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An Ultimate Guide In Agile Operations

Basic Concept Of Agile Operation (AgileOps)


What is AgileOps?

AgileOps is a short abbreviation of Agile operations. A software development methodology that builds all the DevOps techniques & helps the organization with their operations quickly and flexibly.

In other terms, Agile plays a central role that helps the developer and operations and also helps to work with the whole organization, data analysts, and business leaders. Agile is a method of software development that collect all the provisions and after that build, test, and release the overall solution. A methodology that helps the organization for becoming more responsible & doing the changes by wiping out some of the work of software development in tiny parts and have to finishes this work more efficiently and quickly is called AgileOps.

Definition Of AgileOps As Per Wikipedia: Agile software development is the mindset for developing software that derives from values agreed upon by The Agile Alliance, a group of 17 software practitioners in 2001. As documented in their Manifesto for Agile Software Development the practitioners value.

Key Principle Of AgileOps

Some important principles of AgileOps are as follow:

Benefits Of AgliOps

Some key benefits of AgileOps are as under:

Less Blunders:  With the help of AgileOps, the observations become more powerful that’s why the issues and problem easily identified. Agile operations promote continuous  cooperation’s between DevOps, Operations and Business teams and making sure everyone is lineup.

Better Accountable: AgileOps helps to become more responsible to changes the environment of organization and market place.

Improved Customer Services: It helps to satisfy the customer more efficiently.

More Flexibility: It improves the work era, how to get it and promotes the better flexibility towards the work.

Stages Of AgileOps Cycle

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As you can see in the above given images, there are six stages of AgileOps Cycle (Meeting, Planning, Designing, Practice, Testing and last one is Evaluate). Now you can go a deeper insights of each stages as described below:

♦ Meet

The first stage of the Agile cycle is meeting. Here, all the stakeholders meet together to solve the problem of what they are facing. It is most commonly a democratic process. Some people called this meetup is as “Kickoff Meeting” The purpose of this first stage is : Every stakeholder has their perspective,  so we get to have so much information and solution to the problem. This first stage is very important for fixing the basic work for the rest entire life cycle of Agile and make certain that all the team members are put in a order and get ready for the latest project.

♦ Planning

The second stage is planning, Now from the first stage we have the solution in our hand of the problems that we are facing. In this stage, we have to plan what work to prioritize. The main intention of this stages is to explain the goals, find out the importance and getting ready to the entire team for an productive implementation.  This stage is also very important for handling resources, organizing the teams efforts, reducing the risks and eventually contributing to the success of AgileOps life cycle.

♦ Designing

In third stage creates little more reflexive sense in the context of technical project. After completing this designing stage, we come in a phase of performance. This third phase is also important where all the specific plans and structures are manufacture to address the goals and requirements find  out in the earlier stages. The main goal of the designing stages is to translate the find out requirement and objectives into detailed plans and blueprints. This stages is basically for creating a robust and successful blueprint that lead the growth and performance of the solution.

♦ Practice

After completing these three stage it’s time to practice what you have learn. This stages is all about complete the techniques and practices that have been created in the stating stages such as Plan, Develop and Test. In the other ways you can say its is an dynamic phase that consists of feedback collection, continuous monitoring to assure that the carry out practices deliver the wanted profit and hand out to the overall goals of AgileOps.

♦ Testing

When you have completed the phase of practice, it’s time to do testing,  that means whatever we are thinking of it should be work like that. In the other world we can say, the real word should like same as in real world. The fifth and important stage of AgileOps is testing and it make sure that the quality, reliability and performance  of the product s being expand and sustain. AgileOps assure that the system is secure, robust and perform well under several conditions.

♦ Evaluate.

This is the last stage of AgileOps cycle that concentrate on evaluating the outcomes of previous activities to assure that the ongoing improvement and layout with the customers requires the business target. This stage is also important for sustaining the agility and effectiveness of the AgileOps cycle.

 Difference Between AgileOps & DevOps.

S.No. AgileOps DevOps
01. John Kern & Martin Fowler invented it in 2001. John Allspaw and Paul Hammond at Flickr, and the Phoenix Project by Gene Kim invented DevOps in year 2007.
02. A methodology for creating software DevOps is not related for creating any software
03. Some tools used for AgileOps: JIRA, Kanboard etc. Some tools used for DevOps : AWS, Chef, Puppet etc.
04. Agile is not related to automation. DevOps relates to automation.
05. A large number of team is not essential. It requires a different team members.

 Similarities Between DevOps & AgileOps 

Agile and DevOps both have some similar factors which as discussed below:

♠ Both give to benefit the productivity of an Organizations : Agile and DevOps both emphasize company productivity. Agile pushes DevOps for the fastest work and DevOps Pushes Agile to be intensive.

♠ Accepting the narrow Philosophies: In a comprehensive amount, both DevOps and Agile executed the narrow Philosophies.

♠ Collaboration Procedure: Both Agile and DevOps are delivered end to end and bring in collaboration with each other to make the process of tools and data easy and effective.


Agile plays a central role that helps the developer and operations and also helps to work with the whole organization, data analysts, and business leaders. Agile is a method of software development that collect all the provisions and after that build, test, and release the overall solution. There are six stages of AgileOps Cycle (Meeting, Planning, Designing, Practice, Testing and last one is Evaluate).



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