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A Complete Guide on Technical Debt

What is Technical Debt?

If you’ve been in the software industry for any period of time, chances are you’ve definitely heard the term “Technical debt”

In software development, the concept of Technical debt plays an important role. Here, the team makes trade-offs during the development process to handle any type of issues and difficulties that may arise in the future. Technical debt is also known as code debt, tech debt, or in some cases, design debt in software companies. It comes into play when there is unfinished work or when a project faces significant complications, and technical debt helps in completing such projects. You can recognize technical debt in the domain of software development when developers are juggling multiple tasks to create a system and write code.

Technical Debt(TD aka Code debt), is a broad concept that includes many of the decisions made and shortcuts taken during the software development cycle.Negative outcomes caused by technical debt typically take the form of badly designed code, deterioration of productivity, additional unplanned costs, delivery delays, and degradation in the quality of the product.

As per definition on Wikipedia:

In software development, or any other IT field (e.g., Infrastructure, Networking, etc.) Technical debt (also known as design debt or code debt) is the implied cost of future reworking required when choosing an easy but limited solution instead of a better approach that could take more time

Usually, technical debt arises when developers are making various compromises to meet targets or deadlines. It becomes more pronounced as software becomes more complex.

What Causes Technical Debt?

Technical debt can arise in Software development, and it’s a common problem that software engineers face in today’s world. There are several contributing factors, including:

Types of Technical Debt

There are three types of Technical debt: Planned, Unintentional, and Unavoidable.

A strategic decision that is prepared by a team that is software development organization to organized the fastest delivery of a product over addressing the technical problem. It consist the agreement in the development process with the intention of revisiting and convey it later. One of the best example of Planned technical debt is a organization of CRM development that company has to launch a product in the market in a short period of time. The plan consist a timeline for communicate the technical debt. The team execute to refactoring, revisiting the code or building very important improvement while they have extra time and resources.

Unintentional technical debt is also known as technical debt. It occurs rarely when the developer’s not able to understand the requirements or to build it just to fulfill the market need. If the management is not done properly then it causes debt. Unintentional Technical Debt assemble slowly and goes unnoticed until it starts causing the problem. It also consist the introduction of unnecessary problem in the codebase, that is difficult to handle or that reached the pipelines.

In the technical debt, there are many problems that arises due to circumstances that are beyond the control of the development team or are inherent to the software development process. Unavoidable technical debt happens from the dependencies on third party libraries, services that have the limitations, bugs, or security vulnerabilities.

Managing Technical Debt in Software Development


There are several ways to manage technical debt in software development:

  1. Documentation & Identification: document the technical debt, including the reasons for its occurrence and its impact on the project. Regularly review code to identify areas with code smells, complexity, or other signs of technical debt.
  2. Planning & Scheduling: create a technical debt backlog with priorities, descriptions, and effort estimates for resolution. Allocate time and resources in each development sprint to address technical debt alongside new features and bug fixes.
  3. Monitoring and Tracking: establish a dashboard or reporting system to provide visibility into the status of technical debt remediation efforts.
  4. Embracing Good Engineering Practices: we all know that prevention is better than cure, and same applies to technical debt as well.Another way to manage the accumulation of technical debt over time is to follow and implement best SDLC practices throughout he SLDC cycle. This includes following the coding standards, software principles for designing, testing best practises, and good documentation. In addition to this, Devops principles and toools like CI/CD, deployment, code reviews, refactoring, and automated testing can help in early detection and rectification of technical debt.
  5. Start doing Hot fixes: any code change or update in the system which causes an issue with Severity level 5 can be immediately fixed with what we call as Hotfix. It’s basically a temporary patch, which is mostly already technical debt by itself. The Hotfix is mostly temporary and immediate solution that gives the team some breathing space to investigate the long-term permanent solution for the issue without disrupting the experience for the user any longer.


Final Conclusion

Technical debt often arises from inadequate and insufficient planning and testing. This article has provided insights into technical debt, its causes, types, and management strategies. When using it within your organization, keep these considerations in mind to minimize costs and ensure smoother software development processes.

However Technical Debt is not always bad, especially if it boosts the chances of a faster and more successful outcome. It’s considered okay if you have the resources to pay it back and give you the competitive edge. Also keep in mind that managing technical debt is a daunting task requiring a nuanced understanding of technology and business goals, effective communication with stakeholders, and a continual learning and improvement culture. By following the ways and best practices shared in this post, technical leaders can successfully navigate stakeholder conflicts, manage technical debt, and foster a culture of technical excellence.

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