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15 Best Libraries and Packages JavaScript

JavaScript is designed by Brendan Eich and Netscape and was first released on  4 December 1995 which is stable and released by ECMAScript in 2020.  A programming language that is used for many things like web development, application, web applications, web browsers etc. With the comparison of another language as common as HTML and CSS, JavaScript has more characteristics on web pages. For connecting with a user JavaScript provides some elements that interactive web pages. On Amazon, we use JavaScript that contains a search box.  It’s a scripting language that helps functional programming styles and a useful programming language for a web page. You can easily play audio music and a video and have an appearance of animation as well. In this language, a programmer can find all calculations related to math’s and permits you to add HTML data to the DOM.

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It manages prototypes that emulate the most important characteristic. For functioning with data structure, text, (DOM) Document Object Model JavaScript has an important application that is (APIs) application programming interfaces. It is very popular in some theaters such as Titanium, Apache, Phone Gap, NativeScript etc.

Now let’s discuss 15 best libraries which is as follow :

  1. jQuery

A developer has not to be concerned about it, jQuery regulates the browser compatibility problems. Some famous IT companies are using jQuery such as Netflix, Google and Microsoft. It is simple to use and easy to learn and the syntax of jQuery is quite similar to CSS syntax. It concentrates on conducting particular tasks and it’s easy for jQuery to make this task very fast. It also has an excess amount of installed base with project contributors and social support. jQuery does not develop a complete application, it needs help from other products for completing the application.

2. Google Polymer

As the name suggests it is formulated by none other than Google. Polymer permits developers to utilise the HTML elements again and by using CSS, HTML and JS to build custom elements. Polymer is a library of JavaScript. If you want to create your custom element. You have to know about npm, Bower, Git, node.js and  Polymer CLI if you want to use and install Polymer.

3. D3.js

It consists of 3 D and that particular D means Data-Driven Documents that means the data which is received and the documents are utilized, is dependent on it. It helps active behavior for interactions and animation. For debug, this D3 code is easy to debug and it uses the browsers. The library of D3 consists of the data and one of the Important benefits of this library is in terms of data, it is flexible and regulates the content.

4. Angular

It is formulated by Google for mobile web applications and desktop web applications and it is an individual web development framework.  Speed and performance are the two important goals for utilizing this tool Angular.

5. Anime.js

It is one of the important animated libraries which is very easy and simple to use. It operates with DOM attributes, SVG, JavaScript Objects and CSS properties and is simply incorporated into the applications. Here the timing is very important and with taking the timing priority you can establish several properties of CSS on a similar element with several timing and as per the transforms the element moves as well.

6. Moment.js

It is difficult to work concerning time and date as well as regional languages, API calls, different time zones etc. While working on Moment.js is easy because it solves all these problems such as validating, formatting dates or times, and manipulating.

7. Hammer.js

It is also a well-known JavaScript library and it can understand the indications earned by mouse and pointer events, mouse, touch. It is a simple, easy and lightweight library of JavaScript.

8. Masonry

A JavaScript library is utilized for several projects. You can indicate your project in several lights by utilising the library and you can utilize it with morals, cards, images etc. It carries the simple grid elements and spots them based on the usable vertical space.

9. Slick

This is also one of the important libraries of JavaScript with the useful benefit of saving time. You can expand many characteristics to your carousel with written limited lines of code.

10. Velocity.js

It’s an open-source web animated engine and free software. It is formulated for taking the views from the client side of website animation. This is published in the year 2018, on 31st July.

11. Vue.js

It’s an open-source framework of JavaScript. The main and important characteristic of Vue.js is templates, data binding in two ways, transitions, components and the last and unique feature is the reactivity system. The main focus to create Vue.js is it can easily be applied by anyone who knows CSS, JavaScript and HTML.

12. Parsley

Much more time is needed to fulfil the form in front end validations on websites. Parsley helps to save the time for fulfilling the form. It modifies the validations and detects changes to the form data. It is an open-source and completely free JS library. Further techniques of form validation were also provided.

13. QUnit

It can test any generic JavaScript code and it is like a unit testing tool. For any web project, Qunit becomes very important for JavaScript. This tool is very important and very simple to use. It gives all information that consists of full knowledge on unit testing.

14. Backbone.js

Backbone.js is a JavaScript library that delivers a structure to web applications and is based on the view model. It also provides the custom events collection with a rich API with all functions.

15. Meteor JS

It is developed for formulating mobile applications and the modern web. For building an application that is connected with the client, a build tool consists of an important set of technologies. It is also beneficial for the app development of mobile, desktop and web.

Conclusion : Here we conclude 15 best Libraries and JavaScript language. A programming language that is used for many things like web development, application, web applications, web browsers etc. With the comparison of another language as common as HTML and CSS, JavaScript has more characteristics on web pages.

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