The easy way for the owner of a high-frequency transceiver to get on VHF SSB is with a transmitting converter, or transverter. Power Amplifiers with hybrid combiners installed. PE1RKI amplifier I have built a masthead preamp, details as follows:-. By the Safety & Security. PA: 1W Kuhne MKU PA 6MM-1W A. ” All RF relays are capable of safely handling much more RF power than they are capable of hot-switching without damage. net: 839,50 € 3CM TRANSVERTER, 10 GHz, IF 432 MHz, DB6NT, Kuhne electronic 10GHz/432MHz - EUR 537,00. It is based on article "122. 736 GHz, Bliley 10 MHZ OCXO reference. Wird eine externe 10 MHz-Quelle angeschlossen, so wird automatisch auf PLL-Betrieb umgeschaltet. Well, these 12 GHz oscillators are typically used as the LO for the 24 GHz DB6NT transverter, which is a 2X multiplier when using a 144 MHz IF radio. Very compact and easy to use. It contains some unique features, such as an LED output power meter, a temperature-controlled cooling fan for the PA unit, ALC feedback to the driving radio, a sequencer and an OCXO local DB6NT 12. BUZIOO/ IRF520 100K 1 ogF LLIOI 22 R 15 520 100K ground 100K BZX84/3V 100K input from transverter 4AT +12 Antennenrelais / antenna relay RL Figure 1 – 47 GHz DB6NT Transverter breadboard with separate horns With the CNC machinery at the makerspace, I have been able to make a number of waveguide components in WR-19 and other sizes, including the OE9PMJ filters I described 4 at Microwave Update 2018. 85 GHz, also. 6 GHz. In those days the gear was based around a 60 milliwatt output klystron, the 726A/B. pdf file) German: CW Transmitter for the mm-Wave Bands 122 -134 and 241 GHz (*. An output power of 0. 3 Watts 24 GHz EME Transverter System Recently received the G2 432-10GHz transverter. 7 GHz Transverter - DB6NT; 10 GHz to 144 MHz Transverter - DB6NT; 50 MHz Transverter - OE9PMJ; 144 MHz to 28 MHz RX Converter MOS; 144 MHz to 28 MHz RX Converter FET; VHF to 1. Feels very solid and precise, reassuringly heavy. Transverter 1st solution: I got a used "Simple 10 GHz transverter" designed by DB6NT from Rudi (OE5VRL). 2009 Introduction The new transverter-kit for 23 cm represents the current status of amateur radio in the field of microwave technology. 2 MKU24GC coaxial en FI 144 MHz Transverter optimisé 35. Revised by DB6NT, this transverter features excellent technical data The transverter has been designed for the linear transfer of the 2 m band to the narrow band amateur section of the 13 cm band (23202322 MHz); by some small modifications it may be The new transverter-kit for 23 cm represents the current status of amateur radio in the field of microwave technology. The oscillator unit covers the frequency range between 54 MHz and 6. 4 GHz til QO-100. Built-in 2 W Power Amplifier. 75 dB, gain = 29 dB. net A simple, yet still “fool-resistant,” sequencer for transverters New version with LED indicator for power output Paul Wade W1GHZ ©2002, 2003 w1ghz@arrl.
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